It is one of the basic subjects in medical studies, which deals with the structure of human body. This is one of the vital subjects useful for better understanding of principles of treatment. Knowledge of applied anatomy will enable the scholar to do a preliminary diagnosis of the disease. Better understanding of the anatomy of the organs and systems will make a better surgeon. Hands on training in preparation of models, embalming techniques, plastination techniques, anatomical paper art, drawings – collectively, do and learn policy is adopted in the department.
Body Donation Campaign is launched from the department as well. Anatomy museum based on the principles of Ayurveda is established for better understanding of the subject for the benefit of medical graduates, school children and public.

- Preparing the graduates and specialists in anatomical expertise and integrate interdisciplinary Teaching
- Training the scholars to teach basic and applied human anatomical knowledge geared towards Ayurveda health
- Exploring the unexplored areas of research in core concepts, terminology and distinctive Ayurveda perspective on human anatomy and its clinical application
Sl. No. | Name Of The Investigator | Guide | Co-Guide | Title Of Research | Date Of Commencement Of Research | Date Of Completion Of Research |
1 | Dr. Sneha H.S | Dr. Uma B Gopal | Anatomical Study Of Gulpha Pradesha With Special Reference To Antarkandara Sira For Identification And Determination Of Location Of Sira For Siravyadha In Grudhrasi. | May-20 | Mar-22 | |
2 | Dr. Gowda Ketan Annayya | Dr. Prasanna S | A Comprehensive Study On Sandhi Shareera With Special Refernce To Mandala Sandhi | May-20 | Mar-22 | |
3 | Dr. Kamalashree H.M | Dr. Uma B Gopal | Anatomical Consideration Of Vidhura Marma – A Cadaveric Study |
May-20 | Mar-22 | |
4 | Dr. Akhil Dev | Dr. Anju Thomas | Applied Anatomical Understanding Of Amsaphalaka marma- A Cadaveric Study |
May-20 | Mar-22 | |
5 | Dr. Jigisha P S | Dr. Uma B Gopal | Anatomical understanding of Neela and Manya Marma By Cadaveric dissection | May-19 | Mar-21 | |
6 | Dr. Remya K Simon | Dr. Uma B Gopal | A cadaveric study on understanding Vapavahana as Koshtanga | May-19 | Mar-21 | |
7 | Dr. Sanchita | Dr. Anju Thomas | A cadaveric study on Avedhya Sira of Hanu Sandhi for Its anatomical consideration | May-19 | Mar-21 | |
8 | Dr. Ashok | Dr. Anju Thomas | A Cadevaric Study On Medropari Romaraji ,An Avedhya Siraand Its Anatomical Considerations | May-18 | Mar-20 | |
9 | Dr. Daiarisa Rymbai | Dr. Anju Thomas | Dr. VISHWANATH D. | “A cadaveric study on anatomical consideration of apastambha marma” | May-18 | Mar-20 |
10 | Dr. Muteeba Naz | Dr.Uma B. Gopal | Dr.Shailaja U | A Retrospective Study on Tulya Gotra Vis-À-Vis Consanguineous Marriages and its Effects on Progeny | May-18 | Mar-20 |
11 | Dr. Simi | Dr. Uma B.Gopal | “A study on understanding the structural entity of taalu as a moolasthana of udhakavaha srotas” |
May-18 | Mar-20 | |
12 | Dr. Surendra Choudhary | Dr. Uma B Gopal | Dr. Basavraja G.N. | “A study on anatomical consideration of apanga marma- a vital area in lateral aspect of orbit” |
May-18 | Mar-20 |
13 | Dr. Akshata B Kichadi | Dr. Uma B Gopal | Comparitive anatomical study of flexibility of jaanu sandhi in individuals who are performing and not performing suryanamaskara with special reference to peshi shareera |
May-17 | Mar-19 | |
14 | Dr. Jeevan Kumar Giri | Dr. Anju Thomas | Anatomical understanding of vitapa maram by means of cadaveric dissection | May-17 | Mar-19 | |
