Doctors Day Wishes from Children
Students from Times International School, Hassan visited the institute on 2nd July 2019 to wish the doctors of the Hospital.....
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Doctor’s Day Celebration
Doctor’s Day program was organized on 1st July 2019 in the institution. Dr. Krishnamurthy V R, District Surgeon&Medical Superintendent.....
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International Yoga Day celebration
International Yoga Day was organized on 21st June 2019 in College campus where all staff and students participated with enthusiasm.....
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Guest lectureon applied aspects of child psychology
A guest lecture on “Applied aspects of child psychology” was conductedon 8th June 2019 in the college by Dept.....
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The running around of children in the campus, movement of parents in huge number towards the hospital is a sign that it is the day of administration of.....
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Out Campus Training Program
An outcampus training program to Halubagilu, Hassan Dist. was conducted by Dept. of Dravyaguna for II year.....
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