This branch of Ayurveda deals with the preparation of medicines from various natural sources. Herbo- mineral products are found to be more efficacious in the clinical management. The graduates and post graduates are trained in manufacturing Ayurvedic medicines in various formulations. The formulations are prepared by utilizing the herbs found in the region of the individual and customize the same based on the need of the health seeker.
The aim of this branch is to design formulations that are most potent utilizing metals and minerals in lesser dosage without much emphasis on the constitution of the patient. It deals with formulations to bring them into practice by revalidating it and also modify the preparations based on the current needs and practice. The ocean of traditional formulations is made into newer forms by adopting modern techniques.

- Enable the graduates to prepare formulations for medical practice
- To develop skills for the establishment of Ayurveda pharma industry
- To research on unexplored formulations catering the present health needs
- To produce experts in the field of Rasashastra & Bhaishjaya Kalpana to teach, train and research.
Sl. No. | Name Of The Investigator | Guide | Co-Guide | Title Of Research | Date Of Commencement Of Research | Date Of Completion Of Research |
1 | Dr. Madhulika Priya | Dr. Govinda Sharma K | A study on Pippalyadi yoni varti prepared by various methods and it’s in vitro study on candida albicans | 2011 | 2014 | |
2 | Dr. Priya K | Dr Gazala Hussain | Pharmaceutico-analytical study of vacha arka prepared by two different methods and evaluation of its medhya effect | 2011 | 2014 | |
3 | Dr. Saran Babu | Dr. Vinay Kumar Kadibagil | Pharmaceutico analytical study of duration of sneha paka wsr to Brahmi ghrita and its effect on memory in Albino rats | 2011 | 2014 | |
4 | Dr. Sreelal A. M | Dr B Y Ganti | Comparative study of Sandhana kalpana using Dhatakipushpa, Innoculum and Yeast as Sandhana dravyas for Musthakarishta |
2011 | 2014 | |
5 | Dr. Vinyasa | Dr. Govinda Sharma K | Evaluation of Anti- fungal activity of Yashtimadhuka taila prepared with different contents | 2011 | 2014 | |
6 | Dr. Jayaprakash | Dr. Vinay Kumar Kadibagil | Experimental study of Lashuna Ksheerapaka in different ratio in hyperlipidemia | 2011 | 2014 | |
7 | ||||||
8 | Dr. Anu P K | Dr B Y Ganti | Evolution Of Parameters To Assess The Kathinyata Of Herbal Raw Drugs | 2012 | 2015 | |
9 | Dr. Rahul U | Dr Gazala Hussain | An experimental study to compare the Anti –inflammatory action of Dronapushpi (Leucas aspera) Swarasa and Arka |
2012 | 2015 | |
10 | Dr. Rohith | Dr. Govinda Sharma K | In vitro study on anti fungal activity of Kwatha and Taila prepared from Krimighna mahakashaya | 2012 | 2015 | |
11 | Dr. Rashmi | Dr B Y Ganti | Preservative effect of Chaturjataka Arka | 2012 | 2015 | |
12 | Dr. Arun N | Dr. Vinay Kumar Kadibagil | Pharmaceutico-chemical evaluation on the effect of Kuttana on Guggulu purified by Triphala Kwatha and Guduchi Kwatha |
2012 | 2015 | |
13 | Dr. Manik Apte | Dr. Govinda Sharma K | Experimental study on Deepana property of Kwatha and Ghrita prepared from Deepaneeya Mahakashaya in albino rats |
2012 | 2015 | |
14 | Dr. Shanty Thomas | Dr. Govinda Sharma K | A comparative Pharmaceutico – analytical study of Chinnodbhavadi Kvatha and Syrup with its experimental study on gastro protective activity against aspirin induced gatrsic ulcer in Albino rats. | 2013 | 2016 | |
15 | Dr. Bhupesh Kumar | Dr. Vinay Kumar Kadibagil | Pharmaceutico-analytical study of Shadrasa Arka & its Deepniya And Pachniya effect In Albino Rats. | 2013 | 2016 | |
16 | Dr. G.Shreekanth | Dr B Y Ganti | Pharmaceutico-analytical evaluation of two methods of Avartana in the preparation of Avartita Ksheerabala Taila. | 2013 | 2016 | |
17 | Dr. Deepthi.C.P | Dr B Y Ganti | Pharmaceutico-analytical study of Amrutottara arka and its experimental evaluation of antipyretic effect in albino rats with different doses. | 2013 | 2016 | |
18 | Dr. D. Seetarama Kishore | Dr Gazala Hussain | Evaluation of anti- bacterial activity of Arka Taila prepared with and without murchana. | 2013 | 2016 | |
19 | Dr. Loganathan Sorubini | Dr. Vinay Kumar Kadibagil | Pharmaceutico – analytical evaluation of ardraka kashaya in ardra form prepared in different quantities | 2014 | 2017 | |
20 | Dr. Sourav Rang | Dr. Govinda Sharma K | Pharmaceutico – analytical study of tankanamrita malahara w.s.r. to dushta vrana and its invitro study on antibacterial activity. | 2014 | 2017 | |
21 | Dr. Sourav Pal | Dr. Vinay Kumar Kadibagil | Pharmaceutico – analytical study of shatavari ghrita and its experimental evaluation on gastro-protective activity in albino rats | 2014 | 2017 | |
22 | Dr. Arun.C.H | Dr Gazala Hussain | Pharmaceutico -analytical and experimental evaluation of kadalikanda paneeya kshar a vis –a –vis to ashmaribhedana (antiurolithiatic) property | 2014 | 2017 | |
23 | Dr. Shobita Madhur | Dr Gazala Hussain | Pharmaceutico – anlaytical study of amrutottara kshaya and its antiproliferative effect on hepatocellular carcinoma in vitro. | 2014 | 2017 | |
24 | Dr. Shrishti Balbadra | Dr B Y Ganti | Standardisation of method of preperation of apamarga kshara | 2014 | 2017 | |
25 | Dr. Kajree C Pardeshi | Dr. Vinay Kumar Kadibagil | Pharmaceutico-analytical study of rajata bhasma and its experimental evaluation of medhya activity in albino rats |
2015 | 2018 | |
26 | Dr. Sruthi Nambiar | Dr. Vinay Kumar Kadibagil | Physicochemical Analysis of Swarna Makshika Bhasma Prepared By Two Different Methods | 2015 | 2018 | |
27 | Dr. Saranya Sasi | Dr. Govinda Sharma K | Pharmaceutico-Analytical And Toxicity Study Of Kousheyasma Bhasma | 2015 | 2018 | |
28 | Dr. Sharada Kanal | Dr. Govinda Sharma K | Comparative analysis of anti- bacterial activity of Shilajatu against bacteria causing pneumonia | 2015 | 2018 | |
