It is an emerging branch in Ayurveda and the department of the institute has the distinction of being a pioneer post graduate centre in South India. The department provides quality education and trains scholars in research skills. Medical and psychiatric care is provided for the patients with complex problems that are beyond the treatment skills of general Ayurveda physician. Demonstrated evaluation and judgment skills in making appropriate decisions regarding prevention & treatment to deliver complete care for the health seekers are carried out with care. Separate unit of 25 beds in the in-patient department of the hospital is established to deal with the psycho- social illness such as abuse & psychiatric illness through unique Satvavajaya management.

- To provide quality Ayurveda education and health service in area of mental health
- Training the scholars to teach Ayurvedapsychiatry in academia
- Train the scholars for family counseling, student counseling, etc.
- To impart research culture in ancient and modern medical science for better health outcome
Sl. No. | Name Of The Investigator | Guide | Co-Guide | Title Of Research | Date Of Commencement Of Research | Date Of Completion Of Research |
1 | Dr Srinibash Sahoo | Dr B G Gopinath | Dr Gurdip Singh | A comparative study on the effect of jala- dhara and taila- dhara on Nidranasha (primary insomnia) | 2001 | 2004 |
2 | Dr Suhas Kumar Shetty | Dr B G Gopinath | Dr Gurdip Singh | A comparative study of brahmi ghrita as shamans and brimhana sneha in Apasmara. | 2001 | 2004 |
3 | Dr C B Singh | Dr T B Tripathy | Clinical study on aetio-pathogenesis of Vishada and role of jyotishmati taila and sattvavajaya chikitsa in its management | 2002 | 2005 | |
4 | Dr Unni G | Dr T B Tripathy | Effect of kushmanda ghrita in Apasmara | 2002 | 2005 | |
5 | Dr Sanjeev Kalra | Dr Narayana Prakash B | A study on the effect of shankhapushpi compound and sattvavajaya chikitsa in chittodvega (psychological impotence) | 2003 | 2006 | |
6 | Dr Shyla M G | Dr Narayana Prakash B | A study on effect of kalyanaka ghrita in adija-unmada. | 2003 | 2006 | |
7 | Dr Savitha H P | Dr Narayana Prakash B | A comparative study on the role of jyotishmati taila administered as nasya and orally in the management of vishada (Depression). | 2004 | 2007 | |
8 | Dr. Warungase Hiraman Nivrutti | Dr Narayana Prakash B | A comparative study of shankhapushpi ghrita and behaviour therapy in the management of Manasika Khailbya | 2004 | 2007 | |
9 | Dr Mahesh Chandrashekar Kundagol | Dr Narayana Prakash B | Dr Suhas Kumar Shetty | Satvavajaya Chikitsa In Bhaya With Special Reference To Fear Of Exams | 2004 | 2007 |
10 | Dr Prathap G | Dr Narayana Prakash B | Dr Suhas Kumar Shetty | A Comparative Study On The Role Of Takradhara and Jaladhara In The Management Of Chittodvega With Special Reference To Occupational Stress | 2004 | 2007 |
11 | Dr Sunitha V | Dr Narayana Prakash B | Dr Suhas Kumar Shetty | A Comparative Clinical Study With Ashwagandha And Ashwagandha Compound In The Management Of Chittodvega (Generalized Anxiety Disorder) | 2005 | 2008 |
12 | Dr Sheetal Sadalgi | Dr Narayana Prakash B | Dr Suhas Kumar Shetty | Comparative study of Vamana and Astanga Lavana in Madatyaya | 2005 | 2008 |
13 | Dr Abhinandan Y Patil | Dr Narayana Prakash B | Dr Suhas Kumar Shetty | A Clinical Study On Role Of Kalyanaka Ghrita And Shireeshadi Anajana In The Management Of Kaphaja Unmada With Special Reference To Depressive Disorders | 2006 | 2009 |
14 | Dr Narayanan N | Dr Narayana Prakash B | Dr Suhas Kumar Shetty | Role of Manasika Bhavas in aetiopathogenesis and management of Adhimantha (Glaucoma) | 2006 | 2009 |
15 | Dr Sunilkumar M Chabanur | Dr Narayana Prakash B | Dr Suhas Kumar Shetty | A Clinical Study On Shirishadi Yoga In The Management Of Kaphaja Unmada With Special Reference To Depressive Disorders | 2007 | 2010 |