15 | Dr. Jyoti Umarji | Dr.Uma.B.Gopal | A correlative study on greeva pramana and height in dwandwaja prakruti individuals |
May-17 | Mar-19 | |
16 | Dr. Manu Krishnan K | Dr. Uma.B Gopal | An Applied Anatomical Study On Jaaladhara Sira And Its Relation With Koorchashira Marma In Urdhwa Sakha | May-17 | Mar-19 | |
17 | Dr. Santosh Kumar Singarapu | Dr. Uma.B Gopal | A Histological Study On Twak Uttpati Based On Fetal Cadaveric Dissection | May-17 | Mar-19 | |
18 | Dr. Vislavath Srikanth | Dr. Anju Thomas | A cadaveric study of vaikalyakara marma with special reference to ani marma |
May-17 | Mar-19 | |
19 | Dr Pranav Krishna | Dr.S wati.S.Bedekar | Study of Shukravaha Srotas with Special Reference to Relation between Vrushana Pramana and Semen Profile | May-16 | Mar-18 | |
20 | Dr Chaitra | Dr. Uma B Gopal | A Structural Study of Danta Sampat in Dwidoshaja Prakruti Individuals | May-16 | Mar-18 | |
21 | Dr Ankit Tyagi | Dr.Uma B Gopal | A Study on Regional and Applied Anatomy of Kukundara marma | May-15 | Mar-17 | |
22 | Dr. Nirmala Joshi | Dr.Swati S. Bedekar | Comprehensive study of shiro marma-abhighata with special reference to head injury | May-15 | Mar-17 | |
23 | Dr. Swapna H.N | Dr.Swati.S.Bedekar | Comprehensive study of garbhaposhana and its relation with morphology of apara and nabhi nadi | May-15 | Mar-17 | |
24 | Dr. R. Ganesh Babu | Dr.Uma.B.Gopal | Regional anatomy of indrabasti marma-a cadaveric study | May-15 | Mar-17 | |
25 | Dr. Gouranga Maity | Dr.Swati.S.Bedekar | Comprehensive study of Adhoshakhagata urvi marma | May-15 | Mar-17 | |
26 | Dr. Puneetha S | Dr. B.G. Kulkarni | A cadaveric study on guda as pranayatana | May-14 | Mar-16 | |
27 | Dr. Varun Vinayak | Dr. Uma.B Gopal | A cadaveric study to ascertain structural entity of pranavaha srotas w.s.r. to hrudayam moolam |
May-14 | Mar-16 | |
28 | Dr. Vishak S Ravi | Dr. B.G. Kulkarni | Critical Analysis Of Amsa Pradesha With Special Reference To Amsa Marma |
May-14 | Mar-16 | |
29 | Dr Aneesh T | Dr. Swati.S. Bedekar | A Comprehensive Study on Gulpha Marma wsr to Abhighata Parinama | May-14 | Mar-16 | |
30 | Dr. Rahul Kumar Gupta | Dr.Swati S. Bedekar | Effect of occupational stress on joints with special reference to anatomical changes in manibandha sandhi of auto rickshaw drivers | May-13 | Mar-15 | |
31 | Dr. Sajin. C.P | Dr. B.G. Kulkarni | The study of asthi dhatu with special reference to relation between bone mineral density and chronic tamaka shwasa | May-13 | Mar-15 | |
32 | Dr. Chandrika Urs P | Dr.B.G. Kulkarni | A Study of shankha marma with special reference to regional and applied anatomy | May-13 | Mar-15 | |
33 | Dr Harikrishna Kamath | Dr.Swati S Bedekar | A correlative study on prapani pramana and height of individuals in various prakrithi | May-13 | Mar-15 | |
34 | Dr Kavita S Butali | Dr.Uma B Gopal | Anatomical Study of purusha with special Reference To mamsa rajju. | May-13 | Mar-15 | |
35 | Dr Thrigil Krishnan | Dr Uma B Gopal | A Study of paada shareera with special Reference to arch of foot in different prakruthi individuals | May-13 | Mar-15 | |
36 | Dr Afil M Alex | Dr. Uma B Gopal | Anatomical study of snayu based on cadaveric dissection |
May -2012 | Mar-14 | |
37 | Dr Vinay Shankar Bharadwaj | Dr.Swati S Bedekar | A cadaveric study on lohitaksha marma | May -2012 | Mar-14 | |
38 | Dr Santosh Kumar Sagar | Dr. SwatiSBedekar | A study on jihvabandha as pranayatana in the per-view of anatomy |
May -2012 | Mar-14 | |
39 | Dr Diny Thomas | Dr. B.G. Kulkarni | A cadaveric study on nabhi marma | May -2012 | Mar-14 | |