29 | Dr. Janaki D | Dr B Y Ganti | Experimental study of Rasasindura in Parkinsons disease | 2015 | 2018 | |
30 | Dr. Namana | Dr B Y Ganti | Experimental study on Bhavita amalaki | 2015 | 2018 | |
31 | Dr. Namitha R chandra | Dr. Vinay Kumar Kadibagil | Evaluation of spermatogenic activity of kukkutandatwak bhasma – an experimental study in albino rats | 2016 | 2019 | |
32 | Dr Sreelakshmi . K | Dr. Vinay Kumar Kadibagil | Comparative pharmaceutico analytical study of amlapittaghna arka and syrup and its evaluation of gastro protective activity in albino rats | 2016 | 2019 | |
33 | Dr Devika | Dr. Govinda Sharma K | Pharmaceutico analytical evaluation of chaturjataka arka as a preservative for thriphala kashaya | 2016 | 2019 | |
34 | Dr Amrutha | Dr. Govinda Sharma K | Experimental evaluation of therapeutic potency of dattura lavana prepared by two different methods against ethonal withdrawal induced depressive symptoms | 2016 | 2019 | |
35 | Dr Nidhin | Dr. Govinda Sharma K | Experimental study on anti epileptic action of koushayashma bhasma | 2016 | 2019 | |
36 | Dr Anusha rao | Dr. Vinay Kumar Kadibagil | Exploratory study on modification of murivenna taila to a medicated plaster | 2016 | 2019 | |
37 | Dr. Anjali. D | Dr. Vinay Kumar Kadibagil | Pharmaceutical Modification Of Bilwadi Vati Into Arka Form And Its Physico Chemical Profile | 2017 | 2020 | |
38 | Dr. Pooja. B | Dr. Govinda Sharma K | Modification Of Kasisadi Churna To Varti, Its Physicochemical Analysis And Invitro Study Against Candida Albicans | 2017 | 2020 | |
39 | Dr. Satish. P. Karjagi | Dr. Vinay Kumar Kadibagil | Experimental evaluation of spermatogenic activity of Shodhitha gandhaka prepared by two different shodhana methods |
2017 | 2020 | |
40 | Dr. Sunil Mandal | Dr. Govinda Sharma K | Pharmaceutico-Analytical And Toxicicity Study of Badarashma Bhasma | 2017 | 2020 | |
41 | Dr. Ambika S | Dr Gazala Hussain | Invitro study of mukhadooshikahara lepa on isolated microorganisms causing acnes | 2018 | 2021 | |
42 | Dr. Neha Semwal | Dr. Govinda Sharma K | Modification of kakubhadi churna into malahara, its physico-chemical analysis and in-vitro study on bacteria causing dushta vrana (non healing ulcer) | 2018 | 2021 | |
43 | Dr. Paul Wilson Parathuvayalil | Dr. Vinay Kumar Kadibagil | Experimental evaluation of vadavanala churna in hypothyroidism | 2018 | 2021 | |
44 | Dr. Rakshitha D | Dr Gazala Hussain | Preservative action of twak, ela, patra and nagakesara arka in triphala kwatha | 2018 | 2021 | |
45 | Dr. Asha Bhat | Dr. Govinda Sharma K | Pharmaceutico-Analytical Study Of Gandhashmagarbha Rasa And Its Experimental Evaluation On Parkinson’s Disease | 2019 | 2022 | |
46 | Dr. Ashwini | Dr. Vinay Kumar Kadibagil | Experimenal Study Of Karaviradhya Taila For Its Loma Shatana Action | 2019 | 2022 | |
47 | Dr. Chaitanya B | Dr Gazala Hussain | Pharmaceutico-Analytical And Anti-Microbial Activity Of Vrana Pooraka Arka | 2019 | 2022 | |
48 | Dr. Padmanabha Lal R | Dr. Govinda Sharma K | Pharmaceutico-analytical and in-vitro study on antifungal activity of kasisadi ghrita prepared by two different methods. | 2019 | 2022 | |
49 | Dr. Ramya P | Dr. Vinay Kumar Kadibagil | Experimental Evaluation Of Sudha Lavana For Its Hemostatic Action In Bleeding Wounds | 2019 | 2022 | |
50 | Dr. Deekshitha | Dr Gazala Hussain | Experimental Evaluation On Longevity Effect Of Gandhaka Druti in Drosophila Melanogaster | 2019 | 2022 |
Research Projects- Completed
Sl. No. | Investigators | Title | Funding agency |
1 | Dr Basavaraj Y Ganti Dept. of RSBK Dept. of RSBK DrGovinda Sharma K Associate Professor Dept. of RSBK |
Preparation and Physico-chemical Analysis of Ksharasthaka: A comparative Study with Tankana | Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Bengaluru |
2 | Dr. Govinda Sharma Associate Professor Dept. of RSBK Dr. Suhas Kumar Shetty Professor Dept. of Manasaroga |
Analytical and Experimental Study Of Sumukti-An Indigenous Formulation And Its Controlled Clinical Evaluation On Alcohol Dependency | Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Bengaluru |
3 | Dr Prasanna N Rao Dr. Vinay Kumar Kadibagil |
Physico-chemical Analysis of Panchatikta Ghrita with and without Murchana | Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Bengaluru |
Ongoing Research Projects
Sl. No. | Investigators | Title | Funding agency | Year |
1 | Dr Gazala Hussain DrVinay Kadibagil Dr Ashwin S Bharati |
A study on Mosquito repellant activity of Sarshapa & Chandana extracts | RGUHS Bengaluru | 2018 |
2 | Dr ArchanaPagad Dr Govinda Sharma Dr Deeraj BC Mrs Shashirekha |
Development and validation of polyherbal ear drops and its in-vitro study on organisms causing otitis externa | RGUHS Bengaluru | 2019 |
- Ganti Basavaraj Y. Current Research Profile: Shilajitu. RGUHS Journal of AYUSH Sciences 2011; 1(1) (2249-2194)
- Govinda Sharma.K, K.T. George, N Rajendran, S N Kumar. A study on the analytical evaluation of the mineral drug Kousheyashma. Proceedings of International Conference on Recent Advances in Ayurvedic Pharmaceutics, BHU, Varnasi, 2011: 44-48(978-93-81361-38-2)
- Madhulika priya, Govinda Sharma, Basavaraj Ganti. Perception of ayurvedic mineral raw drugs in the eye mineralogy (5th WAC 2012, Bhopal, 7-10 Dec 12) Ancient Science of Life 2012; 32(2) Suppl 1 (810257-7941)
- Madhulika Priya, Sharma Govinda, Ganti Basavaraj. Ayurvedic Suppositories (Varti Kalpana)- A Review. International Ayurvedic Medical Journal 2013; 1(5). (2320 5091)
- Sharma Govinda K, Anuradha K N, Shetty Suhas Kumar. Critical appraisal on formulations of Kousheyashma (Asbestos). Journal of Biological & Scientific Opinion2013;1(3): 228-231.(ISSN (E): 2321– 6328)
