Shareera Kriya is the specialty of ayurveda which deals with study of normal functioning of body and mind. Shareera is composed of many basic elements. ‘Kriya’ means which has motion or which can perform actions, and Shareera performs its kriya only when these basic elements maintain their equilibrium state.
This subject therefore is the base for proper understanding of Ayurveda. This subject is of great importance for a medical student to understand all other para clinical and clinical subjects. Proper knowledge of normality is very much important for assessment of abnormality and later for selection of right treatment.
The department started post-graduation course in the year 2010 which was the first in South India. The department has well established museum and laboratory with modern equipments for better understanding of the subject.

- Prepare the graduates and specialists to teachevidence-based understanding of Ayurveda principles
- Training the scholars inbasic elements of Ayurveda
- Exploring the areas of research based upon ayurvedic principles of KriyaShareera
Sl. No. | Name of the investigator | Guide | Co-guide | Title of research |
1 | Dr. Shahul Hameed | Dr. Jadhav | A study on shareerika bala wsr kala | |
2 | Dr. Anjan | Dr. Gopinadha raju | Dr. Chiplunkar | Analysis of shukra in different prakritis |
3 | Dr. Shruti | Dr. Jadhav | A study on smriti wsr prakriti | |
4 | Dr. Anil Puli | Dr. Chiplunkar | A study to evaluate the panchabhoutika lakshana of shukra in sharirika shrama | |
5 | Dr. Nimisha Raj | Dr. Chiplunkar | Substantiation of rakteamla shishira preeti with amalaki in rakta kshaya | |
6 | Dr. Uma Yalagi | Dr. Pratibhakulkarni | A study on correlation of prakrati and ritugata vyadhis with special reference to varsha rutu | |
7 | Dr. Shreejith.V | Dr. Pratibhakulkarni | Dr. Sudhakar | An experimental study on augmentation of shukra janaka action of masha by ardraka with special reference to its action on shukra dhatwagni |
8 | Dr. Parameshwar H | Dr. Prashantkekuda | A clinical study on the action of tikta rasa on carbohydrate metabolism with special reference to blood glucose level | |
9 | Dr. Meera K | Dr.prashant kekuda | A comprehensive study of jatharagni and dwandwaja prakrati | |
10 | Dr Anoop M | Dr. Chiplunkar | Analytical study of nidra and its effect on smriti in healthy individuals | |
11 | Dr Arjun Ram | Dr. Pratibhakulkarni | study on twak saara in different prakriti with special reference to its physical characterstics | |
12 | Dr Rateesh C.T | Dr. Prashantkekuda | Correlation study of raktha saara with hemogram | |
13 | Dr. Yashesh Patel | Dr. Chiplunkar | A study to evaluate the relationship between traits and different prakriti | |
14 | Dr Keshav M.V.S | Dr. Prashant Kekuda | A study to evaluate status of shukra in medovruddhi | |
15 | Dr Nagaraj Kamath | Dr. Pratibha Kulkarni | A study on the status of jataragni in chaitra and vaishaka maasa in different prakriti | |
16 | Dr Amrutha B. L | Dr. Pratibha Kulkarni | Analysis of characteristics of rajapravrutti according to prakriti | |
17 | Dr Sreelakshmi | Dr. Chiplunkar | Dr. Sudhakar | Experimental study on the action of katurasa pradhana ahara on lipid profile |
18 | Dr Navoday Raju | Dr. Prashant Kekuda | Study to evaluate lung volumes and capacities in different prakriti | |
19 | Dr Aswin A | Dr. Chiplunkar | A study to evaluate the relation of serum calcium level with asthisaara purusha | |
20 | Dr Deepika S | Dr. PratibhaKulkarni | Observational study on effect of chintha on nidra with special reference to exam anxiety | |
21 | Dr elgeena varghees | Dr. Prashant Kekuda | A study on analysis of maanasa bhaava with special reference to raatri jaagarana | |
22 | Dr Vadivukkarasi | Dr. Pratibha kulkarni | A study to evaluate the relationship between dehaprakriti and total leucocyte count | |
23 | Dr Jaibheem | Dr. Pratibha Kulkarni | A study to evaluate relationship between dehaprakriti and manasa prakriti | |
24 | Dr. Mrinal | Dr. Pratibha Kulkarni | A study to evaluate deha prakrati and medovaha sroto dushti | |
25 | Dr. Somnath | Dr. Pratibha kulkarni | Dr. Sudhakar | An experimental study to evaluate kshareeya jala effect on shukra wsrt spertamogeneso |
26 | Dr. Akshay | Dr. Prashant Kekuda | Dr. Sudhakar | An exprimental study to see the effect of amla rasa |
27 | Dr. Niladri | Dr. Prashant Kekuda | A study to evaluate dosha dushya in vatarakta | |
28 | Dr. Gopikrishna | Dr. Chitra Gawande | A study to evaluate medavriddhi and blood calcium level | |
29 | Dr. Dharmaraj Lone | Dr. Chitra Gawande | A study to see the relation between agni and bala | |
30 | Dr. Mahantswami | Dr. Prashant Kekuda | A study to assess meda saara and blood serum level | |
31 | Dr. Dilip Sahu | Dr. Pratibha.Kulkarni | An oservational study to assess agni in madhumeha | |
32 | Dr. shankh | Dr. Pratibha Kulkarni | A study to evaluate relation between maanasa prakrati and personality traits | |
33 | Dr. Ashwini | Dr. Pratibha Kulkarni | A study to evaluate dehaprakrati and menopause | |
34 | Dr. Priya Nair | Dr. Prashant Kekuda | A study to evaluate deha prakrati and menarchal age | |