40 | Dr Rajani Dhaded | Dr. B.G. Kulkarni | A cadaveric study on sevani | May -2012 | Mar-14 | |
41 | Dr Shobha G | Dr Uma B Gopal | A cadaveric study on kanta as a pranayatana | May -2012 | Mar-14 |
Sl. No. | Investigator | Title | Funding agency |
1 | Dr. B.G Kulkarni Professor Department of ShareeraRachana |
Study of JanuSandhi (Knee Joint) of Heavy Vehicle Drivers | Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Bengaluru |
Sl. No. | Investigator | Title | Funding agency | Year |
1 | Dr Uma B Gopal DrAnju Thomas DrArunraj |
A Comparative Study of Shira Pramana in Normal and Mentally Challenged Individuals with special reference to Intelligence Quotient | RGUHS Bengaluru | 2018 |
- Shobha G, Afil M Alex, Uma Gopal. A case of elongated styloid process of skull (eagle’s syndrome). Journal of Ayurveda and Holistic Medicine 2013; 1(7). (2321-1563)
- Diny Thomas, Kulkarni Bhagwan Gangadhar. A case of fusion of thoracic vertebra. Journal of Ayurveda and Holistic Medicine2013; 1(5):23-6. (2321-1563)
- Afil M Alex, Uma B Gopal. A Review on Snayu (Nervous Tissue) Based on its Functional Aspects. International Ayurvedic Medical Journal 2013;1(6):7-14.(2320 5091)
- Rajani Bhalachandra Dhaded, Bhagwan Gangadhar Kulkarni, Gururaj Jahagirdar. Absence of Palmaris Longus Muscle-A Case Report. Journal of Ayurveda and Holistic Medicine 2013 ;1(1): 33-35.(2321-1563)
- Chandrika , Kulkarni Bhagwan Gangadhar. A review on relevance of Shirogata marma in sports related traumatic injuries. Prajnanam May 2014; 1(1): 51-56
- Vinaya Shankar Bharadwaj B, Uma B Gopal, Gururaj Jahagirdar, Shobha G. A rare branching pattern of arch of Aorta with four branches arising from it- A case report . Anatomica Karnataka- An International Journal Aug 2014; 8(2):15-18(P-ISSN- 2229-7545,E-ISSN-2249-5398)
- Jahagirdar Gururaj, Poornima B, Nishakumari. New outlook on concept of Ama: Free radicals or xenobiotics. Int J Of Ayu And Pharma ResJan Feb 2015; 6(1):73-79(ISSN 2322 – 0910)
- Diny Thomas, Kulkarni B G. Nabhi Marma- An embryological and anatomical focus. J-ISM(Journal of Indian system of medicine) Oct- Dec 2014;2(4): 201-5 (ISSN- 2320 4419)
- Swathi Bedekar, Uma B Gopal, Kulkarni B G, J Gururaj, T Anju. Ideal longevity of life as per Ayurveda. Int J of Res Ayu Pharma Sep Oct 2015; 6(5): 583-5 (ISSN 2322 – 0910)
- Santosh Kumar Sagar, Bedekar Swati S, Kulkarni Bhagwan Gangadhar. Variation in the proximal attachment of the third head of Biceps Brachii muscle- A case report. Jnana srotas July-Dec 2014; 9(2): 28-31 (ISSN-2321-2896)
- Thomas Anju, Uma B Gopal, Bedekar Swati S, Urs Chandrika. High division of Sciatic nerve- A case report. Jnana srotas July-Dec 2014; 9(2): 43-49 (ISSN-2321-2896)
- Gangadhar Kulkarni, Swati S Bedekar, Prasanna N Rao, Girish K J. Occupation and Osteoarthritis of Knee joint- A review. Journal of Ayurveda Physicians & Surgeons 2015; 2(3): (eISSN 2394-6350)
- Aneesh.T, Swati.S.Bedekar, B.G Kulkarni, Varun Vinayak, Visakh.S.Ravi. Ayurvedic Understanding of Biomechanical Dysfunction of Ankle Joint with special reference to Gulpha Marma Abhighatha. International Journal of Ayurveda and Pharma Research. 2016;4(7):74-77. (2322 – 0902 (P)
- Uma B. Gopal, Bedekar Swati Sanjay, Bharadwajvinaya Shankara, Kulkarni B.G. A review on Apastambha marma. Int. J. Res. Ayurveda Pharm. Mar – Apr 2016;7(2):1-3 (ISSN E-2229-3566)
- Kulkarni, B.G. (2016): Insight on Krukatika Marma with Reference to the Injury of Cranio-Cervical Joints. JAPS vol.3 (2):49-53.