- Vinyasa T E, Sharma Govinda, Kadibagil Vinay. Critical review on ratio of ingredients in malahara (ayurvedic ointments). Journal of Ayurveda and Holistic Medicine 2013; 1(8). (2321-1563)
- K Priya, Hussain Gazala, Saokar M Reshma, Namboothiri Damodaran Govindan. Pharmaceutico analytical study of Vacha arka. Journal of Biological & Scientific Opinion 2013; 1(4): 314-316(ISSN (E): 2321– 6328)
- Saokar Reshma M, Sarashetti RS, Kanthi Veena, Savkar Madhav, Nagthan CV. Screening of Antibacterial and Antifungal Activity of Gandhaka Rasayana- an Ayurvedic Formulation.International Journal of Recent Trends in Science and Technology 2013; 8(2): 134(E-ISSN 2249-8109)
- Babu Saran, Kadibagil RVinay, Ganti Y Basavaraj. Sneha kalpana: A pharmaceutical review. Journal of Biological & Scientific Opinion 2013; 1(3): 271-272. (ISSN (E): 2321– 6328)
- A M Sreelal , Ganti Y Basavaraj , Saokar M Reshma. Critical Analysis On Pharmaceutics Of Alcoholic Preparations (Asava-Arishta) In Ayurveda. Journal of Ayurveda and Holistic Medicine December 2013; 1(9): 15-22 (2321-1563)
- Madhulika Priya, Govinda Sharma K. Critical review on importance of bhavana in rasoushadhi. International Ayurvedic Medical Journal July- Aug 14; 2(4) (2320 5091)
- Arun.N , Kadibagil Vinay R, Ganti Basavaraj Y. Various Dosage Forms Of Ayurveda. UJAHM 2014; 02(04):20-23(2347-2375)
- Arun. N, Kadibagil Vinay R, Ganti Basavaraj Y. Labeling – Skin Of Product. International Ayurvedic Medical Journal Sep- Oct 14; 2(4): 687-692(2320 5091)
- Anu P K, Basavaraj Y Ganti. Review on Concept of Avartana in Ayurvada. International Ayurvedic Medical Journal Nov Dec 2014;2(6): 1121-4(2320 5091)
- Rahul U, Gazala Hussain, Basavaraj Y Ganti. Pharmaceutical Review Of Arka Kalpana. International Ayurvedic Medical Journal Nov Dec 2014; 2(6):1113-20(2320 5091)
Health Magazine:
- K Priya, Hussain Gazala, Saokar M Reshma. Soups in Ayurveda. Ayurveda & All Feb 14; 34(0973-9831)
- K Priya, Hussain Gazala. Juices and Sauces in Ayurveda. Ayurveda & All March 14; 28(0973-9831)
- A N Jayaprakash, Kadibhagil R Vinay, Ganti Y Basavaraj. Concept of Ksheerapaka- A medicated milk decoction. Ayurveda & All Mar 2014; 7-16(0973-9831)
- K Priya, Hussain Gazala. Buttermilk. Ayurveda & All April 2014; 35-37(0973-9831)
- K Priya, Hussain Gazala. Milk- a whole some food. Ayurveda & All July 2014; 34(0973-9831)
- Dr. Priya.K, Dr. Gazala Hussain. Diverse Preparations of Shali (Rice). Ayurveda & All Aug 14; 31-38(0973-9831)
- Kishore Seetaram, Apte Manik M, Hussain Gazala. Nature’s Gift-Honey. Ayurveda & All Aug 14; 34(0973-9831)
- Dr. Saran Babu, Dr. Rohit K. S., Dr. Gazala Hussain, Dr. Govinda Sharma, Dr. Vinay R Kdibagil. Water-A Vital Element. Ayurveda & All Oct 2014; 22-25 (0973-9831)
- Priya.K, Gazala Hussain. Paediatric Care At Home. Ayurveda & All Nov 2014;18 (0973-9831)
- Apte Manik M, Sharma Govinda K, Kishore Seetarama D. Pharmacological Research in Ayurveda. UJAHM 2014; 2(6):33-36(ISSN 2347-2375)
- Arun N, Kadibagil Vinay R, Anu PK, Rohit KS, Rahul Unnithan. Review on Guggulu Kalpana in Ayurveda. UJAHM 2014; 2(6):55-60 (ISSN 2347-2375)
- Arun N, Kadibagil Vinay R, Gazala Hussain, Saokar Reshma M, Apte Manik. Insight of Good Manufacturing Practices in Ayurveda. UJAHM 2014; 2(6):51-55 (ISSN 2347-2375)
- Rohit K S1 , Deepthi C P2 , Govinda Sharma K, Gazala Hussain4 ,Basavaraj Y Ganti. Review of Jwarahara Dravyas In Rasashastra. Int Ayur Med J January 2015; 3(1): 112-6(ISSN:2320 5091)
- Kishore Seetarama D, Hussain Gazala. A review on different yogas of Arka. Int Ayur Med J May 2015; 3(5): 1475-82 (ISSN- 2320 5091)
- Hussain Gazala. Dhupana kalpas- A review. J of Biological & Scientific Opinion Mar-May June 2015; 3(3): 157-9(ISSN- 2321- 6328)
- Hussain Gazala. Masi Kalpana- A novel dosage form. J Pharma Sci Innov May June 15; 4(3): 154-5 (2277-4572)
- Hussain Gazala. Pishti Kalpana: A review. Int J Res Ayurveda Pharma July Aug 2015; 6(4):455-6 (ISSN 2322 – 0910)
- Arun N, Kishore Seetarama D , Kadibagil Vinay R , Hussain Gazala , Ganti Basavaraj Y. A Review on yogas containing Jayapala. Unique Journal of Ayurvedic & Herbal medicine2015; 03 (04): 64-67(ISSN-2347 2375)
- Arun N, Kishore Seetarama D , Kadibagil Vinay R, Hussain Gazala , Ganti Basavaraj Y. A Review on different yogas of Bhallataka. Unique Journal of Ayurvedic & Herbal medicine 2015; 03 (04):68-71(ISSN-2347 2375)
- Rashmi NP, Ganti Basavaraj Y, Kishore Seetarama.D, Hussain Gazala, Govinda Sharma K. A Review – on different yogas of Snuhi. Unique Journal of Ayurvedic & Herbal medicine 2015; 03 (04): 72-5(ISSN-2347 2375)
- Rohit KS, Sharma Govinda K, Ganti Basavaraj Y. Pharmaceutico-Analytical study of Krimighna kwatha and Taila prepared from Krimighna maha kashaya churna. Unique Journal of Ayurvedic & Herbal medicine 2015; 03 (04): 129-34(ISSN-2347 2375)
- Sreekanth G, Ganti Basavaraj Y, Saokar Reshma M, Deepthi CP, Anu PK. A review on different yogas of Ahiphena.UJAHM 2015; 3(5): 50-3(ISSN 2347-2375)
- Deepthi CP, Ganti Basavaraj Y, Sreekanth G, Rohit KS , Anu PK. Modifications of Pancha vidha kashaya kalpana. UJAHM 2015; 3(5): 60-3(ISSN 2347-2375)
- Pal Sourav, Saokar Reshma, Ganti Basavaraj Y, Joshi Diwakar. Dosage forms in Aushadhi sevana kala. UJAHM 2015; 3(5): 68-73(ISSN 2347-2375)
Health magazines
- Priya.K, Gazala Hussain. Preservatives in Ayurveda.Ayurveda & All Jan 2015: 22(0973-9831)
- N.P.Rashmi, Ganti Y Basavaraj, Kishore Seetarama.D, ReshmaSaokar, Kadibagil R Vinay. Natural Preservatives and its Techniques. Ayurveda and All Oct 2015: 36-8(0973-9831)
- Dr. Sreerag.N.P, Dr. Priya.K, Dr. GazalaHussain. Common Ocular Diseases.Ayurveda and All. Aug 2015: 26-27(0973-9831)
- Parihar Bhupesh Kumar, Kadibagil Vinay R, Ganti Basavaraj Y. Role of Chitrakadi vati in Grahani roga. Int Ayurvedic Medical Journal 2016; 4(2): 121-4(ISSN- 2320 5091)
