The department deals with the subject that helps the students to know the fundamentals of a disease in terms of the cause of the disease, clinical features and pathogenesis and the means to examine the diseased individuals and essential laboratory investigations in order to diagnose the disease.

Diagnosis a key for management of health
- Prepare the graduates and specialists to cater to diagnose the disease with the help of fundamentals
- Training the scholars to teach Ayurveda pathology in academia
- Exploring the unexplored areas of research in Ayurveda pathology
- To promote research practices in order to set protocols to diagnose the disease with the aid of fundamentals
Sl. No. | Name Of The Investigator | Guide | Co-Guide | Title Of Research | Date Of Commencement Of Research | Date Of Completion Of Research |
1 | Dr. Dharmaveer Kuri | Dr. Nishakumari | Study on ethiopathogenesis of kaphaja kasa and its diagnostic approach w.s.r. to chronic bhronchitis | 2012 | 2014 | |
2 | Dr. Devi. S. nair | Dr. Nisha Kumari | A clinical study to evaluate avilata in urine with special reference to madhumeha | 2012 | 2014 | |
3 | Dr. Rashmi B.V | Dr. Ajantha | A study on the role of viruddha ahara in the etiology of shvitra | 2012 | 2014 | |
4 | Dr. Nandesh Mohan | Dr. Gopikrishna | Study on variation in erythrocyte sedimentation rate in amavata by amapachana with panchakola and agni lepa chikitsa | 2012 | 2014 | |
5 | Dr. Kassim P.A | Dr. Gopikrishna | A clinical study to evaluate Asthikshaya lakshana in osteoporosis patients | 2012 | 2014 | |
6 | Dr. Vishnav C | Dr. Ajantha | A study on the analysis of the etiological factors of vataja and vatakaphaja gridhrasi | 2012 | 2014 | |
7 | Dr. Nagananda K | Dr. Gopikrishna.S | Etiopathological and diagnostic study of Amlapitta with special reference to gastroesophageal reflux disease | 2013 | 2015 | |
8 | Dr. Anu Uthara Pious | Dr.Nishakumari | A clinical study to evaluate the variation in uric acid levels with special reference to uttana and gambeera vatarakta | 2013 | 2015 | |
9 | Dr. Sajini T.S | Dr.Gopikrishna.S | A study on ethiopathogenesis of vicharchika | 2013 | 2015 | |
10 | Dr. Mohammed Nazir | Dr.Ajantha | A clinical study on taila bindu pareeksha in madhumeha | 2013 | 2015 | |
11 | Dr. Durgalakshmi S | Dr.Ajantha | A clinical study on etiopathogenesis of sheethapitta,udarda,and kota with special refernce to urticaria | 2013 | 2015 | |
12 | Dr. Midhu Parvathy | Dr.Nishakumari | An observational study to evaluate the etiological factors of tamaka swasa w.s.r to Bronchial asthma | 2013 | 2015 | |
13 | Dr. Nithin krishnan R | Dr.Gopikrishna | Dr.Shashirekha | Sookshma krimi adhyayana in nasal floa with special reference to prathishayaya | 2014 | 2016 |
14 | Dr. Siddama | Dr.Gopikrishna | Krimi pareeksha in shleshmaja yoni vyapath and role of panchavalkala kwatha douche as upashaya | 2014 | 2016 | |
15 | Dr.Saranya P R | Dr.Nisha kumari | Mala pareeksha in atisara and upashayathmaka guna of jeeraka in vataja atisara | 2014 | 2016 | |
16 | Dr. Malakiya Chintankumar | Dr. Ajantha | Pus culture and sensitivity of Staphylococus aureus with nimbapatrain dusta vrana | 2014 | 2016 | |
17 | Dr. Ajith | Dr. Ajantha | Dr.Shashirekha | In vitro study of gokshura and varuna against escherichia coli byburine culture and sensitivity wsr to pittaja mutrakrichra | 2014 | 2016 |
18 | Dr. Sunil y. Badiger | Dr. Nisha kumari | An observational study to evaluate the apatarpanaja etiological factors and radiological changes in janu sandhigata vata with special reference to O.A | 2014 | 2016 | |
19 | Dr. Anoma Geethani | Dr. Ajantha | Dr.Shashirekha | In vivo and in vitro evaluation of upasayathmaka effect of chakramarda in dadru kushta | 2015 | 2017 |
20 | Dr. Chethana Kumari D S | Dr. Ajantha | An observational study to evaluate dosha prakopa nidana in apabahuka | 2015 | 2017 | |
21 | Dr. Rashmi B.M. | Dr. Nisha Kumari | Upashayatmaka adhyayana of murchita tila taila abhyanga or shunti churna udvarthana in katishula | 2015 | 2017 | |