- Kulkarni BG, Kanthi GM. Ancient thoughts of neuro-vascular injuries of neck in the pre view of marma (vital points): A review. Int. J. Res. Ayurveda Pharm. May – Jun 2016;7(3):8-12 (ISSN (online) 2229-3566. ISSN (Print) 2277-4343)
- Aneesh.T, Swati.S.Bedekar, B.G Kulkarni, Varun Vinayak, Visakh.S.Ravi. Ayurvedic Understanding of Biomechanical Dysfunction of Ankle Joint with special reference to Gulpha Marma Abhighatha. International Journal of Ayurveda and Pharma Research. 2016;4(7):74-77. (2322 – 0902 (P)
- Uma B. Gopal, Bedekar Swati Sanjay, Bharadwajvinaya Shankara, Kulkarni B.G. A review on Apastambha marma. Int. J. Res. Ayurveda Pharm. Mar – Apr 2016;7(2):1-3 (ISSN E-2229-3566)
- Uma B. Gopal, Bedekar Swati Sanjay, Bharadwajvinaya Shankara, Kulkarni B.G. A review on Apastambha marma. Int. J. Res. Ayurveda Pharm. Mar – Apr 2016;7(2):1-3 (ISSN E-2229-3566)
- Thomas Anju, G M Kanthi , A Review On Fetal Biometry: Modern And Ayurvedic Perspective.IJAPR.Int. J. Ayur. Pharma Research, 2016;4(11):18-25.ISSN: 2322 – 0902(P) ISSN:2322-0910 (O)
- Thomas Anju, G M Kanthi, A Critical Analysis of Garbhavridhi (Growth Of Embryo/Fetus) in the Three Trimesters.Ayushdhara .An International Journal of Research in AYUSH and Allied Systems| May – June 2016 | Vol 3 | Issue 3. ISSN: 2393-9583 (P)/ 2393-9591 (O)
- Aneesh.T, Archana Madhavi, Swati.S.Bedekar. The physio anatomical view of kledaka kapha AYUSHDHARA May – June 2016; 3(3):(ISSN: 2393-9583 (P)/ 2393-9591 (O))
- Rahul Kumar Gupta, Swati S Bedekar, Ashutosh Chaturvedi. An open labelled clinical study to evaluate the occupational stress over wrist joint (manibandh sandi) among Indian auto rickshaw drivers. Int.J.Res. Ayurveda Pharm. 2017;8(1):52-6(ISSN (online) 2229-3566)
- Ankit Tyagi, Uma B. Gopal. A retrospective study of Atisthoulaya (obesity)- A burning problem in women. WORLD JOURNAL OF PHARMACY AND PHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCES 2017; 6(3):855-860(ISSN 2278 – 4357)
- Nirmala Joshi, Swati S Bedekar. Concept of Rasayana for a Better Health – A Review. J Ayurveda Integr Med Sci 2017;1:209-212.( ISSN: 2456-3110)
- Swapna H N , Uma B Gopal , Swati S Bedeker. A review on understanding of Dhamani, International Journal of Applied Ayurved Research JAN-FEB 2017; 2(11):1637-42(ISSN: 2347- 6362)
- Maity Gouranga, Bedekar swati sanjay, Uma B Gopal.A review on Basti marma. UJAHM 2017, 05 (01): Page 15-16(ISSN 2347-2375)
- Shobha G & Uma B Gopal. An Insight On Kanta As Pranayatana. International Ayurvedic Medical Journal August, 2017; 5(8): 2954 -2961 (ISSN: 2320 5091)
- Uma B Gopal, Swapna H N. A Study of Arthavavaha Srotas with Special Reference to Maithunaasahishnutha (dyspareunia). AYUSHDHARA, 2016;4(2):1090-1099.