- Loganathan Sorubini1 , Kadibagil Vinay R. Review on liquid dosage forms in Ayurveda. Int Ayu Med Journal March – 2016;4(3):370-6(ISSN:2320 5091)
- Bhupesh Kumar Parihar, Shanty Thomas, Gazala Hussain,Vinay R. Kadibagil , Archana Lakshkar. Pharmaceutical study of Shatadhauta ghrita prepared by two different methods. World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research2016; 5(5):1769-78(2277– 7105)
- Sourav Pal, Reshma Saokar, Vinay R Kadibagil. A review on Shatavari ghrita. Ayurpub 2016 May-Jun; 1(2): 59-63 (ISSN 2456-0170)
- Madhur Shobitha, Ganti Basavaraj Y , Hussain Gazala, Kadibagil Vinay R. Review on Rasa Ratna Samuchchaya- Commented by Prof. Anantha Kulkarni. Int J Ayu Pharm Chem 2016;5(1):65-71(e ISSN 2350-0204)
- Balbhadra Shristi, Ganti Basavaraj Y , Sharma Govinda K , Kadibagil Vinay R. Review on Ksharashtaka (8 Alkaline medicinal plants)UJAHM 2016, 04 (03): Page 25-27(ISSN 2347-2375)
- Pal Sourav, Saokar Reshma , Kadibagil Vinay R , Savkar Madhav. Modern parameters for bhasma analysis. UJAHM 2016, 04 (03): Page 16-24(ISSN 2347-2375)
- Sorubini Loganathan, Vinay R Kadibagil, Basavaraj.Y.Ganti. Role of Rasa sindhura in respiratory disorders w.s.r to Tamaka swasa. IAMJ Aug 2016; 4(8): 2368- 2372(ISSN:2320 5091)
- Kajree Pardeshi, Saokar Reshma , Kadibagil Vinay R , Ganti Basavaraj Y . Experimental protocols for Medhya activity of Ayurvedic drugs. IAMJ Aug 2016; 4(8):2406-13(ISSN:2320 5091)
- Sourav Pal, Dr. Reshma Saokar, Dr. Vinay R Kadibagil. A review of Rasashala in accordance with GMP. World journal of pharmaceutical And medical research 2016,2(5), 76-82. .( ISSN 2455-3301)
- Loganathan Sorubini, Saokar Reshma, Kadibagil Vinay R. Organic additives added in Ayurvedic formulations World journal of pharmaceutical And medical research 2016,2(5), 72-75. ( ISSN 2455-3301)
- Shanty Thomas, Govinda Sharma K, Vinay R Kadibagil, Sunil Kumar KN. Preparation and modification of chinnodbhavadi kvatha to syrup and quality standardization. J Pharm Sci Innov. 2016;5(5):174-180 ((ISSN : 2277 –4572)
- Shanty Thomas, Bhupesh kumar Parihar, Govinda Sharma, Vinay R Kadibagil. Critical appraisal of Dhattura (Datura metel linn.) in ayurvedic formulations. J of Ayu and Holistic Med July – August 2016 ;4(4): 32-46 (ISSN-2321-1563)
- Arun CH, Hussain Gazala, Kadibagil V R. Drug review on Kadali( M . paradisiaca Linn). Unique J of Ayu & Herbal Med 2016;4(4): 29-33(2347-2375)
- K.V. Janaki, Ganti Basavaraj Y , Saokar Reshma M and Kadibagil Vinay R. Book Review on Rasa Ratnakara (Riddhi Khanda). Int J Ayu Pharm Chem 2016;5 (2) : 180-9(e-ISSN 2350-0204)
- Pardeshi Kajree, Saokar Reshma , Kadibagil Vinay R , Nishakumari PR. Aushadha Sevan Marga in Ayurveda – A review. UJAHM Sep- Oct 2016, 04 (05): Page 1-7(ISSN 2347-2375)
- Gazala Hussain, Govinda Sharma, Druti Kalpana- an Unpracticed Form of Ayurveda Pharmaceutics. JAPS; 2016:3(3):67-69(EISSN- 2394-6350)
- Balbhadra Shristi, Ganti Basavaraj Y , Sharma Govinda K , Kadibagil Vinay R. Review on Ksharashtaka (8 Alkaline medicinal plants)UJAHM 2016, 04 (03): Page 25-27(ISSN 2347-2375)
- Shanty Thomas, Govinda Sharma K, Vinay R Kadibagil, Sunil Kumar KN. Preparation and modification of chinnodbhavadi kvatha to syrup and quality standardization. J Pharm Sci Innov. 2016;5(5):174-180 ((ISSN : 2277 –4572)
- Shanty Thomas, Bhupesh kumar Parihar, Govinda Sharma, Vinay R Kadibagil. Critical appraisal of Dhattura (Datura metel linn.) in ayurvedic formulations. J of Ayu and Holistic Med July – August 2016 ;4(4): 32-46 (ISSN-2321-1563)
- Parihar Bhupesh Kumar, Kadibagil Vinay R, Ganti Basavaraj Y. Role of Chitrakadi vati in Grahani roga. Int Ayurvedic Medical Journal 2016; 4(2): 121-4(ISSN- 2320 5091)
- C H Arun, Hussain Gazala, P K Anu, Ganti Y Basavaraj. A review: Role of Ushnodaka in Ayurveda. J of Biological & Scientific Opinion 2015; 3(6):290-2(ISSN- 2321- 6328)
- Madhur Shobitha, Ganti Basavaraj Y , Hussain Gazala, Kadibagil Vinay R. Review on Rasa Ratna Samuchchaya- Commented by Prof. Anantha Kulkarni. Int J Ayu Pharm Chem 2016;5(1):65-71(e ISSN 2350-0204)
- Balbhadra Shristi, Ganti Basavaraj Y , Sharma Govinda K , Kadibagil Vinay R. Review on Ksharashtaka (8 Alkaline medicinal plants)UJAHM 2016, 04 (03): Page 25-27(ISSN 2347-2375)
- Sorubini Loganathan, Vinay R Kadibagil, Basavaraj.Y.Ganti. Role of Rasa sindhura in respiratory disorders w.s.r to Tamaka swasa. IAMJ Aug 2016; 4(8): 2368- 2372(ISSN:2320 5091)
- K.V. Janaki, Ganti Basavaraj Y , Saokar Reshma M and Kadibagil Vinay R. Book Review on Rasa Ratnakara (Riddhi Khanda). Int J Ayu Pharm Chem 2016;5 (2) : 180-9(e-ISSN 2350-0204)
- C H Arun, Hussain Gazala, P K Anu, Ganti Y Basavaraj. A review: Role of Ushnodaka in Ayurveda. J of Biological & Scientific Opinion 2015; 3(6):290-2(ISSN- 2321- 6328)
- Dr. Sreerag. N.P, Dr. Priya.K, Dr. Gazala Hussain. Fruits and their Medicinal Value. Ayurveda and All. Nov 2015; 26-9. (0973-9831)
- Madhur Shobitha1 , Hussain Gazala2 , Kadibagil Vinay R. A Review on Amrutottara Kashaya. Int Ayu Med Journal March – 2016;4(3):370-6(ISSN:2320 5091)
- Bhupesh Kumar Parihar, Shanty Thomas, Gazala Hussain,Vinay R. Kadibagil , Archana Lakshkar. Pharmaceutical study of Shatadhauta ghrita prepared by two different methods. World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research2016; 5(5):1769-78(2277– 7105)
- Madhur Shobitha, Ganti Basavaraj Y , Hussain Gazala, Kadibagil Vinay R. Review on Rasa Ratna Samuchchaya- Commented by Prof. Anantha Kulkarni. Int J Ayu Pharm Chem 2016;5(1):65-71(e ISSN 2350-0204)
- Gazala Hussain, Govinda Sharma, Druti Kalpana- an Unpracticed Form of Ayurveda Pharmaceutics. JAPS; 2016:3(3):67-69(EISSN- 2394-6350)
- Kishore Seetarama D, Hussain Gazala, Madhur Shobhita, Janaki K V. Arka Prakasha- A review. Unique J of Ayu & Herbal Med 2016;4(4): 26-8(2347-2375)