16 | Dr Drishya Ravindran | Dr Narayana Prakash B | Dr Suhas Kumar Shetty | A comparative study on effect of Nimbadi Yoga and Hingvadi Yoga Dhoopana in postive and negativesymptoms of Schizophrenia | 2007 | 2010 |
17 | Dr Niranjana H P | Dr Narayana Prakash B | Dr Suhas Kumar Shetty | Role Of Satvavajaya Chikitsa And Guduchyadi Yoga In The Management Of Madatyayaja Yakrit Vikara (Alcoholic Liver Disorder | 2008 | 2011 |
18 | Dr Geetha L | Dr Suhas Kumar Shetty | An exploratory study on the role of mandukaparni in the management of psychological symptoms of raja nivritti (peri menopausal period ) | 2009 | 2012 | |
19 | Dr Toolika E | Dr Narayana Prakash B | Dr Ravishankar B | A Comparitive Pharmaco Clinical Study On The Effect Of Tagara And Jatamansi In The Management Of Anidra With Special Reference To Primary Insomnia | 2010 | 2013 |
20 | Dr Aditya Subrahmanyam | Dr Hrishikesh Rangnekar | Dr Narayana Prakash B | A Clinical Study On Effect Of Hapusyadi Yapana Basti In The Management Of Vishada W S R To Depressive Disorder | 2010 | 2013 |
21 | Dr Issac Paul | Dr Narayana Prakash B | Pharmaco Clinical Study On The Effect Of Fortified Mandookaparrni Choorna In The Management Of Chittodvega With Special Reference To Generalized Anxiety Disorder | 2010 | 2013 | |
22 | Dr Rinjin G Krishna | Dr Suhas Kumar Shetty | A Clinical Study on the effect of Kapikacchu in the management of Manasika Klaibya (Erectile Dysfunction) | 2010 | 2013 | |
23 | Dr Jaykrishnan | Dr Suhas Kumar Shetty | A clinical study of Brahmyadi Yoga in Smrti Vibramsha (Alzeihmers Dementia) | 2010 | 2013 | |
24 | Dr Vikram C | Dr Narayana Prakash B | A Clinico-Pharmacological Study To Evaluate Neuro- Protective Activity Of Brihat Vata Chintamani Rasa And Its Role In Management Of Post Stroke Depression | 2011 | 2014 | |
25 | Dr Unnikrishnan P.M | Dr Savitha H P | A Clinical Study On The Efficacy Of Sumukti -An Indeginous Compound On Madatyaya With Special Reference To Alcohol Dependence | 2011 | 2014 | |
26 | Dr Vinay Shankar M | Dr Narayana Prakash B | An Exploratory Pharmaco-Clinical Study On Efficacy Of Dattura Mula In Kaphaja Unmada | 2011 | 2014 | |
27 | Dr Thejaswini | Dr Narayana Prakash B | A clinical study to evlauate the efficiacy of Sarasvata Tablet on Medha and academic performance in school going children | 2011 | 2014 | |
28 | Dr Chitrangana Chauhan | Dr Suhas Kumar Shetty | A clinical study on effect of Panchagavya Ghritha with Virechana in Apasmara | 2011 | 2014 | |
29 | Dr Muniraju | Dr Suhas Kumar Shetty | A Clinical study to evaluate th efficacy of Kushmanda beeja in the management of Doshaja Unmada | 2011 | 2014 | |
30 | Dr Sriman Narayanan .S | Dr Narayana Prakash B | A Clinical Study On The Efficacy Of Madhutriphala And Gudardraka Yoga In The Management Of Madatyaya (Alcohol Withdrawal) | 2012 | 2015 | |
31 | Dr Vishal Gupta | Dr Suhas Kumar Shetty | A Comparative Study On Guduchi Vati And Mandookaparni Vati In The Management Of Chittodvega (Generalized Anxiety Disorder | 2012 | 2015 | |
32 | Dr Madhushree R.N | Dr Suhas Kumar Shetty | Role Of Panchagavyaghrita In The Management Of Atattvabhinivesha (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) | 2012 | 2015 | |
33 | Dr Deepanshu Raj Indoriya | Dr Savitha H P | Efficacy Of Hingwadi Ghrita In The Management Of Vishada (Depression) | 2012 | 2015 | |
34 | Dr Arjun Chand | Dr Narayana Prakash B | Role of Aswagandha Choorna and Satvavajaya Chikitsa in the management of Chittodvega (occupational Stress) | 2012 | 2015 | |
35 | Dr Swathi V | Dr Narayana Prakash B | Role Of Sarpagandha Vati In The Management Of Nidranasha (Primary Insomnia) | 2012 | 2015 | |
36 | Dr Sharmitesh R Tripathi | Dr Savitha H P | A Clinical Study On Efficacy Of Shatavari Taila Nasya And Brahmi Gritha In Apasmara | 2013 | 2016 | |