- Anju Thomas, G M Kanthi. A study on the relation between maternal prakruti and fetal biometry in second trimester. Jnana srotas Jan-June 2017;11(1): 31-34(ISSN-2321-2896)
- Ankit Tyagi and Uma B Gopal. Study on regional and applied anatomy of kukundara marma. Int. J. Res. Ayurveda Pharm. 2018;9(1):70-76(ISSN (online) 2229-3566)
- Vislavath Srikanth, Anju Thomas, Jyoti Umarji. Solitary Simple Renal Cyst: A Case Report. International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development 2018; 2(1): 1606-10 ISSN: 2456-6470
- Jyoti Umarji, Shobha G, Vislavath Srikanth. Mixed Nodular Liver Cirrhosis:A Case Report. International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) July Aug 2018; 2(5): 1825-9(ISSN No: 2456 – 6470
- Anju Thomas, G M Kanthi. A Study on Fetal Biometry in Third Trimester in Relation to Maternal Prakruti. J Ayurveda Integr Med Sci 2018;3(4):28-35(2456-3110)
- Umarji J, Gopal UB, Vislavath S. An unusual origin of brachiocephalic and left common carotid arteries as a common trunk from the arch of aorta: a case report. Int J Health Sci Res. 2018; 8(9):292-296. (ISSN: 2249-9571)
- Srikanth V, Umarji J,Thomas A. A Morphological variation in Thyroid Gland-A case report.Int j health sci Res.2018;8(9):287-291.
- Jeevan Kumar Giri, Uma BG, Pratikshya Majagaiyan , Anju Thomas, Surendra Chaudhary, Santosh Kumar Singrapu,Manu Krishnan K, Akshata Kichadi. Sacralization of fifth lumbar vertebra –A case report. European Journal of Biomedical AND Pharmaceutical sciences. 2019;6(1): 671-674.
- Santosh kumar Singarapu , Akashata. B. K, Jeevankumar Giri , Manu Krishnan Krishnan. K, Shobha. G, Uma. B. Gopal. Case Report: Accessory Great Saphenous Vein. International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) 2018;2(6): 1188-90.ISSN No: 2456 – 6470
- Uma. B. Gopal , Chaitra S, Santhosh Singarapu , Pranav Krishnan. An observational study of Anencephalous fetuses mounted as museum specimen. Int J Anat Res 2018, Vol 6(2.1):5083-86. ISSN 2321-4287
- Chaitra S, Uma B. Gopal. An ayurvedic approach for ideal dentition through validated structured questionnaire. World journal of pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences 2018;7(4):1207-1214(ISSN 2278 – 4357)
- Jeevan kumar Giri, Anju Thomas, Pratikshya Majagaiyan, Uma. B. Gopal, Swati S. Bedekar. Concept of VitapaMarma- A Conceptual Review Article. Int J Ayu Pharm Chem 2019;10(2):255-64([e ISSN 2350-0204])
- Surendra Chaudhary, Uma B. Gopal, Muteeba Naz, Jeevan Kumar Giri, Simi C. P.,Daiarisa Rymbai. Rectus Sternalis Muscle – A Rare Variant. International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) Jan Feb 2019; 3(2):299-301
- Surendra Chaudhary, Uma B. Gopal, Jeevan Kumar Giri. Sacrococcygeal Synostosis – A Case Report. International Journal of Health Sciences and Research March 2019;9(3):323-6(ISSN: 2249-9571)
- Prasanna S., Sandeep Kashyap , Megha Chandarana , Nirav Patel, Siddharth Roy. Coeliac trunk and its anatomical variation: A Case Report. Int. J. Res. Ayurveda Pharm. 2019; 10(2):73-75(ISSN Online:2229-3566)
- Uma B. Gopal, Ganesh Babu, Muteeba Naz, Simi C.P, Daiarisa Rymbai. Understanding Regional Anatomy of Indrabasti Marma- A Cadaveric Study. Sch Int J Tradit Complement Med, Aug 2019; 2(6): 90-94( ISSN 2616-8634(Print)|ISSN 2617-3891 (Online))
- Surendra Chaudhary, Uma B. Gopal, Prasanna S, Jeevan Kumar Giri. Variation in Renal Blood Supply and Its Clinical Significance- A Case Report. International Journal of Health Sciences and Research October 2019; 9(10): 170-4(ISSN: 2249-9571)
- Ashok Kumar B, Anju Thomas, Surendra Chaudhary. A Review on Sira Vyadhana: An important Para-Surgical Procedure of Ayurveda. International Journal of Health Sciences and Research October 2019; 9(11): 62-68(ISSN: 2249-9571)
- Uma. B. Gopal, Santosh Kumar Singarapu, Akshata.BK, Manu Krishnan K, Jeevan Kumar Giri. Frequency of Metopic Suture ,in male and female skulls mounted as Museum Specimen. Int J of Research and Analytical Reviews June 2019; 6(2) : 861-8(e-ISSN 2348-1269)