22 | Dr. Athulya | Dr. Ajantha | Development of diagnostic protocol for differentiting shakhashrita kamala and koshta shakhashrita kamala | 2016 | 2018 | |
23 | Dr. Sharada Sphoorthi Y | Dr. Gopikrishna S | Changes in haematolodical values before and after virechana karma in tamaka shwasa | 2016 | 2018 | |
24 | Dr.Vinay Kumar H S | Dr. Gopikrishna S | A survey study to evaluate arterial doppler finding in vatarakta with special reference to TAO | 2016 | 2018 | |
25 | Dr. Arun Raj | Dr. Ajantha | Evaluation of dosha vaishamyain male infertility with special reference to semen analysis | 2016 | 2018 | |
26 | Dr. Sangita Maharjan | Dr. Ajantha | Evaluation of dosha vaishamyain madhu meha by nadi pareeksha | 2016 | 2018 | |
27 | Dr. Anuradha B | Dr. Ajantha | An obseervational study on jihwa pareeksha to assess saama and nirama avastha in amlapitta | 2017 | 2019 | |
28 | Dr. Vishnu C P | Dr. Gopikrishna S | Dr.Shashirekha | In vitro study of vasa and kantakari against staphylococcus aureus by sputum culture and sensitivity in kaphaja kasa | 2017 | 2019 |
29 | Dr. Rijin Mohan M | Dr. Gopikrishna S | A studybto evaluate the etiological factors of vataja pandu | 2017 | 2019 | |
30 | Dr. Anandu V | Dr. Gopikrishna S | Evaluation of role of pakwashayagata vata in the pathogenesis of katishoola | 2017 | 2019 | |
31 | Dr. Geetha Nayak | Dr.Ajantha | Dr.Shashirekha | In vitro study of Endophytic bacteria present in tulasi leaf against escherischia coli by nasal swab culture in kaphaja pratishyaya | 2017 | 2019 |
32 | Dr.Anand S | Dr. Ajantha | Dr.Shashirekha | In vitro study of Gokshura and Guduchi against klebsiella pneumonia by urine culture and sensitivity in pittaja mutrakrichra | 2017 | 2019 |
33 | Dr. V.S.S.N.Sarvabhouma | Dr. Gopikrishna S | Dr. Nandesh mohan | An observational study to evaluate the role of sleshmala ahara and vihara in manifestation of tamaka swasa | 2018 | 2020 |
34 | Dr. Monika gupta | Dr. Gopikrishna S | Dr. Rashmi Pujar | An observational study on electrocardiogram changes in vataja hridroga | 2018 | 2020 |
35 | Dr. Saranya K | Dr. Ajantha | Development of diagnostic protocol for ekakushta and kitibha with special reference to psoriasis | 2018 | 2020 | |
36 | Dr. Mehejabeen Karigar | Dr. Ajantha | Dr. Gayatri Bhat N.V | An observational study to evaluate dosha prakopa nidana in polycystic ovarian syndrome | 2018 | 2020 |
37 | Dr. Jayaram krishna M | Dr. Gopikrishna S | Dr. Nandesh Mohan | An observational study to evaluate the dosha prakopa nidana of mukhadushika | 2018 | 2020 |
38 | Dr. Jasmine John | Dr. Ajantha | Dr. Shashirekha | Pus culture and sensitivity of staphylococcus aureus from dushta vrana against jati patra | 2018 | 2020 |
39 | Dr. Amrutha Kulkarni | Dr. Ajantha | An observational study on Prakrutitaha rogi pareeksha in madhumeha | 2019 | 2021 | |
40 | Dr. Anjali Sanjeev | Dr. Gopikrishna S | A case control study to evaluate the role of Dadhi sevana in kaphaja kasa | 2019 | 2021 | |
41 | Dr.Vani Nayak | Dr. Gopikrishna S | An observational study to evaluate Dosha prakopa nidana in vyanga | 2020 | 2022 | |
42 | Dr. Aishwarya. E K | Dr. Ajantha | Dr. Shashirekha | In vitro study of Tamala patra against Escherichia coli by urine culture and sensitivity in pittaja mutrakrichra | 2020 | 2022 |
43 | Dr. Parvathy Sreekumar | Dr. Ajantha | Sara pareeksha in pandu rogi- an observational study | 2020 | 2022 | |
44 | Dr. Laxmi Anantrao Koppar | Dr. Nandesh Mohan | An observational study to evaluate Rakta dushthi karana in essential hypertension | 2020 | 2022 | |
45 | Dr. Akshaya G | Dr. Ajantha | Dr. Gayatri Bhat N.V | A case control study to evaluate Dosha prakopa nidana in Polycystic ovarian syndrome | 2020 | 2022 |
46 | Dr. Radhika Rani | Dr. Gopikrishna S | Dr. Shashirekha | An in vitro study of Tambula patra against Staphylococcus aureus by sputum culture and sensitivity in kaphaja kasa | 2020 | 2022 |
Research Projects completed
Sl. No. | Investigator | Title | Funding agency |