35 | Dr. Kiran Gundagi | Dr. Prashant Kekuda | A study to evaluate majja saara and phosphate level | |
36 | Dr. Chaitra TM | Dr. Pratibha Kulkarni | A study to see the relation between ahara and maanasa bhaava | |
37 | Dr. Chaitra N | Dr. Pratibha kulkarni | Study to evaluate the effect of virechana on twak saara person | |
38 | Dr. Arpita | Dr. Pratibha Kulkarni | Study to evaluate physiological changes in exam going students | |
39 | Dr. Anu Jos | Dr. Pratibha Kulkarni | Dr. Sudhakar | An experimental study to see the effect of lavana on shonita |
40 | Dr. Girija Devi | Dr. Prashant Kekuda | A study on effect of mandukaparni on medha | |
41 | Dr. Madona Baby | Dr. Pratibha | An observational study to evaluate the characteristics of prementrual syndrome in different dehaprakruti | |
42 | Dr. Kritika Pai | Dr. Pratibha | An observational study to evaluate the relationship of nidra and maanasa prakriti | |
43 | Dr. Manjunatha BS | Dr. Pratibha | Assessment of status of smriti with special reference to memory in madhyama and jeernavastha of vaya | |
44 | Dr. Meghana | Dr.Nagaraj Kamath | Dr. Sudhakar | An experimental study to evaluate the effect of kshira on shukra with special reference to spermatogenesis |
45 | Dr. Shashikala K | Dr. Pratibha | An observational study to assess the effect of chinta on agni with special reference to exam anxiety | |
46 | Dr. Priya Jarimalli | Dr. Pratibha | Dr. Jadhav | A study on Rakta kshaya with special reference to pandu and its management with yashti madhu churna |
47 | Dr. Bhargav Raghusai | Dr. Nagaraj Kamath | Dr. Sudhakar | An experimental study to evaluate the effect of kshira on shukra with special reference to spermatogenesis |
1 | Dr Shivaprasad Chiplunkar Dept. of Sharira Kriya |
A Study on Deha Prakriti with special reference to Anthropometry | Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Bengaluru |
2 | Dr. Pratibha.Kulkarni Associate Professor & Head Department of Sharira Kriya |
A Survey on Prakruti and Praanavaha sroto vikaaras | Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Bengaluru |
3 | Dr Neha D Gadgil Assistant Professor Department of Sharira Kriya |
Development of an Objective Parameter For Agni Parikshana with reference to Jaranakala of a Unit Quantity of Lajamanda | Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Bengaluru |
- Pratibha Kulkarni. Ojas vis-à-vis Immunity. Journal of Ayurveda 2011;5: 90-93
- Ravi Bhat, Shivprasad Chiplunkar, Suhas Kumar Shetty. A Pilot Study on Design and Validation of Manasa Prakriti Questionnaire. Journal of Ayurveda & Holistic Medicine 2013; 1(2): 9-14. (2321-1563)
- Anjan K. S. Puli Anilkumar Chiplunkar Shivprasad. An Observational Study Of Shukra (Semen) In Different Prakruti. International Ayurvedic Medical Journal 2013; 1(5). (2320 5091)
- Kamath Nagaraj, Kulkarni Pratibha, Chiplunkar Shivprasad. Analysis of Jatharagni in Pittala Individuals w.s.r to Jeerna Ahara Lakshana. International Ayurvedic Medical Journal 2013; 1(6): 136-40(2320 5091)
- Kamath Nagaraj, Kulkarni Pratibha, Chiplunkar Shivprasad. Analysis of Jatharagni in shleshma individuals wsr to jeerna ahara lakshana. International Ayurvedic Medical Journal 2013; 1(6):141-5. (2320 5091)
- Kamath Nagaraj, Yalagi Uma, Kulkarni Pratibha, Chiplunkar Shivaprasad. Analysis of jatharagni in vatala individuals w.s.r. to jeerna ahara lakshana. International Ayurvedic Medical Journal 2013; 1(4). (2320 5091)
- Kamath Nagaraj, Kulkarni Pratibha, Chiplunkar Shivprasad. Categorization of Ayurvedic Specialities – Present & Future with Special Reference to Kriya Shareera Global J Res Med Plants & Indigen Med 2013; 2(9):664-8. (2277-4289)
- Nagaraj Kamath, Prathibha Kulkarni,Shivprasad Chiplunkar. Colorful Nature – Black and White Eye. Sreedhareeyam Vision journal 2013; 5: 15-18(2231-4024)
- Kamath Nagaraj, Kulkarni Pratibha, Chiplunkar Shivaprasad. Critical analysis of pranavahasroto mula. International Ayurvedic Medical Journal 2013; 1(4). (2320 5091)
- Kamath Nagaraj, Kulkarni Pratibha, Chiplunkar Shivprasad, Dodamani BR. Daily Regimen to keep Doctor away. International Journal of Yoga and Allied Sciences 2013; 2(2); 138-144. (ISSN: 2278 – 5159)
- Bhat Ravi. Designing and Validation of Ojo Kshaya Scale. Journal of AYUSH: Ayurveda, Yoga, Unani, Siddha and Homeopathy 2013; 2(3): 36-42. (ISSN: 2278– 2214)
- Kamath N, Kulkarni P, Chiplunkar S. Doshic Physiology of Skin. Journal of Ayurveda and Holistic Medicine 2013; 1(1): 17-20.(2321-1563)
- Hiremath Parameshwar, Kulkarni Pratibha, Kekuda Prashantha, Chiplunkar Shivprasad. Effect of Dinacharya for Healthy Living.International Ayurvedic Medical Journal 2013; 1(6):86-90.(2320 5091)
- Puli Anilkumar, Chiplunkar Shivaprasad, Narayana Prakash. Healing insomnia through ayurveda. Ayurveda and all 2013; 10(8): 15-19. 0973-9831
- Hiremath Parameshwar, Kulkarni Pratibha, Kekuda Prashant, Chiplunkar Shivprasad. Healthy life style for 21st century. Ayurveda and All 2013: 18-23. (0973-9831)
- Hiremath Parameshwar, Kulakarni Pratibha, Kekuda Prashanth, Chiplunkar Shivaprasad. Importance of Nidra – An Ayurvedic Review. Ayurvedic Renaissance 2013; XI(2): 6-8.