37 | Dr Ashok J | Dr Suhas Kumar Shetty | Efficacy Of Mrudveekadi Kashaya In The Management Of Madatyaya (Alcohol Withdrawal Symptoms) | 2013 | 2016 | |
38 | Dr. Shubham Sadh | Dr Suhas Kumar Shetty | A Clinical Study On Bhavit Yastimadhu Vati In The Management Of Chittodvega (Generalised Anxiety Disorder) |
2014 | 2017 | |
39 | Dr. SushruthKumar Jain M J | Dr Manjunath Adiga | Clinical Study On The Efficacy Of Patoladi Gana Kashaya In The Management Of Madatyaya Janya Yakrithvikara (Alcohol Liver Disease) | 2014 | 2017 | |
40 | Dr. Suman | Dr Savitha H P | Clinical Evaluation Of Karkandhawadi Panakam In The Management Of Madatyaya (Alcohol Withdrawal Symptoms) | 2014 | 2017 | |
41 | Dr. Archana Mandhavi | Dr Savitha H P | A Clinical Study On Effectiveness Of Hingwadi Vati In The Management Of Vishada ( Depression) | 2014 | 2017 | |
42 | Dr.Shrilata | Dr Manjunath Adiga | Clinical Study On Efficacy Of Ashwagandha Vati And Satvavajaya Chikitsa In The Management Of Chittodvega In Pre Menstrual Syndrome | 2014 | 2017 | |
43 | Dr Prabhakar Manu | Dr Suhas Kumar Shetty | Effectiveness of Tulasi (Ocimum sanctum) in the management of Exam stress (Chittodevega) | 2014 | 2017 | |
44 | Dr Govardhan Belaguli | Dr Suhas Kumar Shetty | Effectiveness of Lashuna Taila Paana and Satvavajaya Chikitsa in Atatvabhinivesha (Obsessive Compulsive disoder) | 2015 | 2018 | |
45 | Dr Sara Shawn | Dr Savitha H P | Efficacy of Kushmanda Swarasa in Mild Cognitive impairment of the elderly | 2015 | 2018 | |
46 | Dr Princy Mathia | Dr Savitha H P | Efficacy of Sumukti Arista – An indegnious compound on Madatyaya (Alcohol dependence) | 2015 | 2018 | |
47 | Dr Shadad Khan | Dr Suhas Kumar Shetty | Clinical study of Swarnamakshika Bhasma in Anidra (Primary Insmonia) | 2015 | 2018 | |
48 | Dr Kavyasri K | Dr Savitha H P | An exploratory study on Lashuna capsule in psychological complaints of menopausal transition | 2015 | 2018 | |
49 | Dr Aswathi Kavirajan | Dr Suhas Kumar Shetty | Designing and validation of an Ayurveda Depression scale and effect of Purana Ghritha Nasya | 2015 | 2018 | |
50 | Dr Sharanya S Kumar | Dr Suhas Kumar Shetty | clinical study on the effectiveness of jatipatri ksheerapaka in anidra (primary insomnia) | 2016 | 2019 | |
51 | Dr Lakshmi A | Dr Suhas Kumar Shetty | clinical study on effectiveness of Kushmanda swarasa with yashtimadhu churna in chittodwega (occupational stress) | 2016 | 2019 | |
52 | Dr Keshav R | Dr Savitha H P | Role of satvavajaya chikita in the management of prajnaparadha (excessive social media usage) in students of college Hassan | 2016 | 2019 | |
53 | Dr Kavyashree C Sugur | Dr Savitha H P | An open label single arm prospective study on vachadi yoga in vishada (depression) | 2016 | 2019 | |
54 | Dr Chaithra GG | Dr Suhas Kumar Shetty | An open label single arm prospective clinical study on kausheyashma bhasma in apasmara (epilepsy) | 2016 | 2019 | |
55 | Dr Ajith | Dr Savitha H P | A Clinical Study of Dhattura Lavana in Madatyaya (Alcohol withdrawal) | 2016 | 2019 | |
56 | Dr C N Moss | Dr Suhas Kumar Shetty | A Clinical study on the effectiveness of Kamala Beeja Choorna (seeds of Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn) in anidra (Primary Insomnia) | 2017 | 2020 | |
57 | Dr Deena Dayalan | Dr Suhas Kumar Shetty | Effectiveness of Jyotismati Taila (Celastrus Pannculatus) in Mild cognitive impairment of the elderly | 2017 | 2020 | |
58 | Dr Kamaldeep | Dr Suhas Kumar Shetty | Clinical Study on combined effectiveness of Shankapushpi (Convolvulus pluricaulis Chols) & Japapushpi (Hibiscus rosa-sinesis Linn) Choorna on Chittodvega (Generalised anxiety disoder) | 2017 | 2020 | |
59 | Dr Arun M | Dr Savitha H P | A clinical Study of Guda and Ghritha Prayoga in Madatyaya (Alcohol withdrawal) | 2017 | 2020 | |