1 | Dr. Nisha Kumari Associate Professor Dept. of Roganidan & Vikruti Vigyana |
Antimicrobial action of Dhupana (Fumigation with Herbs) with respect to air borne microbes in indoor environment of central hospital | Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Bengaluru |
2 | Dr. Nandesh Mohan Assistant Professor Dept. of Roganidan & Vikruthi Vijyana |
Molecular Detection of Multidrug Resistance Bacterial (Mdrb) isolates from Humans and Efficacy of Herbo-Mineral Preparations on MDRB | Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Bengaluru |
3 | Dr. Ajantha Dr. Nandish Mohan Mrs. Shashirkha |
Scar Marker Development For Β -Lactamases Resistant Klebsiella Pneumonia Isolated From Urinary Tract Infection(UTI) and Efficacy Of Varunaand Gokshura Against Resistant Isolate | RGUHS Bengaluru |
Ongoing Research Projects
Sl. No. | Investigator | Title | Funding agency | Year |
2 | Dr. Gopikrishna S Dr. Nandish Mohan Mrs. Shashirkha |
Molecular identification and characterization of endophytic bacteria isolated from Plectrantusambonicus (Parnayavani) and application of secondary metabolites extracted from it. | RGUHS Bengaluru | 2018 |
- Nisha Kumari, Shetty Gautam, Chaturvedi Ashutosh. Management of dushta prathishyaya: A success story. J Biol Sci Opin 2013; 1(2): 88-90. ISSN (E): 2321– 6328
- Nisha Kumari, Shetty Gautam, Chaturvedi Ashutosh. Psidium Guajava A Fruit or Medicine – An Overview.The Pharma Innovation – Journal 2013; 2(8): 49-53.(2277- 7695)
- Deva Sachin, Deva Divya S, Chaturvedi Ashutosh Critical Analysis of Prameha Upadravas (Diabetes Complications): An Overview.International Journal of Herbal Medicine 2013; 1(5): 01-04 (ISSN 2321-2187)
- Nandesh Mohan P, Nisha kumara. Critical analysis pf pathophysiology of neoplasm w r t Arbuda. Aryavaidyan Nov 13- Jan 14; 27(2)
- Devi S Nair, Nisha Kumari . Tailabindhu Mutra Pareeksha Journal Of Biological & Scientific Opinion 2014 (2321-6328) 2(1) 38-41
- Nithin Krishnan R, Sachin Deva, Lakshmiprasad L. Jadhav. Unkinking The Concept Of Leena Dosha. International Ayurvedic Medical Journal Sep- Oct 14; 2(4): 823-6(2320 5091)
- Nithin Krishnan R, Nandesh Mohan, Ajith Anandan. Amavata samprapti with special reference to Rheumatoid Arthritis. Int Ayur Med J June 2015;3(6): 1746-52(ISSN- 2320 5091)
- Pious Uthara Anu, Kumari Nisha, T S Sajini, Durgalakshmi. Critical analysis of Arista vijnana. International Journal Of Ayurveda And Pharma Research May June 15; 6(3): 399-403(ISSN 2322 – 0910)
- S Durgalakshmi, Pious Uthara Anu, Ajantha. An overview on nidana panchaka of atisara (diarrhea). Int Ayur Med J August 2015; 3(8):2419-25 (ISSN- 2320 5091)
- T S Sajini, Midhu Parvathy, Anu Uthara Pious, Nisha Kumari. Critical review on shukra and shukravaha srotho moola.Int Ayur Med J August 2015; 3(8):2426-50(ISSN- 2320 5091)
- S.Durgalakshmi, Ajantha. A conceptual review on Sheeta Pitta ,Udarda and Kota. Punarnav JULY :AUG 15; 3(2): 1-4(ISSN: 2348 1846)
- Midhu Parvathy.B, Sreelakshmi.B , Sajini.T.S , Nisha Kumari. A critical appraisal of moolasthanas of Udakavaha Srothas. Punarnav JULY :AUG 15; 3(2): 1-4 (ISSN: 2348 1846)
- Mohamed Nazir K K, Ajantha. Standardization of Taila bindu pareeksha. Int Ayur Med J September 2015; 3(9): 2621-9(ISSN- 2320 5091)
Health magazines
- Dr.Nithin Krishnan R, Dr.Nandesh Mohan, Dr.Ajith Anandan. Amavata Samprapti with Special Reference to Rheumatoid Arthritis. Ayurveda and All June 2015; 7-13(0973-9831)
- Nithin Krishnan R, Nandesh Mohan. Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis and Ayurveda. Ayurveda and All Sep 2015: 12-19(0973-9831)
- P R Saranya, Kumari Nisha. Critical analysis on Tilapishtanibham yastu. Int Journal of Res Ayur and Pharma Jan- Feb 16; 7(Suppl 1): 76-9(2229-3566)
- Sunil .Y. Badiger , Nisha kumari. An observational study to evaluate the Apatarpanaja etiological factors and radiological changes in Janu sandhigatavata with special reference to Osteoarthritis. IAMJ Aug 2016; 4(8):2499- 2506(ISSN:2320 5091)
