International Scientific Practical Conference
An International Scientific Practical Conference on “Integration of Pharmacopoeial standards and requirements in International research on Medicinal plants and Herbal drugs” organised by I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University of the Ministry of Health Russian Federation (Sechenov University) and our institute was held on 27th April 2023.
Eminent speakers deliberated on varied topics; Dr. Prasanna N Rao, Principal of the institute delivered on the topic “Swarnaprashana- Unique contribution of Ayurveda”, Dr. AshwiniGodbole, Asso Prof, Dept. of Ayurveda Biology, TDU, Bengaluru spoke on “Understanding Science behind Medhyarasayana”, Prof.(Vd.) RabinarayanAcharya, Director General, CCRAS, New Delhi spoke on “Quality control, standard operating procedure and GMP considerations for Ayurveda, Siddha, Unani (ASU) drugs”, DrMitaKotecha, Pro VC and Dean, NIA, Jaipur highlighted on “Drug collection techniques according to Ayurveda and its scientific explanation”, DrTanujaNesari, Director, AIIA, New Delhi deliberated on “Quality control of Raw material-classical to conventional”, DrAditi Gandhi, BAMS, MD (Ayu – Dravyaguna), SDMCA&H, Hassan, Gold Medalist RGUHSspoke on “Ayurveda Pharmacopoeia of India (API) – A key to Quality Control and Standardization of Ayurveda drugs”, Dr. HrishikeshDamle, CEO and Medical Director, Atrimed Pharmaceuticals, Bengaluru spoke on “Manufacturing of herbal drugs in India”, Dr Anil Kumar Singh, Professor, Department of Pharmacology, Faculty of Ayurveda, IMS, BHU delivered on “Safety and efficacy pharmacological studies of medicinal plants and herbal preparations in India”.