60 | Dr Nithya P R | Dr Savitha H P | A Clinical study on effectiveness of Atasi Taila Nasya (Linum usitatissimum Linn.) in the management of Vishada (Mild to moderate Depression) | 2017 | 2020 | |
61 | Dr Sushmitha | Dr Savitha H P | An observational study on effectiveness of Medha Sukta in academic performance of school going children | 2017 | 2020 | |
62 | Dr. Akshata S | DrSuhas Kumar Shetty | Comparative clinical study on Ketakichoorna and Tagarachoorna in anidra (Primary Insomnia) | 2018 | 2021 | |
63 | Dr. Dhiveena Jose | DrSuhas Kumar Shetty | Comparative clinical study on Ashwagandhachoorna and Rudrakshachoorna in Chittodvega (generalised anxiety disorder) | 2018 | 2021 | |
64 | Dr. Lakshmi Lal | DrSavitha H P | Designing and development of questionnaire for assessment of Psychological attributes in Shareerikaprakruti. | 2018 | 2021 | |
65 | Dr. Saumya Lakshmi | DrSavitha H P | A comparative clinical study on Mishreyachoorna and Ashwagandhachoorna in psychological symptoms of premenstrual syndrome. | 2018 | 2021 | |
66 | Dr. Subash P. M. | DrSuhas Kumar Shetty | A survey study on the alcoholic drinking behaviour among alcohol depended people attending de-addictions camps in Hassan district | 2018 | 2021 | |
67 | Dr. AnirudhSehra | DrSuhas Kumar Shetty | An Open Label Single arm clinical Study on effectiveness of SiddharthakaAgadaArkaPratimarshaNasyaInkaphajaUnmada(Depressive Disorders) | 2019 | 2022 | |
68 | Dr. Ankita Kale | DrSuhas Kumar Shetty | Comparative Study on the effectiveness of Music therapy and progressive muscular relaxation in Chittodvega (Test Anxiety) | 2019 | 2022 | |
69 | Dr. Malavika B | DrSavitha H P | A survey study to Identify the risk group of Medhahrasa (Cognitive decline) | 2019 | 2022 | |
70 | Dr. GhatageSalomiPrafull | DrSavitha H P | Clinical Study on combined effectiveness of BrahmiTailaShiropichuand Sarasvatarishtain Nidranasha (Primary insomnia) | 2019 | 2022 | |
71 | Dr. ThanushreeYogee S. Y. | DrSavitha H P | A Co-Relational Survey on clinical variants of Madatyaya (Alcohol Use Disorder) and DehaPrakruti | 2019 | 2022 | |
72 | Dr. VasaviVarambally | DrSuhas Kumar Shetty | A Clinical study on effectiveness of Yashtimadhu (GlycyrrhizaglabraLinn.) in Madatyaya (Alcohol withdrawal) | 2019 | 2022 |
Ph.D. Thesis
1 | Dr Suhas Kumar Shetty | Dr Narayana Prakash B | A Clinical study of Vamana & Astanga Lavana in the management of Madatyaya | 2008 | 2016 |
2 | Dr Savitha H P | Dr Narayana Prakash B | A study on the effect of Ashwagandhadi leha in ellderly persons | 2010 | 2018 |
3 | Dr Shyla M G | Dr Narayana Prakash B | Clinical Study of Mahapanchagavya Ghritha In Kaphaja Unmada (Depression) | 2009 | 2018 |
4 | Dr Niranjan H P | Dr Suhas Kumar Shetty | Designing and Validation of Manasa Prakriti Scale among School Teachers | 2017 | Ongoing |
5 | Dr Dhaneshwari | Dr Suhas Kumar Shetty | Designing and validation of diagnostic scale for Unmada | 2018 | Ongoing |
6 | Dr Raviprasad Hegde | Dr Suhas Kumar Shetty | Designing and validation of Satvavajaya Treatment Module in Test anxiety | 2019 | Ongoing |
Research Projects Completed
Sl. No. | Principal Investigator | Co Investigators | Title | Funding Agency |
1 | Dr Narayana Prakash B | Dr Suhas Kumar Shetty | Efficacy of Astanga Lavana in management of Madatyaya (Alcohol Abuse) | RGUHS Bangalore |
2 | Dr Govinda Sharma K | Dr Suhas Kumar Shetty | Analytical and Experimental Study of Sumukti –An Indigenous Formulation and its Controlled Clinical Evaluation on Alcohol Dependency | RGUHS Bangalore |
On-Going Research Projects
Sl. No. | Investigator | Title | Funding Agency |
1 | Dr. Savitha H P Dr. Suhas Kumar Shetty |
Standardization of DhatturaLavana | RGUHS Bengaluru |
- Pratap G, Narayana PB, Shetty SK. Critical Analysis of Mantra Chikitsa. AYU 2008; 29: 74-76(0974-8520)