- B M Rashmi, Kumari Nisha. A critical analysis of sleshma pareeksha with special reference to sputum test: A review. Int. J. Res. Ayurveda Pharm. Sep – Oct 2016;7(5):8-11(ISSN (online) 2229-3566
- Nisha Kumari, Shashirekha. Antimicrobial action of dhupana (fumigation with herbs) with respect to air borne microbes in indoor environment of central hospital. Int. J. Res. Ayurveda Pharm. Sep – Oct 2016;7(5):48-55(ISSN (online) 2229-3566
- R. Nithin Krishnan, S. Gopi Krishna. Pratishyaya samprapti – A new outlook. IAMJ Sep 2016; 4(9): 2832- 9(ISSN:2320 5091)
- Dr. R. Nithin Krishnan, Dr. S. Gopi Krishna. Intervertebral Disc pathology and Ayurveda. Int Ayu Med J2016;4(10): 3036-3045 (2320-5091)
- Dr. R. Nithin Krishnan , Dr. S. Gopi Krishna , Smt. K. Shashirekha. Study on bacterial flora in Rhinitis with special reference to Pratishyaya Int Ayu Med J Sep 2016;4(9): 2732-8 (2320-5091)
- R. Nithin Krishnan, Sachin Deva, Nagaraj. S. Understanding Asrk Mamsam Dagdwa in Pathogenesis of Koshtashakasrita Kamala. Ayurveda and All. March 2016:16-18 (0973-9831)
- Divya Deva Bhat, Prasanna Aithal, Praveen B.S, Vikram Kumar, Sachin Deva. A clinical study on Jatamayadi upanaha sweda in Janu sandhigatavata (Osteoarthritis of knee joint). Jof Ayurveda and Hol Med 2015; 3(6):10-18(2321-1563)
- Krishnan R. Nithin, Deva Sachin, S. Nagaraj. Discerning Sleepada samprapti with special reference to Elephantiasis. Int Ayurvedic Medical Journal 2016; 4(2): 165-9(ISSN- 2320 5091)
- Deva Sachin. Impact of Grahani roga (Malabsorption syndrome/IBS) on Manas . IAMJ Sep 2016; 4(9): 2898- 900(ISSN:2320 5091)
- Krishnan R. Nithin, Deva Sachin, S. Nagaraj. Discerning Sleepada samprapti with special reference to Elephantiasis. IAMJ Sep 2016; 4(9):166-9(ISSN:2320 5091)
- Ajith. A ,Ajantha, Shashirekha.K.S . In vitro study of Gokshura and Varuna against Escherichia coli by urine culture and sensitivity wsr to Pittaja mutrakrichra (urinary tract infection). IAMJ July 2016;4(7): 1130-4(ISSN:2320 5091)
- Malakiya Chintankumar.G, Ajantha , Shashirekha.K.S. Nimba patra (Azardirachta indicaA.Juss) alcoholic extraction and phytochemical analysis- A review. IAMJ Sep 2016; 4(9): 2872- 7(ISSN:2320 5091)
- Ajith. A, Ajantha, Shashirekha.K.S. Soxhlet alcoholic extraction of Varuna (Crataeva nurvala) and its phytochemical analysis. IAMJ Sep 2016; 4(9): 2728- 2732(ISSN:2320 5091)
- Malakiya Chintankumar.G, Ajantha, MShashirekha.K.S. Pus culture and sensitivity of Staphylococcus aureus with Nimba Patra (Azadirachta indica A.Juss) in Dushta Vrana (non haling diabetic ulcer) J Ayu Herb Med 2016;2(5):178-181.
- Rashmi B V, Ajantha. A study on the role of Viruddha Ahara in the etiology of Shvitra. Int Ayu Med J 2016;4(12): 3561-7.(ISSN:2320 5091)
- Ajith. A ,Ajantha, Shashirekha.K.S . In vitro study of Gokshura and Varuna against Escherichia coli by urine culture and sensitivity wsr to Pittaja mutrakrichra (urinary tract infection). IAMJ July 2016;4(7): 1130-4(ISSN:2320 5091)
- Malakiya Chintankumar.G, Ajantha , Shashirekha.K.S. Nimba patra (Azardirachta indicaA.Juss) alcoholic extraction and phytochemical analysis- A review. IAMJ Sep 2016; 4(9): 2872- 7(ISSN:2320 5091)
- Ajith. A, Ajantha, Shashirekha.K.S. Soxhlet alcoholic extraction of Varuna (Crataeva nurvala) and its phytochemical analysis. IAMJ Sep 2016; 4(9): 2728- 2732(ISSN:2320 5091)
- Nisha Kumari, Shashirekha. Antimicrobial action of dhupana (fumigation with herbs) with respect to air borne microbes in indoor environment of central hospital. Int. J. Res. Ayurveda Pharm. Sep – Oct 2016;7(5):48-55(ISSN (online) 2229-3566
- Dr. R. Nithin Krishnan , Dr. S. Gopi Krishna , Smt. K. Shashirekha. Study on bacterial flora in Rhinitis with special reference to Pratishyaya Int Ayu Med J Sep 2016;4(9): 2732-8 (2320-5091)
- Malakiya Chintankumar.G, Ajantha, MShashirekha.K.S. Pus culture and sensitivity of Staphylococcus aureus with Nimba Patra (Azadirachta indica A.Juss) in Dushta Vrana (non healing diabetic ulcer) J Ayu Herb Med 2016;2(5):178-181.
