Procedure for Inpatient Admission
SDM Hospital is an ideal blend of service and knowledge, Supported by trained medical and paramedical Staff to provide round the clock services in the hospital
The client will require an ‘Admit Instruction Slip’ from a doctor of SDM Hospital to register for admission. A minimum amount will be collected as a deposit during admission based on the ward category, which will be adjusted during discharge. The ward categories are as follows
General wards (Caraka)
Semi-special rooms (Dhanvanthari)
Special rooms (Manjushri)

Room Amenities at SDM
Various categories of rooms, ranging from the Economic ward to the deluxe rooms are available. Client has to place request with the admission assistant at reception. All efforts will be made to provide the room of client’s preference. In case of non-availability of requested category, an alternate room will be allotted and client will be shifted to the room of their choice as and when it becomes available.
Note: Management reserves right to change rates without prior information Clients are advised not to keep cash and valuables with them. Please deposit cash with BILLING SECTION and obtain a receipt for it. Administration does not hold responsibility for loss of cash or valuables.
Clients are permitted to bring food from outside or hospital canteen. However, if the Doctor advices condition specific diet then food will be supplied from the Pathyahara (Diet section).
Visiting Hours
Patient attendants are permitted to enter the hospital only with a pass, irrespective of visiting hours.
12.30 pm to 02.00 pm
06.00 pm to 08.00 pm .
A client can be discharged from the hospital on the advice of the consultant. After the discharge intimation is sent by the ward sister, the Billing Section would take atleast an hour to secure clearance from all the departments. The billing assistant/Nurse will inform you when the bill is ready. The bill may be settled by Cash / DD. CHEQUES WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED.
Pay only at the Billing Counter.
Please insist on receipt for any payment made towards treatment in the hospital.
Discharge procedure will be complete by 11 A.M and check-out time is 12 P.M.
Before departure, the ward sister will hand over the prescription and explain to the client about the treatment to be continued at home
Please do not give tips to the staff. If any staff solicits payment kindly bring it to the notice of the administration.
We, at SDM Hospital, strive to provide the best in patient care. Please contact hospital Office if client face any problems.
Clients’s suggestions are always considered and many times have proved useful. We value client’s opinion. We would appreciate client’s feedback on the services by filling in the patient evaluation form which could kindly be dropped in the suggestion or complain box available at different locations at the floor.