- Mungath Girija Devi, Kekuda Prashanth, Chiplunkar Shivprasad. Improvement of medha – an imperative need of the era.International Ayurvedic Medical Journal 2013; 1(4). (2320 5091)
- Kamath Nagaraj, Kulkarni Pratibha,Chiplunkar Shivprasad. Obesity – Concepts and Management as per Ayurveda and Modern Medicine. Ayurveda and All 2013; 10(11): 16-20. 0973-9831
- Kamath Nagaraj, Kulkarni Pratibha, Chiplunkar Shivprasad. Rheumatoid Arthritis Management-An Ayurvedic View. Ayurveda & All 2013; 10(12): 15-19. (0973-9831)
- Ravi K V, Chiplunkar Shivprasad, Shetty Suhas Kumar. Study on effect of Madya on Ojas. International Ayurvedic Medical Journal 2013; 1(4). (2320 5091)
- Savadatti Shridhar S.,Ravi K. V. Chiplunkar Shivprasad. Study on Pranavahasrotas w.s.r to raja(dust particle). International Ayurvedic Medical Journal 2013; 1(4). (2320 5091)
- Shahul Hameed, Puli Anilkumar, Jadhav Lakshmi Prasad, Chiplunkar Shivprasad. The concept of Bala, Bala Pareeksha and its clinical implication. International Ayurvedic Medical Journal 2013; 1(5). (2320 5091)
- Ravi KV, Chiplunkar Shivprasad, Gopinatha Raju. The facts and myths about the Concept of kriyakala. Ayurveda and All 2013; 10(11): 33-6. (0973-9831)
- Nambiar Sruthi Surendran, Jadhav Lakshmiprasad, Chiplunkar Shivaprasad. The Psychological and Physical Dimensions to Smriti. International Ayurvedic Medical Journal 2013; 1(3). (2320 5091)
- Nambiar Sruthi Surendran, Pillai Vishnu Unnikrishna, Chiplunkar Shivaprasad. Vyana vata – the mahajava. International Journal of Ayurvedic Medicine 2013; 4(3): 146-51. (0976-5921)
- Baburaj Nimisha, Chiplunkar Shivprasad. Relation between amla rasa and rakta dhatu – A review. International Ayurvedic Medical Journal 2013; 1(4). (2320 5091)
- Anjan K.S, Bhat Ravi, Chiplunkar Shivprasad. Analysis Of Shukra In Different Prakriti – an observational Study. PunarnaV Nov: Dec 2013;1(1): 65-74 (ISSN -2348-1846)
- Kamath Nagaraj, Bhat Ravi, Kulkarni Pratibha, Chiplunkar Shivprasad. Significance of Vajikarana & Sexology in Day Today Life. PunarnaV Nov: Dec 2013; 1(1): 25-30 ISSN -2348-1846
- K Meera, Tumbigere Mutt Vinaya, Chiplunkar Shivprasad, S Rudresh. A Comparison of Yoga Darshana and Ayurveda: With Special Emphasis On Suitability Of Asanas To Constitutional Types Of Ayurvedic Diagnosis. International Journal Of Yoga And Allied Sciences 2013; 2(2):132-137
- Baburaj Nimisha, Chiplunkar Shivprasad. Dietetics in Ayurveda with Special Reference to Prakruti. International Journal Of Yoga And Allied Sciences 2013 ; 2(2): 145-151
- Y M Uma, K Pratibha, S Chiplunkar. A Review on Impact Of Brahma-Muhurta On Attitude Of Yoga In The Life Style Disorder: Diabetes Mellitus. International Journal Of Yoga And Allied Sciences 2013;2(2):152-155
- Kamath Nagaraj, Kulkarni Pratibha, Chiplunkar Shivprasad, Dodamani BR . Daily Regimen to keep Doctor away. International Journal Of Yoga And Allied Sciences 2013;2(2):138-144
- Kamath Nagaraj, Kulkarni Pratibha, Chiplunkar Shivprasad, Kesava MVS. Kriyatmaka Anveshana Of Shat Chakras. Unique Journal Of Ayurvedic And Herbal Medicines 2013; 1(3): 34-36
- Kamath Nagaraj, Shetty Suhas Kumar, Chiplunkar Shivprasad. Critique On Biostatistical Concepts In Ayurveda. Unique Journal Of Ayurvedic And Herbal Medicines 2013; 1(3): 44-47
- Kamath Nagaraj, Kulkarni Pratibha. Critical analysis of Artavaha srotus w s r Mula. Unique journal of ayurvedic and herbal medicines 2014;02 (01): 11-13(ISSN 2347-2375)
- Kamath Nagaraj, Kulkarni Pratibha ,Chiplunkar Shivprasad. Analysis Of Jatharagni In Different Prakruti With Special Reference To Jeerna Ahara Lakshana. International Ayurvedic Medical Journal 2014; 2(1): 5-9 ISSN:2320 5091
- Kamath Nagaraj, Anoop M, Kulkarni Pratibha, Chiplunkar Shivprasad. Analysis On Mutravaha Srotus W.S.R. To Its Mula. International Ayurvedic Medical Journal Feb 14; 2(1):49-52 ISSN:2320 5091
- Kamath nagaraj, Kulkarni Pratibha. Analysis of status of jataragni in vatala prakruti with Special reference to kala. International Ayurvedic Medical Journal2014; 2(2): 223-227 (ISSN:2320 5091)
- Kamath nagaraj, Kulkarni Pratibha. Critical analysis On Pureeshavaha Srotus W.S.R. To Its Mula. International Ayurvedic Medical Journal 2014; 2(2): 219-222(ISSN:2320 5091)
- Kamath Nagaraj, Kulkarni Pratibha, Chiplunkar Shivprasad. Critical Analysis On Some Unseen Aspects Of Ojas. Unique journal of ayurvedic and herbal medicines2014; 02(01): 34-37(ISSN 2347-2375)
- Kamath Nagaraj. Application of Astanga yoga in 21st century in view of social health. Unique journal of ayurvedic and herbal medicines 2014; 2(2)ISSN 2347-2375
- Kamath Nagaraj. Modernised adaptation of Asanas for 21st century. Unique journal of ayurvedic and herbal medicines 2014; 2(2)( ISSN 2347-2375)
- Kamath Nagaraj, Kulkarni Pratibha. Critical analysis of Panchabhautik organisation at cellular level.International Ayurvedic Medical Journal 2014; 2(3) (ISSN:2320 5091)
- Kamath Nagaraj, Kulkarni Pratibha. Analysis of status of Jataragni in pittala prakruti w.s.r to kala. International Ayurvedic Medical Journal 2014; 2(3): (ISSN:2320 5091)
- Kamath Nagaraj, Kulkarni Pratibha. A review on concept of Agni in Ayurveda. Unique journal of ayurvedic and herbal medicines 2014; 2(3) (ISSN 2347-2375)
- Kamath Nagaraj, Kulkarni Pratibha. A study on the status of jataragni in different prakruti w.s.r to kala. Unique journal of Ayurvedic and herbal medicines 2014; 2(3)(ISSN 2347-2375)
- Kamath Nagaraj, Kulkarni Pratibha. Critical analysis of panchabhautik organization at systemic level wsr digestive system. International Ayurvedic Medical Journal July- Aug 14 ; 2(4). (2320 5091)
- Kamath Nagaraj, Kulkarni Pratibha. Kriyatmaka anveshana on vaishnavi maya (nidra). International Ayurvedic Medical Journal July- Aug 14; 2(4)(2320 5091)
- Patel Yashesh K, Chiplunkar Shivaprasad, Kamath Nagaraj. Physiological and pathological aspects of pranvaha srothus wsr to its mula and dusti. International Ayurvedic Medical Journal July- Aug 14; 2(4)(2320 5091)
- Kamath Nagaraj, Patel Yashesh, Kulkarni Pratibha. Critique On The Physiological And Pathological Concept Of Swapna. International Ayurvedic Medical Journal Sep- Oct 14; 2(4): 800-2(2320 5091)
- Kamathnagaraj, Patel Yashesh, Kulkarni Pratibha. Ebola Hemmorhagic Fever Ayurvedic Corelation- Probable Multidimensional. International Ayurvedic Medical Journal Sep- Oct 14; 2(4): 794-8(2320 5091)
- Ravi Bhat, Shivprasad Chiplunkar, Suhaskumar Shetty, Arhanth Kumar. Questionnaire Designing And Validation In Ayurvedic Research. Global J Res. Med. Plants & Indigen. Med Nov 2014; 3(11): 435–444(ISSN 2277-4289)
- Kamath Nagaraj, Arjun Ram, Kulkarni Pratibha. Panchabhautik Organization Of Male Reproductive System – A Critique (Review Article). Unique Journal of Ayurvedic and Herbal Medicines Sep-Oct 2014; 2(5).