- Shetal L Sadalagi, Narayana Prakash B, Suhas Kumar Shetty. Effect of Vamana and Ashtanga Lavana in the management of Madatyaya. AYU 2009; 30(4): 463-468.(0974-8520)
- Dr Geetha L, Dr Suhas Shetty, Dr Narayana Prakash B. A randomized control trial of Brahmi Ghrita in Apasmara WRT to generalized tonic clonic seizures. Journal of Ayurveda 2011; 5(1): 65-68
- Suhas K Shetty, Shivprasad Chiplunkar, Amarnath H K. A critical analysis of prakriti w.s.r to netra. Sreedhareeyam Vision 2012; 4: 4-5(2231-4024)
- Toolika E Narayana Prakash B Shetty Suhas Kumar. A review on Ayurvedic management of primary insomnia. International Ayurvedic Medical Journal 2013; 1(4)(2320 5091)
- Savitha H P, Suhas Kumar Shetty, Narayana Prakash B. Critical appraisal of rasayana for mental health in elderly. Int. J. Res.Ayurveda Pharm.2013; 4(4): 626-8.(2277-4343)
- Shetty SK, Savitha HP, Narayana Prakash B. Critical Review on Role of Panchakarma in Madatyaya (Alcoholic Disorders). Journal of Ayurveda and Holistic Medicine.2013; 1(1) 12-16. (2321-1563)
- N C Chitrangana, G K Rinjin, Shetty Kumar Suhas. Deeper insight of subtle mind in Ayurveda. Journal of Biological & Scientific Opinion 2013;1(4): 386-388. (ISSN (E): 2321– 6328)
- Dr Suhas Shetty (Book). Efficacy of an Ayurvedic Formulation (Brahmi Ghrita) in Epilepsy : Clinical Experience. 2013.Lambert Academic Publication, Germany. (978-3-659-42899-9 )
- Jayakrishnan S. Narayana Prakash B. Suhas Kumar Shetty. Efficacy study of brahmyadi yoga in the management of alzheimer’s disease (smriti bhramsha). International Ayurvedic Medical Journal 2013;1(4). 2320 5091
- Issac Paul Narayana Prakash B. Shetty Suhas Kumar Savitha H. P. Efficiency study of fortified mandookaparni choorna in the management of chittodvega (generalized anxiety disorder). International Ayurvedic Medical Journal 2013; 1(4). 2320 5091
- Tom Nimmy, Rudresh S, Meera K, Thejaswini HJ. Exploring the applicability of mind-body interaction healing w.s.r. to hypothyroidism.International Ayurvedic Medical Journal 2013; 1(4). (2320 5091)
- Shetty Suhas Kumar, Bhat Narayana Prakash, Savitha H P, Sunil Kumar K N, Ravishankar B. Standardization of astanga lavana – a herbo-mineral ayurvedic compound. Global J Res. Med. Plants & Indigen. Med. 2013; 2(8): 589–598(2277-4289)
- Muniraju K N, Suhas Kumar Shetty, Savitha H P, Narayana Prakash B Social Health In Ayurveda: An Overview Journal Of Biological & Scientific Opinion 2014 (2321-6328) 2(1) 103-106
- Vishal G, Narayan Prakash B, Suhas K Shetty, Savitha HP, Arun Raj GR. Comparitive study on the efficacy of Ashvagandha Churna and Ashvagandha compound in the management of generalized anxiety disorder (Chittodvega). International Journal of Pharmacy & Therapeutics 2014; 5(3): 220-226.
- Vishal G, Narayan Prakash B, Suhas K Shetty, Savitha HP, Arun Raj GR. Comparitive Study On The Efficacy Of Ashvagandha Churna And Ashvagandha Compound In The Management Of Generalized Anxiety Disorder (Chittodvega). International Journal Of Pharmacy & Therapeutics, 2014; 5(3): 220-6 (E- ISSN 0976-0342, Print ISSN 2229-7456)
- Chitrangana C N, Suhas K Shetty, Narayan Prakash B, Arun Raj G R, Vinay Shankar. Explorative study on efficacy of Ayurvedic therapy and an Ayurvedic compound preparation in the management of epilepsy. Int J Res Ayu Pharma Nov Dec 2014; 5(6): 702-7(2277-4343)
- Vishal G, Suhas Kumar Shetty, Narayana Prakash B , Savitha HP. A Comparative Study on Guduchi Vati and Mandookaparni Vati in the management of Chittodvega (Generalized Anxiety Disorder). Int Ayur Med J July 2015; 3(7): 2030-40. (ISSN- 2320 5091)
- Suhas Kumar Shetty, Savitha H P , Narayana Prakash B.Effectiveness of Vamana (Therapeutic Emesis) and Astanagalavana (Ayurvedic Herbo Mineral Compound) on Alcohol Withdrawal Syndrome. Int Ayur Med J July 2015; 3(7): 2050-9. (ISSN- 2320 5091)