- R. Nithin Krishnan, Nandesh Mohan. Concept of Vyadhikshamatva with special reference to Immune tolerance and Auto-Immunity. J Ayurveda Integr Med Sci 2016;1(1):68-72.(ISSN- Applied)
- S Durgalakshmi, Ajantha. A Clinical Study On Etiopathogenisis Of Sheetapitta, Udarda And Kota With Special Reference To Urticaria. . Int Ayu Med J Jan 2017; 5(1): 129-136(ISSN:2320 5091)
- Chethana Kumari DS, Ajantha, Anoma Geethani Samarawickrama. A Review on Mutra Pareeksha in Ayurveda. J Ayurveda Integr Med Sci 2017; 1:139-143.( ISSN: 2456-3110)
- Anoma Geethani Samarawickrama et al. Chakramarda taila preparation and physico-chemical evaluation. Int. J. Res. Ayurveda Pharm 2017; 8(2):37-39 2277-4343.08259(ISSN- 2229-3566)
- B M Rashmi & Kumari Nisha. Krimighna (anti-bacterial) effect of dhupana (herbal fumigation) in laboratory setup. Int. J. Res. Ayurveda Pharm 2017; 8(2):46-50 2277-4343.08261(ISSN- 2229-3566)
- Chethana Kumari D S Et Al: Review on Kapha Prakopaka Nidana. International Ayurvedic Medical Journal June 2017; 5(6): 2106-15(ISSN: 2320 5091)
- Ajantha, ChethanaKumari D S, Anoma Geethani Samarawickrama, Anjana. Review on Pitta Prakopaka Nidana. International Ayurvedic Medical JournalJuly 2017; 5(7):2431-6(ISSN: 2320 5091)
- Vishnav.C, Ajantha. A study to evaluate the role of Vatavyadhi viharaja nidanas in the causation of Vataja and Vatakaphaja gridhrasi in current life style.International Ayurvedic Medical JournalJuly 2017; 5(7): 2324- 30 (ISSN: 2320 5091)
- Anoma Geethani Samarawickrama, Ajantha , Shashirekha K S and Chethana Kumari D.S. Evaluation of anti-fungal activity of Chakramarda Seeds (Alcoholic extract) on Clinical Pathogens (Dermartophytosis)Int J Ayu Pharm Chem 2017; 7(1): 212-221(e-ISSN 2350-0204)
- Ajantha, B M Rashmi, , AnjanaAn overview on Snayuka roga with special reference to Dracunculiasis. Int. J. Res. Ayurveda Pharm. 2017; 8 (Suppl 3):1-3( ISSN (online) 2229-3566)
- Chethana Kumari D S Ajantha ,Anoma Geethani Samarawickrama, Anjana. A review on vata prakopaka nidana. Int. J. Res. Ayurveda Pharm. 2017; 8 (Suppl 3):49-51( ISSN (online) 2229-3566)
- Anoma Geethani Samarawickrama, Ajantha,Chethana Kumari D S, Anjana. Alcoholic extraction and phyto-chemical evaluation of Chakramarda seeds (Cassia tora Linn.). Int. J. Res. Ayurveda Pharm. 2017;8(Suppl 3):157- 161( ISSN (online) 2229-3566)
- Chethana Kumari D. S, Ajantha, Anoma Geethani Samarawickrama. Evaluation Of Doshvipera Prakopaka Nidana In Avabahuka. International Ayurvedic Medical Journal August, 2017; 5(8): 2985 -2995 (ISSN: 2320 5091)
- Ajantha, ChethanaKumari D. S, AnomaGeethani Samarawickrama. Overview on Grahani dosha. International Ayurvedic Medical Journal August, 2017; 5(8): 3116 -3120 (ISSN: 2320 5091)
- Ajantha, Arun Raj MN, Sangita Maharjan, Anjana. Review on Nidana Panchaka of Upadamsha, J of Ayurveda and Hol Med (JAHM).2017;5(4):42-51(ISSN:2321-1563)
- Shashirekha K. S, Nisha Kumari, Nandesh Mohan P.Phytochemical and antimicrobial activity of aqueous, alcoholic and volatile extract of Dupana dravyas. Int. J. Res. Ayurveda Pharm. 2017;8(4):47-51( ISSN (online) 2229-3566)
- Malakiya Chintankumar.G1 , Ajantha2 , Shashirekha. K. S 3 , Anjana. Aqueous Extraction Of Nimba Patra (Azardirachta Indica A. Juss) And Its Phytochemical Analysis. International Ayurvedic Medical Journal Sep 2017 5(9):3208-13 (ISSN: 2320 5091)
- Nandesh Mohan P.1, Shashirekha K.S.2* and Maithri H.D. In-Vitro Study of Plectranthus Amboinicus Against Respiratory Pathogens. Int J Ayu Pharm Chem 2017;7(2):71-77(e-ISSN 2350-0204)
- Rashmi B M Nisha Kumari and Ajantha . Upashayatmaka Effect of Murchita Tila Taila Abhyanga in Katishula’, International Journal of Current Advanced Research 2017; 06(07), pp.4721-4724ISSN: O: 2319-6475, ISSN: P: 2319 – 6505)
- Ajantha, Sangita Maharjan, Arun Raj MN and Anjana. An Overview of Phiranga in Ayurveda. Int J Ayu Pharm Chem 2017;7(2):410-16(e-ISSN 2350-0204)
- Ajantha, Anoma Geethani Samarawickrama, Chethana Kumari DS, Anjana. An Overview on Nidana Panchaka of Grahani Roga. . Int J Ayu Pharm Chem 2017;7(2):339-348(e-ISSN 2350-0204)