- Kamath Nagaraj, Arjun Ram, Kulkarni Pratibha. Physiology Of Vision – A Doshic Perspective (Review Article). Unique Journal of Ayurvedic and Herbal Medicines Sep-Oct 2014; 2(5)
- Kamath Nagaraj, Rateesh C T, Kulkarni Pratibha. Concept Of Relationship Between Jatharagni, Pitta, Dhatwagni -An Appraisal. International Ayurvedic Medical Journal Nov Dec 2014;2(6): (2320 5091)
- Kamath Nagaraj, Rateesh C T, Kulkarni Pratibha. Critical Analysis Of Rasavahasroto Mula. International Ayurvedic Medical Journal Nov Dec 2014; 2(6):1081-3(2320 5091)
Health magazines
- Kamat Nagaraj, Arjun Ram, Kulkarni Pratibha. Integrated approach to Bronchial asthma. Ayurveda & All Jan 14;17-29(0973-9831)
- Dr Anil Kumar Puli, Dr Shivprasadh Chiplunker, Shirish S Shebastian, Dr Rajesh Savera. Spirulina – A Nature Boon for Undernutrition. Ayurveda & All Feb 14; 35-40(0973-9831)
- Kamath Nagaraj, Patel Yashesh, A N Jayaprakash. Concepts & Management of Silent Killer – Diabetes Mellitus. Ayurveda & All Feb 14;7-12(0973-9831)
- Kamat Nagaraj, Kulkarni Pratibha. Effects of Alcohol and Alcoholism w s r Madatyaya. Ayurveda & All Apr 2014; 7-11(0973-9831)
- Kamat Nagaraj, Kulkarni Pratibha. Concept and management of Amlapitta in Ayurvedic discipline. Ayurveda & All May 2014; 18-21(0973-9831)
- Kamath Nagaraj, Kulkarni Pratibha. Concept and management of Hypertension. Ayurveda & All June 2014; 26-31(0973-9831)
- Kamath Nagaraj, Kulkarni Pratibha. Concept and management of Mutrashmari. Ayurveda & All July 2014; 13-17(0973-9831)
- Kamath Nagaraj, Kulkarni Pratibha. A Diminutive Organism Leading to a Colossal Disease – Elephantiasis. Ayurveda & All Sep 14; 19-25 (0973-9831)
- Kamath Nagaraj, Kulkarni Pratibha. Analysis on Intimacy of Mind with Skin in Ayurvedic Terms. Ayurveda & All Oct 2014; 18-21 (0973-9831)
- Kamath Nagaraj, Kulkarni Pratibha. A Review On Ayurvedic Concepts Of Urticaria. Ayurveda & All Nov 2014; 19 (0973-9831)
- Kamath Nagaraj, Kulkarni Pratibha. An Integrated Perspective on Ardhavabhedaka (Migraine). Ayurveda & All Dec 14; 14-16 (0973-9831)
- Kamat Nagaraj, Chiplunkar Shivprasad. Breast cancer- A concern among males w s r Arbuda. Ayurveda & All Mar 14; 10-17(0973-9831)
- Kamath Nagaraj, Patel Yasesh, Rateesh C T, , Kulkarni Pratibha. Concept of Ahara Wsr to Shareerika Prakruti (Body Constitution). Int Ayur Med J January 2015; 3(1): 117-21(ISSN:2320 5091)
- Kamath Nagaraj , Patel Yasesh , Rateesh C T , Kulkarni Pratibha. Concept Of Atma (Soul) In Ayurveda: A Review Int Ayur Med J January 2015; 3(1): 122-6(ISSN:2320 5091)
- Navoday raju, S Deepika, Kekuda TR Prashanth. Management of Asthivaha Srotodushti w s r to Osteo Arthritis – An appraisal. Int Ayur Med J March 2015; 3(3): 917-21(ISSN- 2320 5091)
- Sreelakshmi, Pratbha Kulkarni.Panchabhoutika approach in the management of Stoulya. Int Ayur Med J April 2015; 3(4): 1161-4 (ISSN-2320 5091)
- Sree Lekshmi G, Pratibha Kulkarn . Role of ahara and ushnodaka in health. Int Ayur Med J May 2015;3(5): 1495-1500 (ISSN- 2320 5091)
- Elgeena Varghese, Amrutha B.L, Kekuda T R Prashanth.Doshas involoved in Ahara pachana. Int Ayur Med J June 2015; 3(6): 1790-2 (ISSN- 2320 5091)
- Amrutha B L , Elgeena Varghese, Prathibha Kulkarni. A conceptual analysis of bhrajaka pitta. Int Ayur Med J August 2015;3(8): 2313-7(ISSN- 2320 5091)
- Kamath Nagaraj, Kulkarni Pratibha. A study on the status of jatharagni in chaitra and vaishaka masa in different prakruti. Int Ayur Med J August 2015; 3(8): 2470-7(ISSN- 2320 5091)
- S Deepika, N R Navoday Raju, Kulkarni Pratibha. Vyadhikshamatwa – critical understanding. Int Ayur Med J August 2015;3(8):2553-8 (ISSN- 2320 5091)
- Navoday Raju NR, Deepika S , Kulkarni Pratibha, Kekuda Prashanth TR. Effects of Pranayama on respiratory system. Unique Journal of Ayurvedic & Herbal medicine 2015; 03 (04):79-82(ISSN-2347 2375)
- Deepika S, Navoday Raju NR, Kulkarni Pratibha, Kekuda Prashanth TR. Physiological understanding of Bodhaka kapha. Unique Journal of Ayurvedic & Herbal medicine 2015; 03 (04): 83-5(ISSN-2347 2375)
- Varghese Elgeena, Amrutha BL, Sailekha.P, Kulkarni Pratibha.Analysis of Prakruta and Vaikruta Dosha.Unique Journal of Ayurvedic & Herbal medicine2015;03(04):86-8(ISSN-2347 2375)
- Sreelekshmi G, Kulkarni Pratibha. Alochaka pitta – Physiological understanding. Anveshana Ayurveda Medical Journal May – June 2015; 1(3): 105-9(ISSN: 2395-4159)
- Sreelekshmi G, Kulkarni Pratibha. Drug review on Moolaka – A Katu rasa pradhana ahara. Anveshana Ayurveda Medical Journal July- Aug 2015; 1(4): 263-6(ISSN: 2395-4159)
- Sreelekshmi G, KulkarniPratibha. A safe body through Moolaka –Raphanus sativus Linn. Int Ayur Med J Oct 2015; 3(10): 3090-6 (ISSN- 2320 5091)
- NR Navoday Raju, S Deepika, Kulkarni Pratibha, Kekuda TR Prashanth. A conceptual analysis of Rasadhatu. Int Ayur Med J Oct 2015; 3(10): 3064-71 (ISSN- 2320 5091)
- S Deepika, NR Navoday Raju, Kulkarni Pratibha, Kekuda TR Prasanth. Sadhaka pitta – Conceptual understanding. Int Ayur Med J Oct 2015;3(10): 3058-62(ISSN- 2320 5091)