- Sriman Narayanan S, Savitha H P, Narayana Prakash B, Suhas Kumar Shetty. Efficacy of madhutriphala and gudardraka yoga in the management of madatyaya (alcohol withdrawal). Int Ayur Med J August 2015;3 (8) :2376-85 (ISSN- 2320 5091)
- Vikram Goshan, Ravi Mundugaru, Narayana Prakash, Sudhakar Bhat, Ravishankar Basavaiah. Evaluation of neuro-protective activity of Brihatvata Chinthamani Rasa. The Journal of Phytopharmacology 2015; 4(4): 1-5 (ISSN 2230-480X)
- Madhushree R N , Suhas Kumar Shetty , Savitha H P , Narayana Prakash B. Role of Panchagavya ghrita in the management of Atattvabhinivesha (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder). Int Ayur Med J September 2015; 3(9): 2636-46(ISSN- 2320 5091)
- Deepanshu Raj Indoriya, Narayana Prakash B, Suhas Kumar Shetty, Savitha HP.Efficacy of Hingwadi ghrita in the management of Vishada (Depression). Int Ayur Med J September 2015; 3(9):2706-10(ISSN- 2320 5091)
- Swathi Ajay, Narayana Prakash B, Ajay G S, Suhas Kumar Shetty. Role of Sarpagandha vati in Nidranasha (Primary Insomnia). J of Ayurveda and Hol Med 2015; 3(4): 30-41(2321-1563)
- Madhushree R.N., Savitha HP, Suhas Kumar Shetty, Narayana Prakash. Ayurvedic management of treatment resistant Schizophrenia- A case report. J of Ayurveda and Hol Med 2015;3(4):119-128(2321-1563)
- Toolika E., Narayana Prakash Bhat, Suhas Kumar Shetty. A comparative clinical study on the effect of Tagara (Valeriana wallichii DC.) and Jatamansi (Nardostachys jatamansi DC.) in the management of Anidra (primary insomnia). Ayu 2015; 36(1): 46-9. (ISSN: Print -0974-8520, Online – 0976-9382)
- Toolika E, Ravi M, Narayan Prakash B, Suhas Kumar Shetty, Ravishankar B, Savitha HP. A comparative pharmacological study on the effect of Tagara(Valeriana wallichii) and Jatamansi (Nardostachus jatamansi) in the management of anidra w.s.r to primary insomnia.The Journal of Phytopharmacology 2015; 4(3): 147-51(ISSN- 2230-480X)
- Savitha H P, Suhas Kumar Shetty, Narayana Prakash. An Observational study on the efficacy of Ashwagandhadi lehya in healthy elders. Int Ayurvedic Medical Journal 2016; 4(2): 212-7(ISSN- 2320 5091)
- Suhas Kumar Shetty, Savitha H P, Wasuki Upadyaya. An Ayurvedic Approach to Alcoholism in Diabetes: Clinical Contrive. International Journal of Medical Research Professionals 2016;2(3):201-3(P-ISSN 2454-6356;E-2454 6364)
- Reena Kulkarni, Suhas Kumar Shetty, Rajarajeshwari N M, Prasanna Narasimha Rao, Nayan J. Rasayana Herbs of Ayurveda to Treat age Related Cognitive Decline: An Update. Pharmacogn. J. 2016;8(5): 411-423 (ISSN: 0975-3575)
- Archana Madhavi, Savitha H P, Suhas Kumar Shetty, Arun C H, Gazala Hussain. A critical review on the usage of ghrita in unmada. J Biol Sci Opin 2016;4(4):148-152(ISSN 2321 – 6328)
- Ashok J, Suhas Kumar Shetty, Savitha HP. Efficacy of mrudveekadi kashaya in the management of madatyaya (alcohol withdrawal symptoms). J Biol Sci Opin 2016;4(4):108-112.( ISSN 2321 – 6328)
- Savitha H P, Suhas Kumar Shetty, Narayana Prakash. An Observational study on the efficacy of Ashwagandhadi lehya in healthy elders. Int Ayurvedic Medical Journal 2016; 4(2): 212-7(ISSN- 2320 5091)
- Suhas Kumar Shetty, Savitha H P, Wasuki Upadyaya. An Ayurvedic Approach to Alcoholism in Diabetes: Clinical Contrive. International Journal of Medical Research Professionals 2016;2(3):201-3(P-ISSN 2454-6356;E-2454 6364)
- Archana Madhavi, Savitha H P, Suhas Kumar Shetty, Arun C H, Gazala Hussain. A critical review on the usage of ghrita in unmada. J Biol Sci Opin 2016;4(4):148-152(ISSN 2321 – 6328)
- Ashok J, Suhas Kumar Shetty, Savitha HP. Efficacy of mrudveekadi kashaya in the management of madatyaya (alcohol withdrawal symptoms). J Biol Sci Opin 2016;4(4):108-112.( ISSN 2321 – 6328)
- Chintuja.Joy Parayil, Manjunatha Adiga, Priyanka B V. Efficacy Of Bharangimoola Arka Nebulization In Tamaka Shvasa (Acute Exacerbation Of Bronchial Asthma) – A Case Series Study. J Res Educ Indian Med, 2015(ISSN 0970-7700)