- Arun CH, Hussain Gazala, Kadibagil V R. Drug review on Kadali( M . paradisiaca Linn). Unique J of Ayu & Herbal Med 2016;4(4): 29-33(2347-2375)
- Kishore seetarama D, S Kamalakar Puripanda, Madhur shobhitha, Tripathy TB, Hussain gazala, Anil kumar B. Management of Stress Related Psoriasis w. s. r. to Chetah Samavayi. International Journal of Ayurveda and Pharma Research. 2016;4(8):99-102. (2322 – 0902 (P)
- Kishore Seetarama D,Hussain Gazala. A REVIEW ON THE DRUGS OF ARKA TAILA. World Journal of Pharmaceutical and Life 2016; 2(4): 151-155(ISSN 2454-2229)
- Hussain Gazala. Lavana kalpas: A review. J Pharm Sci Innov. 2016;5(5):150-154 ((ISSN : 2277 –4572)
- Archana Madhavi, Savitha H P, Suhas Kumar Shetty, Arun C H, Gazala Hussain. A critical review on the usage of ghrita in unmada. J Biol Sci Opin 2016;4(4):148-152(ISSN 2321 – 6328)
- Saokar Reshma, Pal Sourav , Ganti Basavaraj Y, Kadibagil Vinay R. Significance of Shastrokta Bhasma pareeksha in present era. Int Ayurvedic Medical Journal May 2016;4(5): 798-804(ISSN- 2320 5091)
- Sourav Pal, Reshma Saokar, Vinay R Kadibagil. A review on Shatavari ghrita. Ayurpub 2016 May-Jun; 1(2): 59-63 (ISSN 2456-0170)
- Reshma Saokar, Madhav K Savkar. Quality assurance in pharmaceutics: An Ayurvedic perspective. Int. J. Res. Ayurveda Pharm. May – Jun 2016;7(3):32-35 (ISSN (online) 2229-3566ISSN (Print) 2277-4343)
- Pal Sourav, Saokar Reshma , Kadibagil Vinay R , Savkar Madhav. Modern parameters for bhasma analysis. UJAHM 2016, 04 (03): Page 16-24(ISSN 2347-2375)
- Kajree Pardeshi, Saokar Reshma , Kadibagil Vinay R , Ganti Basavaraj Y . Experimental protocols for Medhya activity of Ayurvedic drugs. IAMJ Aug 2016; 4(8):2406-13(ISSN:2320 5091)
- Sourav Pal, Dr. Reshma Saokar, Dr. Vinay R Kadibagil. A review of Rasashala in accordance with GMP. World journal of pharmaceutical And medical research 2016,2(5), 76-82. .( ISSN 2455-3301)
- Loganathan Sorubini, Saokar Reshma, Kadibagil Vinay R. Organic additives added in Ayurvedic formulations World journal of pharmaceutical And medical research 2016,2(5), 72-75. ( ISSN 2455-3301)
- K.V. Janaki, Ganti Basavaraj Y , Saokar Reshma M and Kadibagil Vinay R. Book Review on Rasa Ratnakara (Riddhi Khanda). Int J Ayu Pharm Chem 2016;5 (2) : 180-9(e-ISSN 2350-0204)
- Pardeshi Kajree, Saokar Reshma , Kadibagil Vinay R , Nishakumari PR. Aushadha Sevan Marga in Ayurveda – A review. UJAHM Sep- Oct 2016, 04 (05): Page 1-7(ISSN 2347-2375)
- Dr. Nisha Kumari.P. R , Dr. Dinesh Nayak J , Dr. Sathyanarayana B. Comparative Anti microbial study of shuddha Kasisa and Kasisa bhasma . Int Ayurvedic Medical Journal 2016;4(4):579-83(ISSN- 2320 5091)
- Nisha Kumari.P.R, Reshma Saokar. Assessing the Genuineness of AbhrakaBhasma by Namburi Phased Spot Test Int J Ayu Pharm Chem2016;5(3): (e-ISSN 2350-0204)
- Sorubini Loganathan, Vinay R Kadibagil. Ardraka & Shunti – Mahoushadhis of Ayurveda. Int J Ayu Pharm Chem2016;5(2): 349-59(e-ISSN 2350-0204)
- Rang Sourav Kumar, Sharma Govinda K, Saokar Reshma, Kadibagil Vinay R, Loganathan Sorubini. Review on Adityapaka – Sneha kalpana. UJAHM 2016;4 (6): Page 22-24(ISSN 2347-2375)
- Deepthi CP, Basavaraj Y Ganti, Vinay R Kadibagil, Sunil Kumar KN. Pharmaceutico-analytical Study of Amrutottara arka. J Ayu Med Sci 2016;1(1):73-9(ISSN: 2456-4990)
- Vinay R. Kadibagil and R. S. Sarashetti. Assessment of significant role of murchana samskara of ghrita by physicochemical analysis. Int. J. Res. Ayurveda Pharm. 2017;8(Suppl 2):162-165 ISSN (online) 2229-3566)
- Vinay R. Kadibagil and R. S. Sarashetti. Assessment of the significance of murchana samskara of ghrita by GC-MS. Int. J. Res. Ayurveda Pharm. 2017;8(Suppl 2):166-169 ISSN (online) 2229-3566)
- Khanal Sharada, K.V. Janaki, Sharma K Govinda, P. R. kumari Nisha and Ramesh Paudel. Honey as Natural Preservative. Int J Ayu Pharm Chem 2017 6(3): 295-300 [e ISSN 2350-0204]
- Sharada Khanal, Govinda Sharma K.Comparative analytical study of Sutashekhara Rasa. National Journal of Research in Ayurved Science March 2017; 5: 555-9(ISSN 2320-7329)
- Vinay. R. Kadibagil, Revanasiddhappa S. Sarashetti. Evaluation of hypolipidemic activity of Amurchita and Murchita ghrita. Int. J. Res. Ayurveda Pharm. 2017;8(3):63-67 ISSN (online) 2229-3566)
- Dr. Kajree Pardeshi, Dr Vinay Kadibagil. A review on: Bheshaja chikitsa in Arsha.World journal of pharmaceutical and medical research2017,3(3), 115-120(ISSN 2455-3301)
- Dr. Sruthi Nambiar*1, Dr. Nidhin M. M.1 and Dr. Vinay R. Kadibagil. Critical review on management of Dementia with Ghrita kalpana. World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research 2017; 6(8):316-323.ISSN 2277– 7105
- Balbhadra Shristi, Ganti Y Basavaraj. Characterisation of whole plant of Apamarga (Achyranthus aspera) vis-a-vis physico-chemical properties, HPTLC and powder microscopy, J of Ayurveda and Hol Med (JAHM).2017;5(4):1-8(ISSN:2321-1563)
- C H Arun , Hussain Gazala , Madhur Shobita , Ganti Y Basavaraj. A book review on Siddha bheshaja manimala. J Biol Sci Opin 2017; 5(4): 69-75.ISSN 2321 – 6328
- Pal Sourav, Kadibagil Vinay R, Saokar Reshma, Ganti Basavaraj Y. Pharmaceutico-Analytical study and Standardization of Shatavari Ghrita. UJAHM 2017, 05 (04): Page 22-27(ISSN-2347-2375)
- Kajree Pardeshi , Vinay Kadibagil , Basavaraj Ganti. Therapeutic potential of Rajata (silver) bhasma: A review. Int. J. Res. Ayurveda Pharm. 2017;8(5):126(ISSN (online) 2229-3566)
- Sruthi Nambiar, Vinay R Kadibagil, Gazala Hussain. A review on therapeutic application of Swarnamakshika bhasma. J Biol Sci Opin 2017;5(5): 86-(2321 – 6328)
- Dr. Kishore Seetarama D and Hussain Gazala. Pharmaceutico analytical study of Arka taila with two different ratios. WJPLS 2017;3(4): 279-283
- Kajree Pardeshi, Vinay Kadibagil. Ayurvedic management for malnourished children. National Journal of Reseach in Ayurved Science Mar 2017 5(6): 298-303(ISSN 2320-7329)