- Amrutha.B.L, Elgeena Varghese, Prathibha Kulkarni. Analysis of Aaharasakthi as one among dasavidha pareeksha. Int Ayur Med J Oct 2015; 3(11): 2226-30(ISSN- 2320 5091)
- Kulkarni Akshar, Joshi Abhijit. Remuneration of pursuing Dinacharya. Jnana srotas July-Dec 2014; 9(2): 3-10 (ISSN-2321-2896)
- Amrutha Babu Lekshmi, Kulkarni Pratibha. A conceptual study on the relationship between Agni and Vata. Jnana srotas July-Dec 2014; 9(2): 15-19 (ISSN-2321-2896)
- Health magazines
- Kamath Nagaraj, Kulkarni Pratibha. A Review on Ayurvedic Concepts of Female Infertility-Vandhyatva. Ayurveda & All Jan 2015: 12(0973-9831)
- Sreelekshmi G, Pratibha Kulkarni. Nabhistha Praana Pavana – An Understanding. Ayurveda and All April 2015: 15-18(0973-9831)
- Elgeena Varghese, Kulkarni Pratibha. Importance of Ahara in Swastya. Ayurveda and All May 2015: 17-20(0973-9831)
- Amrutha.B.L, Elgeena Varghese, Prathibha Kulkarni. A Review Article on Manas. Ayurveda and All Sep 2015: 33-8(0973-9831)
- Kulkarni Pratibha, Vaidya Shrinath. Prakrati -An understanding. Int Ayurvedic Medical Journal 2016; 4(2): 25-8 (ISSN- 2320 5091)
- Dr. Sreelekshmi G, Dr. Kulkarni Pratibha Smriti and its Disorders. Ayurveda and All. Nov 2015; 17-20. (0973-9831)
- Elgeena Varghese, Amrutha B.L, Sailekha.P, Kulkarni Pratibha. Functional Correlation of Kledaka Kapha. Ayurveda and All. Nov 2015: 34-8. (0973-9831)
- Dr. Amrutha.B.L Dr. Elgeena Varghese Dr. Pratibha Kulkarni. Menstrual health and Ayurveda. Int Ayurvedic Medical Journal April 2016;4(4): 602-5(ISSN- 2320 5091)
- Sreelekshmi G, Bhupesh Kumar Parihar, Kulkarni Pratibha. Role of Madhura Rasa on Shareera . Int J Ayu Pharm Chem 2016;5(1):1-8(e ISSN 2350-0204)
- Kulkarni Pratibha, Dr.Vaidya Shrinath. A critical review on Artavavaha srotas with special reference to Female reproductive system Ayur Pub Sep-Oct,2016; 1(4): 174-9( ISSN 2456-0170)
- Kulkarni Pratibha, Vaidya Shrinath Praanavaha Srotus and its Applied Aspect Ayurveda and All. March 2016:26(0973-9831)
- S Deepika, N R Navoday Raju, KulkarniPratibha. Review on Concept of Chinta in Ayurveda. Ayurveda and All. July 2016:17(0973-9831)
- Dr. Kulkarni. Pratibha and Dr. Vaidya. Shrinath. Rogamarga and Dosha Gati. World journal of pharmaceutical and medical research 2016,2(6), 97-99 (ISSN 2455-3301)
- N R Navoday Raju, S Deepika, Kekuda T R Prashanth, Kulkarni Pratibha. Influence of Deha prakriti on Lung volumes and capacities- A review. Global J res.Med.Plants & Indigen.Med Sep 2016; 5(9): 253-60(ISSN: 2277-4289)
- Kulkarni Pratibha Vijaykumar*, Vaidya Shrinath Mayur. Udakavaha Srotas and Its Applications. Indian Journal of Ancient Medicine and Yoga July- Sep 2016; 9(3):107-111 DOI:
- Pratibha. Kulkarni, Shrinath. Vaidya Concept Of Tiryak Gamitwa.International Journal of Innovative Research and Advanced Studies Sep 2016 ;3(10):94-8(ISSN: 2394-4404)
- Kulkarni Akshar Ashok, Joshi Abhijit H, Gadgil Neha D. An understanding towards the mode of action of benefits of mantra chanting. Int. J. Res. Ayurveda Pharm. Mar – Apr 2016;7(2):36- 38
- Neha D Gadgil, Akshar A Kulkarni, Abhijit Joshi. Importance of Vegadharana as a hetu of Pranavaha srotas vyadhi. Mahratta(Tilak Maharashtra Vidyapeeth, Pune) 2016(ISSN: 0076-2571)
- Neha D Gadgil, Kalpana D Sathe, Akshar A Kulkarni. Understanding symptoms of Digestion in Ayurvedic perspective. Ayurpub 2016 Nov; 1(5): 242-5 (ISSN 2456-0170)
- Neha D Gadgil, Akshar A Kulkarni, Abhijit Joshi. Importance of Vegadharana as a hetu of Pranavaha srotas vyadhi. Mahratta(Tilak Maharashtra Vidyapeeth, Pune) 2016(ISSN: 0076-2571)
- Kulkarni Akshar Ashok, Joshi Abhijit H, Gadgil Neha D. An understanding towards the mode of action of benefits of mantra chanting. Int. J. Res. Ayurveda Pharm. Mar – Apr 2016;7(2):36- 38
- Neha D Gadgil, Kalpana D Sathe, Akshar A Kulkarni. Understanding symptoms of Digestion in Ayurvedic perspective. Ayurpub 2016 Nov; 1(5): 242-5 (ISSN 2456-0170)
- N R Navoday Raju, S Deepika, Kekuda T R Prashanth, Kulkarni Pratibha. Influence of Deha prakriti on Lung volumes and capacities- A review. Global J res.Med.Plants & Indigen.Med Sep 2016; 5(9): 253-60(ISSN: 2277-4289)
- Sreelekshmi G, Shiv Prasad Chiplunkar , Sudhakar Bhat. Experimental Study on The Action Of Katurasa Pradhana Ahara On Lipid Profile. Int Ayu Med J Jan 2017; 5(1): 50-9(ISSN:2320 5091)
- Jaibheem, Ginni Somanath, Krishna Gopi, Kulkarni Pratibha. Applied physiology of Grahani roga with emphasis on Malabsorption syndrome. Jan-Feb 2017; 2(1): 301-6(ISSN 2456-0170)
- Neha D Gadgil, Kalpana Dilip Sinha, Vinita Deshmukh, Akshar Kulkarni, Abhijit H Joshi. A review on physiology of Purishavega(defecation reflex). Int J. Res. Ayurveda Pharm. 2017;8(1):1-3 (ISSN (online) 2229-3566)
- N R Navoday Raju, Puripanda S Kamalakr, S Deepika, Tripathy T B. Management of Kitibha Kushta(Psorasis): A case study.Int.J.Res. Ayurveda Pharm. 2017;8(1):72-76(ISSN (online) 2229-3566)