- Sharmitesh R Tripathi , Savitha HP, Suhas Kumar Shetty. Efficacy of Shatavari taila nasya and Brahmi gritha in the management of Apasmara. J. Pharm. Sci. Innov. 2016; 5(6):181-4((ISSN : 2277 –4572)
- Sushruth Kumar Jain M J , Savitha H P , Suhas Kumar Shetty . Application of Medhya rasayana in astanga Ayurveda: A review. J. Pharm. Sci. Innov. 2016; 5(6):190-2((ISSN : 2277 –4572)
- Prabhakar Manu, Suhas Kumar Shetty, Savitha H P. Critical review on effect of Brahmi ghrita in psychiatric disorders. Int. J. Res. Ayurveda Pharm. 2017;8(Suppl 1):16-18(ISSN (online) 2229-3566)
- Archana Madhavi, Savitha H P. Depression – An Ayurvedic Outlook, J of Ayurveda and Hol Med 2017;5(2):12-23(ISSN-2321-1563)
- Shrilata , Suhas Kumar Shetty , Savitha H P. Ayurvedic management of premenstrual syndrome: A case study. Int. J. Res. Ayurveda Pharm. 2017;8(Suppl 2):119-121 ISSN (online) 2229-3566)
- Kavyashree K, Savitha H P, Shrilata, Suhas Kumar Shetty. Psychocutaneous disorders in ayurveda- an appraisal, J of Ayurveda and Hol Med (JAHM).2017;5(4):61-70(ISSN:2321-1563)
- Shubham Sadh, Prabhakar Manu, Farha Ansari , Suhas Kumar Shetty. Achara Rasayana (A Mental Vitalizer) As Behavioural Medicine In Manasa Roga. International Ayurvedic Medical Journal Nov 2017; 5(11) ISSN: 2320 5091)
- Archana Madhavi and Savitha H. P. A clinical study on the effectiveness of Hingavdi vati in the managment of Visada (depression). Aryavaidyan May – July 2017; XXX(4): 49 – 56
- Shrilata, Sanath Kumar T, Arjun Chand C P, Manjunatha Adiga. A review on adaptogenic activity of Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera): An Ayurvedic appraisal. J Pharm Sci Innov. 2017; 6(5): 94-98. (ISSN : 2277 –4572)
Conference proceedings:
- Suhas K Shetty. Current status of AyurvedaPsychiatry. Silver jubilee annual conference of Indian Psychiatry Society- Karnatak Chapter on the theme- Vistas less explored in Mental Health (KANCIPS-2017) Sep 2017
- Shadab Khan, Suhas Kumar Shetty, Anjali Pant, Lakshmi Varma. Insomnia – An Ayurvedic approach. International Ayurvedic Medical Journal 2018 Feb 6(2):430-438(ISSN: 2320 5091)
- Aswathy Kavirajan, Suhas Kumar Shetty,Princy Mathai,Shadab Khan, Management of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder with Ayurveda Medication and Neuro-Linguistic Programming-A Case Study. Journal of Ayurveda Physicians and Surgeons. October 2017; 4 (4): 71 – 3
- Belaguli Govardhan, Adiga Manjunatha and Shetty Suhas Kumar. Standardisation of Lashuna taila: An Ayurvedic oil based medicine. Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry 2018; 7(1): 2833-2838(E-ISSN: 2278-4136)
- Sara Shown, Savitha H P , Suhas Kumar Shetty. Mild Cognitive Impairment: An Ayurvedic Understanding. International Ayurvedic Medical Journal March 2018; 6(3):-628- 32 (ISSN: 2320 5091)
- Princy Mathai , Savitha HP , Manjunath Adiga, Aswathy Kavirajan. Management of stress induced acid dyspepsia with Ayurvedic medication and stress management technique- A case study. International Ayurvedic Medical Journal March 2018; 6(3):-735- 39 (ISSN: 2320 5091)
- Aswathy Kavirajan, Suhas Kumar Shetty and Savitha HP. Physico chemical analysis of puranaghrita (one year old ghee). South Asian J. Food Technol. Environ 2017;3(2): 568-575(ISSN 2394-5168(Print), 2454- 6445(online)
- Kavyashree K, Savitha H.P. Ayurvedic Approach to Trigeminal Neuralgia: A Case Report. Research and Reviews: A Journal of Ayurvedic Science, Yoga and Naturopathy 2018; 5(2): ISSN: 2395-6682
- Ajith Kumar G, Savitha, HP, Suhas Kumar Shetty, Kavyashree K, Keshav Contemplating the relevance of Prajnaparadha as a root cause of Mental Disorder. J Ayurveda Integr Med Sci 2018;3(4):123-126(2456-3110)
- Saranya S Kumar, Suhas Kumar Shetty. Correlational study on perceived stress and acne severity in young adults: A pilot study. J Biol Sci Opin 2018; 6(4):72-74.( ISSN (Online): 2321– 6328)