- Anoma Geethani Samarawickrama, Ajantha, Chethana Kumari. Evidence Based Clinical Ayurvedic Management of Dadrukushta (Dermartophytosis) by Chakramarda Taila. International Journal of Ayurveda and Pharma Research. 2017;5(8):49-53. ISSN: 2322 – 0902 (P) ISSN: 2322 – 0910 (O)
- Nandesh Mohan P, Shashirekha K.S, Ajantha. Efficacy of herbo-mineral preparations on multidrug resistance bacteria (MDRB) isolates from humans. Int. J. Res. Ayurveda Pharm. 2017;8(5):24-27(ISSN (online) 2229-3566)
- Arun Raj M N, Ajantha, Sangita Maharjan , Anjana. Review On Pitta Dosha Vaishamya Lakshanas. International Ayurvedic Medical Journal October, 2017; 5(10): 3920-29(ISSN: 2320 5091)
- Y Sharada Sphoorthi, Ajantha. An Appraisal on Nidana Panchaka of Shwasa Roga. International Journal of Ayurveda and Pharma Research. 2017;5(8):80-85. ISSN: 2322 – 0902 (P)
- B M Rashmi, Kumari Nisha, Ajantha. Upashayatmaka Effect of Shunthi Churna Udvartana in Katishula. International Journal of Ayurveda and Pharma Research. 2017;5(8):23-27.ISSN: 2322 – 0902 (P)
- Vishnav C , Anagha V N , Ajantha, Role of Ayurveda in graceful ageing: A review. Int. J. Res. Ayurveda Pharm. 2017;8(6):1-3 10.7897/2277-4343.086280(ISSN (online) 2229-3566)
- Vinay Kumar H S & Gopikrishna S: Understanding Of Arishta In Present Era With Special Reference To Varna Arishta. International Ayurvedic Medical Journal 2018; 6(1):162-8(ISSN: 2320 5091)
- Ajantha, Sangita Maharjan, Arun Raj MN, Anjana. An Appraisal On Vata Dosha Vaishamya Lakshanas. International Ayurvedic Medical Journal 2018; 6(1):218-229(ISSN: 2320 5091)
- Sharada Sphoorthi Y, Gopikrishna S. Critical analysis of Vataja J Ayurveda Integr Med Sci 2018;1:85-89(ISSN-2456-3110)
- Sharada Sphoorthi.Y. , Rijin Mohan, Gopikrishna S. Conceptual analysis of Bahudoshavastha-A review article. International Ayurvedic Medical Journal 2018; 6(7): 1519- 22 (ISSN: 2320 5091)
- Sharada Sphoorthi.Y., Rijin Mohan, Gopikrishna S. Nidana karatwa of Grahani, Arshas and Arbuda w.s.r to colon cancer. International Journal of Applied Ayurved Research 2018; 3(8): 1198-1201( ISSN: 2347- 6362)
- Nandesh Mohan P1 and Shashirekha K.S. Isolation, Characterization and Phytochemical Analysis of Endophytic bacteria Isolated from Plectranthus amboinicus. Int J Ayu Pharm Chem 2018; 9(2):291-8 (e-ISSN 2350-0204)
- Ajantha, Vinay Kumar H S, Sangita Maharjan, Anjana. An Appraisal on Mamsa in Ayurveda. Int J Ayu Pharm Chem 2018; 9(2):1-18 (e-ISSN 2350-0204)
- Vinay Kumar H S, Gopikrishna S, Ajantha. An Appraisal on Physiological and Pathological Aspects of Avasthapaka. Int J Ayu Pharm Chem 2018; 9(2): 109-117 (e-ISSN 2350-0204)
- Aswinharidas, Rashmi Pujar. Ayurvedic Medical Education in Ancient India. Int J Ayu Pharm Chem 2018; 9(2): 513-519 (e-ISSN 2350-0204)
- Ajantha, Geetha nayak S, Anjana, Anand S. An appraisal on dharaniya vegas in Charaka samhita. Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical Research and Development 2018; 6(4): 86-91ISSN: 2320-4850
- Rashmi Pujar, Aswin Haridas. Role of Thiktaksheera Basti in Joint Disorders w.s.r to Osteoarthritis. Int J Ayu Pharm Chem 2018 ; 9(1): 269-277(ISSN 2350-0204)
- Rashmi Pujar, Nagaraj, Prasanna N. Mogasale. Etiological diagnosis (samuthana vishesha) to chronic kidney disease. International Ayurvedic Medical Journal 2018; 6(6):1303-7
- Nandesh Mohan P, Shashirekha K.S. Phytochemical and Antimicrobial Activity of Aqueous and Alcoholic Seed Extract of Syzygium Cumini. Int J Ayu Pharm Chem 2018; 9(3):10-15 (e ISSN 2350-0204)
- Sangita Maharjan, Ajantha, Arun Raj MN, Geetha Nayak. A Clinical Study on Assessment of DoshaVruddhi, Kshaya and PrakopaLakshanas in Madhumeha (Diabetes Mellitus Type2). Int J Ayu Pharm Chem 2018; 9(3):321-334 (e ISSN 2350-0204)
- Rijin Mohan. A Diagnostic Approach on Pleural Effusion w.s.r to Urasthoya – A Review. Int J Ayu Pharm Chem 2018; 9(3):341-8 (e ISSN 2350-0204)
- Rijin Mohan, Anoop A. S., Muttappa Totad, Gopikrishna S, Vasantha B. An Ayurvedic approach towards Koshta Shakhashrita Kamala w.s.r. to Alcoholic Hepatitis – A Case Report. J Ayurveda Integr Med Sci 2018;2:120-124.