- Patel Yashesh , Chiplunkar Shivaprasad, Kamath Nagaraj. A Study To Evaluate The Relationship Between Personality Traits And Different Prakruti. International Ayurvedic Medical JournalSep 2017 5(9):3390-97 (ISSN: 2320 5091)
- KamathNagaraj1 ,Patel Yashesh. A Physiological Understanding Of Bodhaka Kapha. International AyurvedicMedical Journal Sep 2017 5(9):3608-12 (ISSN: 2320 5091)
- Patel Yashesh, Kamath Nagaraj. Panchabhouthik understanding on physiology of defecation. Unique journal of ayurvedic and herbal medicines 2017, 05 (05): Page 9-11(ISSN 2347-2375)
- Patel Yashesh, Kamath Nagaraj. Physiology of Deglutition – A panchabhouthik understanding. Unique Journal of Medical and Dental Sciences 2017, 05 (03): Page 3-6(ISSN 2347-5579)
- Kamath Nagaraj, Patel Yashesh. A physiological understanding on the concept of Sleshaka kapha. Universal Journal of Pharmacy 2017, 06 (05): Page 1-3(ISSN 2320-303X)
- Kamath Nagaraj, Patel Yashesh. A physiological understanding on the concept of kledaka kapha. Unique Journal Of Pharmaceutical And Biological Sciences 2017, 05 (03): Page 1-3(ISSN 2347-3614)
- Dr. Kamath Nagaraj, Illustrative work Manual on kriya shareera, Chaukhambha sanskrit sansthan varanasi, ISBN No 978-81-935235-1-3
- Dr.Kamath Nagaraj, Comprehensive text book on Kriya Shareera vol2, chaukhambha sanskrit sansthan varanasi, ISBN No 978-81-935235-0-6
- Somanath Ginni & Prathiba Kulkarni: Conceptual Study To Understand The Effect Of Kshaariyajala (Alkaline Water) On Shukra With Special Reference To Male Infertility. International Ayurvedic Medical Journal 2018 Feb 6(2):459-463(ISSN: 2320 5091)
- Akshaykumar, Kekuda Prashanth, Kulkarni Pratibha, Mishra Bihari Niladri. Critical analysis of Amla rasa and its effects on human body. Jour. of Ayurveda & Holistic Medicine 2018; 6(3): 78-86 (ISSN-2321-1563)
- Kamath Nagaraj, Patel Yashesh. A conceptual review on mind as per Ayurveda. Unique Journal of Medical and Dental Sciences 2018, 06 (02): Page 23-25(ISSN 2347-5579)
- Kamath Nagaraj, Patel Yashesh. Concept of distinctive dietics – An Ayurvedic perspective. Unique Journal Of Ayurvedic And Herbal Medicines. 2018, 06 (03): Page 14-16 ISSN 2347-2375
- Kamath Nagaraj, Patel Yashesh. A physiological understanding on the concept of Tarpaka kapha. International Ayurvedic Medical Journal 2018 Aug; 6(8): 1732-5 (2320-5091)
- Kamath Nagaraj, Patel Yashesh. Physiology of muscle contarction understanding. International Ayurvedic Medical Journal 2018 Aug; 6(8): 1728-31 (2320-5091)
- Dharmaraj Nagorao Lone, Chitra Gawande, Pratibha Kulkarni, N. D. Lone. An attempt to understand the concept of PCOS w.s.r to Artavavaha Sroto Dusti. Ayurlog: National Journal of Research in Ayurved Science June 2018 ;6(4):1-12 (ISSN: 2320-7329)
- Akshaykumar, Kekuda Prashanth, Kulkarni Pratibha, Mishra BiharinNiladri. Understanding of malaroopipitta and bile. International Journal of Innovative Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research 2018; 6 (07): 13-19 (ISSN (online) 2347-2154)
- Akshay Kumar, Kekuda Prashanth, Kulkarni Pratibha, M Ravi, Bhat Sudhakar. Analysis of Effect of Amla Rasa (Sour Food) in Different Concentrations on Mamsa Dhatu (Muscle Tissue). International Journal of Ayurveda and Pharma Research. 2018;6 (7):10-16.
- Gopi Krishna B, Chitra Gawande, Prathiba Kulkarni. An Understanding of Physical Characters of Mamsa Saara Purusha. International Ayurvedic Medical Journal 2018; 6(10): 2370-3(ISSN: 2320 5091)
- Kamath Nagaraj & Patel Yashesh: A Review On The Concept Of Amavata (Rheumatoid Arthritis) As Per Ayurveda. International Ayurvedic Medical Journal November – 2018; 6(11):2517-23(ISSN: 2320 5091)
- Ashwini Honagannavar, Dr. Pratibha Kulkarni. Physio-Pathological understanding of Aartavavaha Srotas. J Ayurveda Integr Med Sci 2018;3(5):136-140(ISSN: 2456-3110)
- Mishra Niladri Bihar, Kekuda Prashanth, Kulkarni Pratibha, Akshay kumar. A critical review on involvement of dosha and dushya in the manifestation of Vatakantaka. International Journal of Innovative Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research / 6 (08), 2018, 42-47(ISSN (online) 2347-2154)
- Mishra Niladri Bihari, Kekuda Prashanth, Kulkarni Pratibha, Akshaykumar. An Observational Study of Dosha and Dushya in the Manifestation of Vatakantaka. International Journal of Ayurveda and Pharma Research. 2018;6(8):21-26.( ISSN: 2322 – 0910 (O))
- Kulkarni Pratibha, Vaidya Shrinath Mayur. A study on roga marga with special reference to its rachanatmaka adhyayana (Anatomical aspect). Journal of Ayurveda. April- Jun 2018; 12(2): 117-121.(ISSN-2321-0435)
- Kamath Nagaraj, A textbook on Agni and its relation with different body constitution. Lambert publication. April 2018(ISBN- 978-613-9-82612-4)
- Author of the text book “A Handbook on the concept of Rheumatoid Arthritis as per Ayurveda” published by Lambert academic Publisher, Europe. ISBN:978-613-9-89694-3.