- Prasanna Narasimha Rao, Vinay R Kadibagil. Physicochemical study of Panchatikta ghrita prepared with murcchita and Amurcchita ghrita. J Res Educ. Indian Med July 2017(ISSN 0970- 7700)
- Rang Sourav Kumar, Sharma Govinda K, Saokar Reshma, Kadibagil Vinay R, Loganathan Sorubini. Review on Adityapaka – Sneha kalpana. UJAHM 2016;4 (6): Page 22-24(ISSN 2347-2375)
- Deepthi CP, Basavaraj Y Ganti, Vinay R Kadibagil, Sunil Kumar KN. Pharmaceutico-analytical Study of Amrutottara arka. J Ayu Med Sci 2016;1(1):73-9(ISSN: 2456-4990)
- Vinay R. Kadibagil and R. S. Sarashetti. Assessment of significant role of murchana samskara of ghrita by physicochemical analysis. Int. J. Res. Ayurveda Pharm. 2017;8(Suppl 2):162-165 ISSN (online) 2229-3566)
- Vinay R. Kadibagil and R. S. Sarashetti. Assessment of the significance of murchana samskara of ghrita by GC-MS. Int. J. Res. Ayurveda Pharm. 2017;8(Suppl 2):166-169 ISSN (online) 2229-3566)
- Khanal Sharada, K.V. Janaki, Sharma K Govinda, P. R. kumari Nisha and Ramesh Paudel. Honey as Natural Preservative. Int J Ayu Pharm Chem 2017 6(3): 295-300 [e ISSN 2350-0204]
- Sharada Khanal, Govinda Sharma K.Comparative analytical study of Sutashekhara Rasa. National Journal of Research in Ayurved Science March 2017; 5: 555-9(ISSN 2320-7329)
- Vinay. R. Kadibagil, Revanasiddhappa S. Sarashetti. Evaluation of hypolipidemic activity of Amurchita and Murchita ghrita. Int. J. Res. Ayurveda Pharm. 2017;8(3):63-67 ISSN (online) 2229-3566)
- Dr. Kajree Pardeshi, Dr Vinay Kadibagil. A review on: Bheshaja chikitsa in Arsha.World journal of pharmaceutical and medical research2017,3(3), 115-120(ISSN 2455-3301)
- Dr. Sruthi Nambiar*1, Dr. Nidhin M. M.1 and Dr. Vinay R. Kadibagil. Critical review on management of Dementia with Ghrita kalpana. World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research 2017; 6(8):316-323.ISSN 2277– 7105
- Balbhadra Shristi, Ganti Y Basavaraj. Characterisation of whole plant of Apamarga (Achyranthus aspera) vis-a-vis physico-chemical properties, HPTLC and powder microscopy, J of Ayurveda and Hol Med (JAHM).2017;5(4):1-8(ISSN:2321-1563)
- C H Arun , Hussain Gazala , Madhur Shobita , Ganti Y Basavaraj. A book review on Siddha bheshaja manimala. J Biol Sci Opin 2017; 5(4): 69-75.ISSN 2321 – 6328
- Pal Sourav, Kadibagil Vinay R, Saokar Reshma, Ganti Basavaraj Y. Pharmaceutico-Analytical study and Standardization of Shatavari Ghrita. UJAHM 2017, 05 (04): Page 22-27(ISSN-2347-2375)
- Kajree Pardeshi , Vinay Kadibagil , Basavaraj Ganti. Therapeutic potential of Rajata (silver) bhasma: A review. Int. J. Res. Ayurveda Pharm. 2017;8(5):126(ISSN (online) 2229-3566)
- Sruthi Nambiar, Vinay R Kadibagil, Gazala Hussain. A review on therapeutic application of Swarnamakshika bhasma. J Biol Sci Opin 2017;5(5): 86-(2321 – 6328)
- Dr. Kishore Seetarama D and Hussain Gazala. Pharmaceutico analytical study of Arka taila with two different ratios. WJPLS 2017;3(4): 279-283
- Kajree Pardeshi, Vinay Kadibagil. Ayurvedic management for malnourished children. National Journal of Reseach in Ayurved Science Mar 2017 5(6): 298-303(ISSN 2320-7329)
- Prasanna Narasimha Rao, Vinay R Kadibagil. Physicochemical study of Panchatikta ghrita prepared with murcchita and Amurcchita ghrita. J Res Educ. Indian Med July 2017(ISSN 0970- 7700)
- Pooja B, Govinda Sharma K, Archana Pagad. Research Updates on Varti Kalpana. Int J Ayu Pharm Chem 2019;10(1): 124-130(e ISSN 2350-0204)
- Gazala Hussain. Concept of Satvapatana: a review. Journal of Drug Delivery & Therapeutics. 2019; 9(1):271-272(ISSN: 2250-1177)
- Namitha R. Chandra, Satish P. Karjagi, Gazala Hussain. Pharmaceutical study & preliminary analysis of Sheetala Parpati. Journal of Drug Delivery and Therapeutics 2019; 9(1-s):81-83(ISSN: 2250-1177)
- Pooja. B, Govinda Sharma K, Vinay R Kadibagil. Critical Interpretation on Manufacturing Process of Avalehakalpana. Int J Ayu Pharm Chem 2019;10(2):288-94([e ISSN 2350-0204])
- Vinay R. Kadibagi, R.S. Sarashetti.Assessment of significance of Samskara in the preparation of Sukumara ghrita by chromatographical techniques. International Journal of Scientific Research. March 2019;8(3): (ISSN No 2277 – 8179)
- Hussain, G. (2019). Vishaharayogas in Sahasrayoga: A review. Journal of Drug Delivery and Therapeutics, 9(2-s), 594-597. (ISSN: 2250-1177)
- Sreelakshmi, K., Kadibagil, V., Sangameshwara, V., & Anjali, D. (2019). Review on Suchikabarana Rasa. Journal of Drug Delivery and Therapeutics, 9(2-s), 549-552. (ISSN: 2250-1177)
- Anusha Rao MR, Hussain G, Sharma GK, Kadibagil VR, Amrutha OP, Comparitive Analysis of Simhanada and Vatari Guggulu , Journal of Drug Delivery and Therapeutics. 2019; 9(2 – s): 504 – 507(ISSN: 2250-1177)
- Amrutha O P, Govinda Sharma K and Gazala Hussain. A Conceptual Review on Dosage of Rasayana Formulations. Int J Ayu Pharm Chem 2019;10(3):140-150([e ISSN 2350-0204])
- Vinay R. Kadibagi, R.S. Sarashetti.Assessment of significance of Samskara in the preparation of Sukumara ghrita by chromatographical techniques. International Journal of Scientific Research. March 2019;8(3): (ISSN No 2277 – 8179)
- Hussain, G. (2019). Vishaharayogas in Sahasrayoga: A review. Journal of Drug Delivery and Therapeutics, 9(2-s), 594-597. (ISSN: 2250-1177)
- Sreelakshmi, K., Kadibagil, V., Sangameshwara, V., & Anjali, D. (2019). Review on Suchikabarana Rasa. Journal of Drug Delivery and Therapeutics, 9(2-s), 549-552. (ISSN: 2250-1177)
- Anusha Rao MR, Hussain G, Sharma GK, Kadibagil VR, Amrutha OP, Comparitive Analysis of Simhanada and Vatari Guggulu , Journal of Drug Delivery and Therapeutics. 2019; 9(2 – s): 504 – 507(ISSN: 2250-1177)
- Amrutha O P, Govinda Sharma K and Gazala Hussain. A Conceptual Review on Dosage of Rasayana Formulations. Int J Ayu Pharm Chem 2019;10(3):140-150([e ISSN 2350-0204])