- Rashmi Pujar , Archana Pagad , Aswin Haridas. A bird view on basic Ayur astrology. J. Pharm. Sci. Innov. 2018; 7(6):242-3(ISSN: 2277 –4572)
- Rijin Mohan , Gopikrishna.S , Nandesh Mohan , Rashmi Pujar. A bird eye view on vataja pandu. J Pharm Sci Innov. 2019;8(2):46-51. (ISSN: 2277 –4572)
- Geetha Nayak S, Ajantha, Anuradha B, Anand S. A Review on Vyayama as Hetu Vipareetha Upashaya in Madhumeha (Diabetes Mellitus Type 2). Int J Ayu Pharm Chem 2019;10(3):178-186([e ISSN 2350-0204])
- Rijin Mohan, Nandesh Mohan, Vishnu C P and Gopikrishna. S. Understanding of Shukravaha Srotodushti with Samanya Srotodushti Prakara. Int J Ayu Pharm Chem 2019;10(3):194-202([e ISSN 2350-0204])
- Anuradha B, Ajantha, Geetha Nayak and Anand S. An Appraisal on Jihwa Pareeksha. Int J Ayu Pharm Chem 2019;10(3):462-70([e ISSN 2350-0204])
- Aswin Haridas, Rashmi Pujar, PallaviMulimani. A review on role of nityopayoga dravyas and achara rasayana in reversible dementia. J Pharm Sci Innov. 2019;8(3):124-26((ISSN : 2277 –4572))
- Geetha Nayak S, Ajantha , Shashirekha K S , Anuradha B. In vitro study of endophytic bacteria bacillus cereus from tulsi leaf against Escherichia coli in kaphaja prathishyaya. J Pharm Sci Innov. 2019;8(3):112-116. ((ISSN : 2277 –4572))
- Anitha Joshi, Rashmi Pujar , Pallavi Mullimani , Aswin Haridas. Critical review on rasaoushadi in geriatrics with special reference to dementia. J Pharm Sci Innov.2019; 8 (4):159-161. (ISSN: 2277 –4572)
- Monika Gupta, Rashmi Pujar, and Gopikrishna S. Nidana Panchaka of Vataja Hridroga – A Literary Review. Int J Ayu Pharm Chem 2019 Vol. 11 Issue 1:97-110([e ISSN 2350-0204)
- Jayaram Krishna M, Gopikrishna S , Rashmi Pujar and Nandesh Mohan. A Review on Samprapthi and Lakshana of Mukhadushika with special reference to Acne Vulgaris . Int J Ayu Pharm Chem 2019 Vol. 11 Issue 1:155-164([e ISSN 2350-0204)
- Anand S, Ajantha , Shashirekha K S, Anuradha B. A comparative study to evaluate efficacy of gokshura and guduchi against Klebsiella pneumoniae by urine culture and sensitivity in pittaja mutrakrichra (urinary tract infection). J Pharm Sci Innov. 2019;8(5):165-169. (ISSN : 2277 –4572))
- Anuradha B, Ajantha, Anjana, Geetha Nayak S. Jihwa pareeksha in saama avastha of amlapitta: A clinical study. J Pharm Sci Innov. 2019;8(5):170-175. (ISSN : 2277 –4572))
- Anand S, Ajantha, Shashirekha K S, Geetha Nayak S. Antibacterial Effect of Gokshura against Klebsiella Pneumoniae by Urine Culture and Sensitivity. Int J Ayu Pharm Chem 2019 11(2): 295-304[e ISSN 2350-0204]
- Jayaram Krishna M, Gopikrishna S , Rashmi Pujar and Nandesh Mohan. A Review on Samprapthi and Lakshana of Mukhadushika with special reference to Acne Vulgaris . Int J Ayu Pharm Chem 2019 Vol. 11 Issue 1:155-164([e ISSN 2350-0204)
- Anand S, Ajantha , Shashirekha K S, Anuradha B. A comparative study to evaluate efficacy of gokshura and guduchi against Klebsiella pneumoniae by urine culture and sensitivity in pittaja mutrakrichra (urinary tract infection). J Pharm Sci Innov. 2019;8(5):165-169. (ISSN : 2277 –4572))
- Anuradha B, Ajantha, Anjana, Geetha Nayak S. Jihwa pareeksha in saama avastha of amlapitta: A clinical study. J Pharm Sci Innov. 2019;8(5):170-175. (ISSN : 2277 –4572))
- Anand S, Ajantha, Shashirekha K S, Geetha Nayak S. Antibacterial Effect of Gokshura against Klebsiella Pneumoniae by Urine Culture and Sensitivity. Int J Ayu Pharm Chem 2019 11(2): 295-304[e ISSN 2350-0204]
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- Ajantha , Geetha Nayak S , Anjana. Role of dosha and dosha maana vikalpa (62 permutations and combination) in samprapthi of anuktha vyadhi: A review. J Pharm Sci Innov. 2019;8(6):207-214. (ISSN : 2277 –4572)
- Pujar Rashmi, Shahapur Priyanka, Haridas Aswin. A text book on Research Methodology & Medical statistics in Ayurveda. 1st edn. Varnasi, Chaukhambha Orientalia, 2019(ISBN- 978-938-9091-14-4)
- Anand S, Ajantha, Shashirekha K S, Geetha Nayak S. An observational experimental assessment of Antibacterial activity of Guduchi against Klebsiella pneumoniae by Urine culture and sensitivity in Pittaja mutrakrichra (Urinary tract infection). J Pharm Sci Innov . 2020;9(1):31-38. (ISSN : 2277 –4572)
- Vishnu C. P, Rijin Mohan, Gopikrishna S, Rashmi Pujar, Nandesh Mohan. An Appraisal on Kaphaja Kasa: A Review. J Pharm Sci Innov. 2019;8(6):218-221(ISSN : 2277 –4572)