- Mobile Applications
- Author of First Mobile on Kriya Sharerra with shloka & its meaning entitled “Kriya Sparsham version 1.1” available for free download on Google Play Store.
- Author of First Mobile on Kriya Sharerra with shloka & its meaning entitled “Kriya Sparsham version 1.2” available for free download on Google Play Store.
- Author of First Mobile on Kriya Sharerra with shloka & its meaning entitled “Kriya Sparsham version 1.3” available for free download on Google Play Store.
- Kamath Nagaraj, K. P. Navaneeth. A Conceptual Study On Physiology Of Female Reproductive System In Terms Of Theory Of Five Basic Elements (Panchamahabhuta Siddantha). International Ayurvedic Medical Journal2019; 7(4):556-9(ISSN: 2320 5091)
- Kamath Nagaraj, Navaneeth KP. Physiology of Nervous System In Terms of Theory of Five Basic Elements (Panchamahabhuta Siddantha) – An Appraisal. Unique Journal Of Ayurvedic And Herbal Medicines 2019, 07 (02): 1-4(ISSN 2347-2375)
- Kamath Nagaraj. Critical Analysis on location of Udana Vata with special reference to Physiology of Speech Production. Unique Journal Of Ayurvedic And Herbal Medicines 2019, 07 (02): 15-18 (ISSN 2347-2375)
- Kamath Nagaraj. Critical analysis of Shukravaha srotas. Unique Journal of Medical & Dental Sciences 2019; 7(2):1-4 (ISSN 2347-5579)
- Kamath Nagaraj. A multidimensional conceptul understandng on synonyms & physiological aspects of Shukra. . Unique Journal of Pharmaceutical & Biological Sciences 2019, 07 (02): 1-5(ISSN 2347-3614)
- Dilip Kumar Sahu, Pratibha Kulkarni, Priya SR Nair, Sankha Subhro Ghosh. An observational study to evaluate the status of jathragni in Madhumeha (Diabetes mellitus) – A survey study. Ayurpharm Int J Ayur Alli Sci. 2019;8(3):34-38.( ISSN: 2278-4772)
- Priya SR Nair, Prashanth Kekuda TR, Pratibha Kulkarni. Critical analysis of relationship between deha prakruthi and age of menarche – A survey study. Ayurpharm Int J Ayur Alli Sci. 2019;8(3):26-33. (ISSN: 2278-4772)
- Sankha Subhro Ghosh, Pratibha Kulkarni, Priya SR Nair, Dilip Kumar Sahu. A comparative study of Satvika pradhan prakruti and extraversion type of personality traits. Ayurpharm Int J Ayur Alli Sci. 2019;8(4):39-45. (ISSN: 2278-4772)
- Kamath Nagaraj . Physiology Of Urinary System In Terms Of Theory Of Five Basic Elements (Panchamahabhuta Siddantha) – A Critique. Universal Journal of Pharmacy(UJP) March-April;8(2):1-4.
- Kamath Nagaraj .Physiological Understanding On The Concept Of Avalambaka Kapha. Unique Journal of Medical and Dental Sciences(UJMDS) Jan-March,07(01): Page 1-3
- Kamath Nagaraj .Critical Analysis On Derivation Of Vata Dosha with special reference to Physiology Of Defecation Reflex. Unique Journal of Medical and Dental Sciences(UJMDS), 2019 July-september,07(03): Page 1-3
- Kamath Nagaraj .Critical analysis on Raktavaha Srotus UJPBS, 2019 July-August 07 (04): Page 1-3.
- Kamath Nagaraj .Critical Analysis On Loka Purusha Samya Siddanta. Unique Journal of Ayurveda and Herbal medicine (UJAHM), 2019 September – October;7(5)1-3.
- Kamath Nagaraj .Critical Analysis On Physiology Of Reflex Mechanism with special reference To Vata Dosha. Universal Journal of Pharmacy(UJP) 2019 July-August;8(4):1-3.
- Pratibha Kulkarni, S. M. Vaidya. Concept Of Tiryak Gamitwa. World Journal Of Pharmaceutical And Medical Research 2019;5(11): 73-75(ISSN 2455-3301)
- Pratibha Kulkarni, S. M. Vaidya. Physiological aspect of nidra with special reference to sleep. World Journal Of Pharmaceutical And Medical Research 2019,5(10), 72-74(ISSN 2455-3301)
- Pratibha Kulkarni, S. M. Vaidya. Physiological aspect of nidra with special reference to sleep. World Journal Of Pharmaceutical And Medical Research 2019,5(10), 72-74(ISSN 2455-3301)
- Kulkarni Pratibha, Vaidya Shrinath. Importance of rogamarga in chikitsa. International Journal of Applied Ayurved Research IJAAR 2019;4(4):313-9 ISSN: 2347- 6362
- Kiran Gundagi, Prashant Kekuda. Survey Study to Evaluate the Status of High Density Lipoproteins in Medosara Persons. Journal of Ayurveda Physicians and Surgeons .April, 2019 Volume 6 (2):41-43.