- Vinay R. Kadibagi, R.S. Sarashetti.Assessment of significance of Samskara in the preparation of Sukumara ghrita by chromatographical techniques. International Journal of Scientific Research. March 2019;8(3): (ISSN No 2277 – 8179)
- Hussain, G. (2019). Vishaharayogas in Sahasrayoga: A review. Journal of Drug Delivery and Therapeutics, 9(2-s), 594-597. (ISSN: 2250-1177)
- Sreelakshmi, K., Kadibagil, V., Sangameshwara, V., & Anjali, D. (2019). Review on Suchikabarana Rasa. Journal of Drug Delivery and Therapeutics, 9(2-s), 549-552. (ISSN: 2250-1177)
- Anusha Rao MR, Hussain G, Sharma GK, Kadibagil VR, Amrutha OP, Comparitive Analysis of Simhanada and Vatari Guggulu , Journal of Drug Delivery and Therapeutics. 2019; 9(2 – s): 504 – 507(ISSN: 2250-1177)
- Amrutha O P, Govinda Sharma K and Gazala Hussain. A Conceptual Review on Dosage of Rasayana Formulations. Int J Ayu Pharm Chem 2019;10(3):140-150([e ISSN 2350-0204])
- Vinay R. Kadibagi, R.S. Sarashetti.Assessment of significance of Samskara in the preparation of Sukumara ghrita by chromatographical techniques. International Journal of Scientific Research. March 2019;8(3): (ISSN No 2277 – 8179)
- Hussain, G. (2019). Vishaharayogas in Sahasrayoga: A review. Journal of Drug Delivery and Therapeutics, 9(2-s), 594-597. (ISSN: 2250-1177)
- Sreelakshmi, K., Kadibagil, V., Sangameshwara, V., & Anjali, D. (2019). Review on Suchikabarana Rasa. Journal of Drug Delivery and Therapeutics, 9(2-s), 549-552. (ISSN: 2250-1177)
- Anusha Rao MR, Hussain G, Sharma GK, Kadibagil VR, Amrutha OP, Comparitive Analysis of Simhanada and Vatari Guggulu , Journal of Drug Delivery and Therapeutics. 2019; 9(2 – s): 504 – 507(ISSN: 2250-1177)
Conference proceedings
Anjali D. Vinay R Kadibagil. Bhasma prayoga in Infertility. Prajnanam 2019, National seminar on Management of Infertility in Ayurveda, Kerala,ISBN-978-93-5346-986-3
- Gazala Hussain. Review on Satva kalpana. European journal of pharmaceutical and medical research 2020,7(1):234-236(ISSN 2394-3211)
- Sourav Pal, Vinay R Kadibagil, Reshma Saokar. The Pharmaceutico-Analytical Study of Shatavari Ghrita. Int J Ayu Pharm Chem 2020; 12(1): 201-12(e-ISSN 2350-0204)
- Kishore Seetarama D, Alekhya B, Janaki KV, Hussain Gazala. A comprehensive review on Churna w.s.r. Charaka Samhita. Unique Journal Of Ayurvedic And Herbal Medicines. 2020, 08 (01): Page 12-18(ISSN 2347-2375)
- Sruthi Nambiar, Vinay R Kadibagil, Gazala Hussain. Physicochemical Analysis of Swarnamakshika Bhasma Prepared by Two Different Methods. Annals of Ayurvedic Medicine Jul-Dec 2019; 8(3-4):2019 94-103
- Sreelakshmi K, Kadibagil V R, Bhat S. Comparative Pharmaceutico- analytical study of Amlapittaghna arka And Amlapittaghna syrup. Int J Bio Pharm Allied Sci June 2020; 9(6): 1308-1314(ISSN: 2277–4998)
- Kishore Seetarama D, Janaki KV, Hussain Gazala. Review on Tests of Perfectness of Formulations in Ayurveda Pharmaceutics. Unique Journal of Ayurvedic And Herbal Medicines. 2020, 08 (02): Page 1-3
- Pooja B, Satish P. Karjagi , Gazala Hussain, Govinda Sharma K. Standardization of Jambira lavana vati. European Journal Of Pharmaceutical And Medical Research 2020;7(7): 915-919
- Pooja B, Govinda Sharma K. Critical analysis on role of vessel in Ayurveda pharmaceutics. World Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences 2020; 9(9):2165-2174
- Ambika S., Rakshitha D, Gazala Hussain. Pharmaceutico – preliminary analytical study of sphatika shodhana by two different methods. World Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences 2020; 9(9):2076-2084
- Ambika S, Gazala Hussain. Shonitargal rasa- A unique formulation. European journal of pharmaceutical and medical research 2020,7(10), 282-285(ISSN 2394-3211)
- Pooja B, Vinay R Kadibagil and Govinda Sharma K. Conceptual Review on Pharmaceutics in Sushrutha Samhitha. World J Pharm Sci 2020; 8(9): 187-192
- Ambika S, Gazala hussain. Research updates on Mukhadhooshikahara lepa. . International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews Oct 2020;7(4):871-883(E ISSN 2348 –1269, PRINT ISSN 2349-5138)
- Pooja B, Govinda Sharma K, Vinay R Kadibagil. Pharmaceutical Modification of Kasisadi Churn to Varti and its Physicochemical Analysis. International Journal of Ayurvedic Medicine;11 (3), 470-476(ISSN No: 0976-5921)
- Paul Wilson Parathuvayalil, Neha Semwal, Vinay R. Kadibagil, Gazala Hussain. Pathyapathya of Rasa bhasma sevana w.s.r. to Ayurveda prakasha. World Journal Of Pharmacy And Pharmaceutical Sciences. 2020; 9(11): 965-970(ISSN 2278 – 4357)
- Rakshitha D, Devika Balagopalan, Gazala Hussain. A Review On Chaturjataka. International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews November 2020;7(4):510-9 (E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138)
- Sunil Mandal, Govinda Sharma K, Vinay R Kadibagil. Research updates on Badarashma. RGUHS Journal of AYUSH Sciences Jan 2019;6(2):39-45(Published in 2020)
- Namitha R. Chandra, Gazala Hussain, Vinay kumar R. Kadibagil. Pharmaceutico- Analytical Study Of Kukkutandatwak Bhasma. World journal of pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences2020;9(7): 1115-1125
- Kadibagil VR, Hussain G. A Review On Ardraka Kalpa. Int J of Bio Phar & Allied Sci Aug 2020, 9(8): 1907-1914
- Deekshitha S., Gazala Hussain, Vinay R. Kadibagil, and Chaitanya S. Badami,Trinetra Rasa: A Literary Review. European Journal Of Pharmaceutical And Medical Research 2020,7(12):232-234
- Rakshitha D, Gazala Hussain. Preliminary Pharmaceutico Analytical Study of TrisugandhaArka. Int J Applied Ayu Res Nov Dec 2020; 4(11): 1331-36(ISSN: 2347- 6362).
- Mandal S, Balagopalan D, Hussain G, Sharma Gk. Namburi phased spot test (NPST) of Kapardakabhasma prepared by two different methods. Int J Bio Pharma Allied Sci, January, 2021, 10(1): 237-244 (ISSN: 2277–4998).