- Manu Krishnan. K, Uma. B. Gopal, Pranav Krishnan, Santosh kumar singarapu, Akshata. BK, Jeevankumargiri. Bifid Xiphoid Process- Case Report. International Journal of trends in scientific Research and development Jan Feb 2019; 3(2): 444-5, e.ISSN 2456-6470
- Akshata. B. Kichadi, Dr. Uma B Gopal, Santhosh Singarapu, Chaitra. S, Manukrishnan. K, Jeevankumar. Giri. A Review On Genetic Dominant Disorder – Polidactyly- Case Report. International Journal of trends in scientific Research and development Jan Feb 2019; 3(2): 258-60, e.ISSN 2456-6470
- Anju Thomas, Vinod Kumar Alapatti. A Case Report of Unilateral Absence of Palmaris Longus. Int J of Health Sciences & Research 2019;9(7): 285-88(ISSN-2249- 9571)
- Jeevan Kumar Giri, Anju Thomas, Pratikshya Majagaiyan, Uma B. G. Cleft lip and cleft palate – A case report. Int Ayurvedic Med Journal Dec 2018-Jan 2019; 7(1): 1587-91(ISSN-2320- 5091)
- Jyoti Umarji and Uma B Gopal. A Correlative survey study on Greeva pramana (Neck length) and Height of the Individuals. J Pharm Sci Innov. 2020;9(1):39-45(ISSN : 2277 –4572)
- Daiarisa Rymbai, Anju Thomas, Uma B Gopal, Surendra Chaudhary, Muteeba Naz, Simi C P. Variation in the length of Sigmoid Colon -A Case Report. International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews. February 2020;7(1):797-9(E-ISSN 2348-1269)
- Muteeba Naz, Uma B. Gopal, Simi C P, Surendra Chaudhary, Daiarisa Rymbai. An Unusual Shapes of Stomach:Case Report on Hourglass and Retort Shape. International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) Feb 2020; 4(2):97-99
- Simi. C. P, Uma B. Gopal, SurendraChaudhary, Muteebanaz, DaiarisaRymbai, Manu Krishnan. Pons Hepatis of Quadrate Lobe- A Morphogical Variation of Liver. International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) Feb 2020;4(2): 107-109 (e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470)
- Ashok Kumar B, Anju Thomas. Role of nutrition in Madhumeha. International Journal of Ayurvedic Medicine, Vol 11 (4 S), Supplement of AMRUTA 2019 , 1-7ISSN No: 0976-5921
- Uma B. Gopal, Surendra Chaudhary, Daiarisa Rymbai. A Case Report of a Rare and Unusually Large Thymus Gland and its Comprehensive Review. International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews March 2020; 7(1): 892-900 (E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138)
- Ashok Kumar B, Anju Thomas, Uma B Gopal. Importance of Raktamokshana in blood-purification. Int Ayu Med J March 2020;8(3): 2995-3000 (ISSN: 2320 5091)
- Muteeba Naz, Uma B. Gopal, Shailaja U. An overview on concept of Tulya Gotra and Consanguinity. J Ayurveda Integr Med Sci 2020;5(5):333-341
- Daiarisa Rymbai, Anju Thomas. A Review on Comprehensive Understanding of Apastambha Marma and its Clinical Significance. International Journal of Ayurveda and Pharma Research. 2020;8(Suppl 2):112-16
- Uma B. Gopal, Surendra Chaudhary. A comprehensive review on Apangamarma. Int. J. Res. Ayurveda Pharm 2021; 12(1):82-84(ISSN:2229–3566).
- Vislavath Srikanth, Uma B Gopal. Anatomical Understanding of Urdwashakhagata (Upper Limb) Ani Marma (A Vital Area) – A Conceptual Study Int J Ayu Pharm Chem 2021; 14(3): 27-33 (ISSN 2350-0204)
- Remya K Simon, Uma B Gopal, Sanchita, Jigisha PS. Review Article: Significance of Agni in ImmunityJ of Ayurveda and Hol Med2020; 8(6):28-38.
- Jigisha.P.S, Uma B. Gopal, Remya.K.Simon, Sanchita. Neurological Understanding of Shad Chakra with Special Reference ToVataDosha.International Journal of Ayurveda and Pharma Research. 2021;9(5):93-97
- Sanchita, Thomas Anju. A Comprehensive Review on Hanugata Avedhya Sira. International Journal of Ayurveda and Pharma Research. 2021;9(5):27-34
- Shivanna D, Shobha G, Pratibha K. Analytical review on influence of Chinta on Agni – contemporary view. J Ayurveda 2021;15:299-302