- Lakshmi, Shetty Suhas Kumar, Adiga Manjunatha, Kundagol C Mahesh. Critical review on paraphilia: An Ayurvedic approach. J Biol Sci Opin 2018; 6(4):75-78.( ISSN (Online): 2321– 6328)
- Chaithra GG, Suhas Kumar Shetty, Kavyashree C Sugur. Recent updates on management of epilepsy through Ayurveda: A review. J Pharm Sci Innov. 2018; 7(5):200- 207. (ISSN : 2277 –4572)
- Kavyashree C Sugur, Savitha HP, Manjunatha Adiga, Suhas Kumar Shetty. Ayurvedic management of kaphavruta vyana vata with special reference to Guillain barre syndrome: A case study. Int. J. Res. Ayurveda Pharm. 2018;9(5):63-65
- Belaguli G. Ayurvediya Bhutavidya Vivechana.Int J Yoga – Philosop Psychol Parapsychol 2018;6:96-8.(2347-5633)
- Keshav R, Savitha H P, Suhas Kumar Shetty, Ajith Kumar. Ayurvedic management of manodukkaja unmada: A case report. Int. J. Res. Ayurveda Pharm. 2018;9(6):84-86(ISSN Online: 2229-3566)
- Govardhan Belaguli, H. P. Savitha. An empirical understanding on the concept of Sattvavajaya Chikitsa (Ayurveda Psychotherapy) and a mini review of its research update. Indian Journal of Health Sciences and Biomedical Research 2019; 12(1): 15-20(ISSN 2542-6214)
- Belaguli G. People watching: An apt guide to human body language and behavior. Ann Indian Psychiatry .(Book review)
- Chaithra G G, Suhas Kumar Shetty, Nidhin M M. An Open Label Single Arm Prospective Clinical Study on Kousheyashma Bhasma in Apasmara (Epilepsy). Int J Ayu Pharm Chem 2019 11(2): 305-16[e ISSN 2350-0204]
- Govardhan Belaguli, Suhas Kumar Shetty. A mishap of “odd characters” disposed as tormenting obsessional ruminations in the psyche of an adolescent boy: The etiological design and empirical consideration as per Ayurveda principles Vis‑a‑Vis the biopsychosocial Model. Indian Journal of Health Sciences and Biomedical Research KLEU September-December 2019;12(3): 257-61
- Unnikrishnan PM, Savitha HP, Shetty SK, Narayana PB, Hassan PG. A Randomised Open Clinical Study on the Efficacy of ‘Sumukti’- an Indigenous Compound on Subjective Symptoms of Madatyaya With Special Reference to Alcohol Dependence. J Adv Res Ayur Yoga Unani Sidd Homeo 2019; 6(1&2): 20-25
- Shrilata, Sanath Kumar T., Savitha H. P. and Suhas Kumar Shetty. A preliminary cross sectional study on prevalence of Premenstrual syndrome among undergraduate and postgraduate professionals of Ayurveda teaching hospital in Southern India. Aryavaidyan Nov 2019- Jan 2020;33(2):13 – 22
- Srinibash Sahoo, Hemant Panigrahi, Suhas Kumar Shetty. Satwavajaya chikitsa in Bhagavat gita. World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research. 2020;9(7):1110-1120(ISSN 2277– 7105)
- Arun M, Savitha H P, Suhas Kumar Shetty, Nithya P R. Clinical understanding of Marma in Manasaroga. RGUHS Journal of AYUSH Sciences Jan 2018;5(1):14-20(Published in 2020)
- Deena Dayalan S, Suhas Kumar Shetty, Savitha H P, Sushmitha P N. Ayurveda management of Generalized Anxiety Disorder. RGUHS Journal of AYUSH Sciences Jan 2018;5(1):41-45(Published in 2020)
- Raviprasad Hegde, Suhas Kumar Shetty. A critical analysis of Atatvabhinivesha as mahagada, and its modern interpretation. International Ayurvedic Medical Journal May 2021;9(5): 1050-3(ISSN: 2320-5091).
- Subhash P M, Suhas Kumar Shetty. Shiromardana – A novel Ayurveda add on therapy in the management of Opioid withdrawal insomnia-A case report.AAM. 2021; 10(2): 177-185
- Akshatha S, Shetty SK. Ayurvedic management to aid weaning of anti-depressants: A case report. J Ayurveda Case Rep 2021; 4:50-3.
- Sharma G K, Saokar R, Shetty S K, Ravi M. Hepatoprotective effect of an indigenous polyherbal formulation Sumukti syrup against ethanol and paracetamol induced liver damage in swiss albino rats. Int J Bio Pharma Allied Sci, September, 2021, 10(9): 3192-3203