- Neha Semwal, Govinda Sharma K. Wound healing and anti-microbial properties of ingredients of kakubhadichurna – A review. World Journal Of Pharmacy And Pharmaceutical Sciences 2020;9(12):505-513(ISSN 2278 – 4357).
- Ambika S., Neha Semwal, Gazala Hussain. A review on maharasadravya as hrudya. World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research 2021; 10(4): 1631- 1639
- Govinda Sharma K, Basavaraj Y Ganti, Vinaykumar R Kadibagil. Preliminary phytochemical evaluation of Arkakshara- An Ayurvedic alkaline formulation. Bull. Env. Pharmacol. Life Sci Jan 2021; 10(2): 79-83 (ISSN 2277- 1808)
- Shreevalli P, Vinaykumar R Kadibagil. Comparative analgesic effect of traditional formulation Shuntyadi yoga lepa and its neo-formulation as balm on Shirashula. International Journal of Ayurvedic Medicine 2021; 12 (1): 120-123(ISSN No: 0976-5921).
- Nidhin M M, Govinda Sharma K , S Bhat, G G Chaitra. Experimental study on antiepileptic action of KousheyashmaBhasma. Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge April 2021; 20(2): 364-369
- Gazala H, A review on Arka as a media for Bhavana. World Journal of Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Sciences 2021;10(6):420- 423.
- Kadibagil VR, Sarashetti RS and Hussain G. Hypolipidemic activity of panchatikta ghrita prepared by a murchita and murchita ghrita. Int J Pharm Sci & Res 2021; 12(8): 4302-06. doi: 10.13040/IJPSR.0975-8232.12(8).4302-06.
- Rakshitha D, Pallavi K B 2, Gazala Hussain 3, Archana Pagad. Kesharanjana yoga in Bhaishajya ratnavali: A Review. J Pharm Sci Innov. 2021;10(4):108-110.
- Ambika S, Parathuvayalil PW, Hussain G (2021) Pharmaceutical and Preliminary Analytical Study of Jeevantyadi Malahara. Intern Med. S7:003
- Saranya Sai, Govinda Sharma K. Analytical study of Kauseyaasma bhasma. Aryavaidyan. 2021; 34(1&2):24-30.
- Govinda Sharma K, Ganti BY, Hussain G. Pharmacognostic studies on Yavakshara an Ayurvedic alkaline preparation. International Journal of Biology, Pharmacy and Allied Sciences. 2021 Oct Special issue; 10(10):82-90.
- Asha Vithal Bhat, Govinda Sharma K, Vinaykumar R Kadibagil, Padmanabha Lal R. Vangeshwara Rasa: A review. 2021; 10(11):470-482.
- Ambika S, Paul Wilson Parathuvayalil, Gazala hussain. Contribution of BhaishajyaRatnavali to Ayurveda Pharmaceutics Int J Ayu Pharm Chem 2021; 14(3): 133-9 (ISSN 2350-0204).
- Sunil, Devika, Gazala, et al, Namburi phased spot test (NPST) of Kapardaka bhasma prepared by Two different methods, International Journal of Biology, Pharmacy & Allied Sciences, IJBPAS, January, 2021, 10(1): 237-244
- Pharmaceutical processing and standardization of Mahaushadhi kwatha: an ayurveda formulation, International Journal of Biology, Pharmacy & Allied Sciences, IJBPAS, June, 2021, 10(6): 1877-1884
- Sunitha G1*, Gazala Hussain 2, Arya Subhash3Kriya Kaumudi- a literary Treasure, International Journal of Biology, Pharmacy & Allied Sciences, IJBPAS, June, 2021, 10(6): 1746-1762
- Ambika, Gazala H, Preliminary Pharmaceutico-analytical study of Mukhadooshikaharalepa Churna, International Journal of Ayurvedic Medicine, Vol 12 (3), 538-543
- Rakshitha, Neha S, Gazala H, A study to evaluate the preservative action of Twak Arka in Triphala Kwatha, International Journal of Ayurvedic Medicine, Vol 12 (3), 513-517
- Rakshitha D et al : Preliminary Pharmaceutico Analytical Study of Trisugandha Arka] : IJAAR VOLUME IV ISSUE XI NOV–DEC 2020 Page No:1331-1336
- Ambika, Neha, Gazala H, A review on Maharasa dravya as Hrudya, World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, Volume 10, Issue 4, 1631-1639.
- Ambika, Paul, Gazala H, Contribution of Bhaishajya Ratnavali to Ayurveda Pharmaceutics, International Journal of Ayurveda & Pharmaceutical Chemistry, May 10th 2021Volume 14, Issue 3 Page 137
- Rakshita, Gazala H, Pharmaceutical Standardization of Ela Arka, International Journal of Ayurveda & Pharmaceutical Chemistry, September 10th 2021 Volume 15, Issue 2
- Ambika, Gazala H, Krutanna varga with reference to Bhavaprakasha, World Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Volume 10, Issue 10, 1103-1116
- Gazala Hussain, Arka As Lepa With Reference To Arka Prakasha: A review, European Journal of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences, ejbps, 2021, Volume 8, Issue 3, 422-425.
- Sharma Gk1, Saokar R2, Shetty Sk3 And Ravi M4, Hepatoprotective effect of a indegenous polyherbal Formulation sumukti syrup against ethanol and Paracetamol induced liver damage in swiss albino rats, International Journal of Biology Pharmacy and Allied Sciences, JBPAS, September, 2021, 10(9): 3192-3203.
- Neha, Govinda S, Modification of Kakubadi churna into malahara and it’s physicochemical analysis, International Journal of Ayurvedic Medicine, Vol 12 (4), 866-872
- Hussain G And Kadibagil VR, Sudhashatka Yoga: A Review, International Journal of Biology, Pharmacy and Allied Sciences, February, 2021, 10(2): 608-612
- Kadibagil V1* And Sharma G2, Critical Review On Nano-Ophthalmology Of Collyriums Used In Ayurveda, IJBPAS, April, 2021, 10(4): 1332-1345
- Dr Vinay R. Kadibagil, Dr Sangameshwara V K, Review On Madhupakwa Haritaki Bulletin of Environment, Pharmacology and Life Sciences Volume 10 [3] 2021.
- Gazala Hussain, Vinaykumar R Kadibagil, A Jebanesan,Mosquito repellent activity of chandana and sarshapa essential oil, International Journal of Botany Studies, Volume 6, Issue 5, 2021, Page No. 590-593.
- Rakshitha D, Mandvi Sharma, Gazala Hussain, Vinay R Kadibagil,, Evaluation of Market Samples of Lauha Bhasma using Namburi Phased Spot Test (NPST), International Journal of Ayurvedic Medicine, Vol 12 (3), 549-552
- Kadibagil VR And Archana P, Review On Dadhi And Curd Coagulation In Ayurveda, International Journal of Biology, Pharmacy and Allied Sciences, 2021, 10(12): 4336-4341
- Pooja Thakur1 And Vinaykumar R Kadibagil2*, Evaluation Of Yastimadhuadi Lip balm For Its Effect On Osthasphutana- International Journal of Biology, Pharmacy and Allied Sciences, 2021, special issue 10(12), 387-394
- Rakshitha D, Sunil Mandal, Gazala Hussain, Vinay R Kadibagil, Preliminary analytical study of Ashvagandhadyarishta prepared from madhu and guda as sweetening agents, International Journal of Ayurvedic Medicine, Vol 12 (4), 839-841