- Gupta Monika, Gudipudi V.S.S.N Sarvabhouma, Pujar Rashmi, S Gopikrishna. Clinical Aspect of Guna Siddhanta with Special Reference to Trisutra Ayurveda. AYUSHDHARA, 2019;6(5): 2407-2414(ISSN: 2393-9583 (P)/ 2393-9591 (O)
- Jasmine John, Ajantha, Shashirekha K S. Efficacy of Aqueous Extract of Jati Patra (Jasminum grandiflorum L.) against Staphylococcus aureus from Dushta Vrana (Non Healing Ulcer). Int J Ayu Pharm Chem 2020; 12(1): 117-23(e-ISSN 2350-0204)
- Monika Gupta, Rashmi Pujar, Gopikrishna S. Understanding of thirst Mechanism in Ayurveda. World Journal Of Pharmacy And Pharmaceutical Sciences. February 2020;9(2):1238-1247(ISSN 2278 – 4357)
- Monika Gupta, Jayaram Krishna M, Rashmi Pujar, Gopikrishna S. A Critical Appraisal on Shleepada in Ayurveda. International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD). Feb 2020; 4(2):760-65(e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470)
- Jasmine John, Ajantha, Shashirekha K S. Phytochemical evaluation of alcoholic extract of Jati patra (Jasminum grandiflorum l.) and it’s efficacy against Staphylococcus aureus from Dushta vrana (non healing ulcer). International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews March 2020;7(1): 652-662 (E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138)
- Monika Gupta, Gopikrishna. Diagnosis in Ayurveda with special reference to Trividha bodhya samgraha. International Journal of Ayurveda and Pharma Research. February 2020; 8(2): 82-86 (ISSN: 2322 – 0902 (P))
- Monika Gupta, Gopikrishna S. Diagnostic approach to Vataja hridroga – A preliminary study. International journal of scientific research March 2020;9(3):1-2 (ISSN No. 2277 – 8179)
- Jasmine John, Ajantha, Shashirekha K S. Efficacy of Aqueous Extract of Jati Patra (Jasminum grandiflorum L.) against Staphylococcus aureus from Dushta Vrana (Non Healing Ulcer). Int J Ayu Pharm Chem 2020; 12(1): 117-123(e-ISSN 2350-0204)
- Monika Gupta, Rashmi Pujar, Gopikrishna S. Nidana Panchaka of Vataja Hridroga – A Literary Review. Int J Ayu Pharm Chem 2019; 11(1):97-110 [e ISSN 2350-0204]
- Monika Gupta, Rashmi Pujar , Gopikrishna S. An observational study to evaluate the role of Nidana in Vataja Hridroga with special reference to current lifestyle. International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews. March 2020;7(1): 443-447
- Ajantha, Saranya K, Anjana. Clinical Management of Kitibha Kushta (Palmo-Plantar Psoriasis) – A Case Study. Int J Ayu Pharm Chem 2020;12(2): 182-192
- Ajantha, Anand S, Anjana. Review on Madamurcha and Sanyasa in Ayurveda. J. Pharm. Sci. Innov. 2020; 9(2): 46-51 (ISSN : 2277 –4572)
- Vishnu C. P, Gopikrishna S, Shashirekha K. S. In-vitro study of Vasa and Kantakari against Staphylococcus aureus by sputum culture and sensitivity in Kaphaja kasa (chronic bronchitis). J. Pharm. Sci. Innov. 2020; 9(2): 63-70 (ISSN : 2277 –4572)
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- Anjali Sanjeev, Gopikrishna S. A review on Hridroga and its effective management through Haritaki(Terminalia chebula). World Journal Of Pharmacy And Pharmaceutical Sciences. 2020; 9(11): 1054-1063(ISSN 2278 – 4357)
- Zhillika, Ajantha, Saranya K, Shashirekha. A Study on Anti-Microbial Effect of Ayurvedic Water Purification Method. Int J Ayu Pharm Chem 2020;13(3):389-400
- Ajantha, Saranya K, Anuradha. Evaluation of Saama Dosha Lakshana in amlapitta. International journal of research and analytical reviews Mar 2020;7(1): 240-248
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- Saranya K, Ajantha. An observational clinical study to evaluate Eka Kushta lakshana in psoriasis. International journal of research and analytical reviews July 2020;7(3): 605-612
- Gudipudi V.S.S.N Sarvabhouma, Gopikrishna S, Nandesh Mohan, Saranya K. An insight to Rasanendriya Mithyayoga International journal of research and analytical reviews Oct 2020;7(4): 603-606
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- Anjali Sanjeev, Gopi Krishna S, Vani Nayak. Critical understanding of nidanapanchaka, chikitsa sutra of Amavata. European Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical Research. 2021,8(3), 196-199( ISSN 2394-3211)
- Anjali Sanjeev, Gopikrishna S. A classical review on dadhisevana niyama. World Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences 2021; 10(1): 787-792.
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