- Pratibha Kulkarni, Srinath M Vaidya. A critical review on Nadi pariksha with special reference to pulse examination. Ayurvedic Renaissance Oct-Dec 2019:1-3
- Kamath Nagaraj, Patel Yashesh, Lal Sarika. Critical review on the concept of Prakruthi. Unique journal of Ayurvedic and herbal medicines 2019, 07 (06): Page 17-20(ISSN 2347-2375)
- Kamath Nagaraj, Patel Yashesh, Lal Sarika. Critical analysis on physiology of vomiting reflex. Unique Journal of Medical and Dental Sciences 2019, 07 (04): Page 6-8(ISSN 2347-5579)
- Kamath Nagaraj, Kurlgeri Madhuri. Critical analysis on physiology of cough reflex as per Ayurveda. Unique Journal of Medical and Dental Sciences. 2020, 08 (01): Page 12-13(ISSN 2347-5579)
- Kamath Nagaraj, Kurlgeri Madhuri. A conceptual study on physiology of respiratory system interms of theory of five basic elements. Unique Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biological Sciences, 08(02), March-April 2020:1-3(ISSN 2347-3614)
- Kamath Nagaraj, Patel Yashesh, Lal Sarika. Critical analysis on the concept of Agni. Universal Journal of Pharmacy 2020, 09 (01): 1-3(ISSN 2320-303X)
- Kamath Nagaraj, Kurlgeri Madhuri. Panchabhouthik understanding on physiology of sneezing reflex. Universal Journal of Pharmacy 2020;09 (02): 1-3(ISSN 2320-303X)
- Kamath Nagaraj, Kurlgeri Madhuri. Critical review on the concept of Ojas. Unique Journal Of Ayurvedic And Herbal Medicines March-April 2020;08 (02): Page 4-7
- Kamath Nagaraj, Navaneeth KP. Critical analysis on physiology of negative feedback mechanism in terms of Ayurveda wsr thyroxine secretion. Unique Journal of Medical and Dental Sciences 2020, 08 (02): 1-3(ISSN 2347-5579)
- Kamath Nagaraj, Patel Yashesh, Desai Komal. Physiology of vomiting – A panchabhouthik understanding. Unique Journal of Medical and Dental Sciences 2020, 08 (02): Page 20-22(ISSN 2347-5579)
- Kamath Nagaraj, Navaneeth KP. Critical analysis on physiology of positive feedback mechanism in terms of Ayurveda wsr parturation. Unique Journal Of Ayurvedic And Herbal Medicines 2020, 08 (03):1-3(ISSN 2347-2375)
- Kamath Nagaraj, Patel Yashesh, Desai Komal. Critical analysis on physiology of micturition reflex as per Ayurveda. Unique Journal Of Ayurvedic And Herbal Medicines 2020, 08 (03):8-10
- Kamath Nagaraj, Patel Yashesh, Desai Komal. Critical analysis on physiology of vomiting reflex as per Ayurveda. Unique Journal Of Pharmaceutical And Biological Sciences 2020, 08 (03): 4-6(ISSN 2347-3614)
- Kamath Nagaraj. A conceptual study on physiology of cardiovascular system in terms of theory of five basic elements. Unique Journal Of Pharmaceutical And Biological Sciences 2020, 08 (03): 1-3
- Kamath Nagaraj. Critical analysis on Renin angiotensin mechanism as per Ayurveda. Unique Journal Of Ayurvedic And Herbal Medicines 2020, 08 (04): Page 1-2
- Chaitra TM, Kulkarni Pratibha. An Observational Study to assess the influence of Ahara on manasa Bhavas. J Ayurveda Integr Med Sci 2020;5(5):139-145
- Chaithra N, Pratibha Kulkarni, Prashanth Kekuda T R, Arpitha A Warrier, Anu Jos, Chaitra T M. Concept of Saara with special reference to Twaksaara. J Ayurveda Integr Med Sci 2020;5(5):426-430
- Kamath Nagaraj. Critical analysis of the concept of Para ojas. Unique journal of engineering and advanced sciences 2020;8(2):1-3
- Kamath Nagaraj, Patel Yashes , Lal Sarika. Critical analysis on the concept of Rasa dhatu. Unique Journal Of Pharmaceutical And Biological Sciences 2019, 07 (06): 1-3(ISSN 2347-3614)
- Kamath Nagaraj. Critical analysis on physiology of homeostasis mechanism as per Ayurveda. Universal Journal of Pharmacy 2020, 09 (03): Page 1-3(ISSN 2320-303X)
- Kamath Nagaraj, Patel Yashesh, Desai Komal. Physiology of micturition – A panchabhouthik understanding. Universal Journal of Pharmacy 2020, 09 (03): Page 11-13(ISSN 2320-303X)
- Kulkarni Pratibha, Vaidya .Shrinath. VikratyatmakaAdhyayayna (Pathological Aspect) of RogaMarga. Int J Applied Ayu Res Nov Dec 2020; 4(11): 1239-1242(ISSN: 2347- 6362).
- Meghana D. R., Pratibha Kulkarni. Clinical significance of Kriyakala in Ayurveda. J AyurvedaIntegr Med Sci 2021;1:116-120.(ISSN: 2456-3110).
- Madona Baby, Prathibha Kulkarni. Physiological understanding and factors affecting Ruthuchakra -A Review. J Ayurveda Integr Med Sci 2021;1:224-228.(ISSN: 2456-3110).
- Shashikala Kurbet, Pratibha Kulkarni, RavirajKurbet. Nidra: A prerequisite to healthy life. J Ayurveda Integr Med Sci 2021;1:245-248.(ISSN: 2456-3110).
- P. Bhargav Raghusai, Pratibha Kulkarni, ManjunathB. Sunagar. Conceptual study on Aharapaka in Ayurveda. J Ayurveda Integr Med Sci 2021;1:249-253.(ISSN: 2456-3110).
- Krithika U. Pai, Pratibha Kulkarni. Critical analysis on physiological understanding of Indriya. J Ayurveda Integr Med Sci 2021;1:290-293.(ISSN: 2456-3110).
- Shashikala Kurbet, Pratibha Kulkarni, RavirajKurbet. Ushnodaka as a daily routine. International Ayurvedic Medical Journal May 2021;9(5): 1111-5(ISSN: 2320-5091).
- Priya Jarimalli,Pratibha Kulkarni. Ritucharyaw.s.r. to Varsha Ritu and its effect on Health.J Ayurveda Integr Med Sci 2021;6(2):163-165.
- Nagaraj Kamath. Critical analysis on the concept of aatma; Unique journal of Ayurveda & herbal medicine, 2021,09(06);pg 4-7.
- Nagaraj Kamath. Critical review on the concept of purisha; unique journal of medical & dental sciences, 2021; 09(04),pg 1-4.
- Nagaraj Kamath. World’s first detailed android app on Kriya Shareera: Kriya Sparsham” version 1.8.
- Shashikala Kurbet, Pratibha.Kulkarni. Signiificance of Aharavidhividhana in the present era. IJAAR
- Manjunath S,Pratibha Kulkarni,. A case study on Indralupta, WJPPS, Vol-10, Issue 12.
- Manjunath S, Pratibha Kulkarni. The concept of Manas in Ayurveda, WJPPS, Vol-7, Issue 12.
- Manjunath S, Pratibha Kulkarni. Critical analysis on concept of Rakta -JAIMS Nov-Dec-2021 Volume 6, Issue 6.
- Priya Jarimalli, Manjunath S, PratibhaKulkarni. Role of Abhyanga in daily practice-An International journal of Research in Ayurveda and Allied sciences (JAIMS), Volume-6, Issue 4 July-Aug 2021.
- Manjunath S, Pratibha Kulkarni. Conceptual study on Aharapaaka in Ayurveda –JAIMS Jan-feb 2021,Volume 6, Issue 1.
- Shashikala K, Pratibha Kulkarni. Nidana parivarjana as a first line of treatment.,World journal of Pharmaceutical and medical research. Nov-Dec 2021.
- Deepika S, Pratibha Kulkarni. Analytical review on Influence of Chinta on Agni-contemporary view. Journal of Ayurveda, Issue: Oct-Dec 2021,vol XV-4, page 299-302
- Saranya Raj. Effect of Tiktakatu rasa of sigru (Moringa oleifera) in the management of Hyperlipidemia; An open clinical trial. IJRAP; 12(2), 2021.
- Madona Baby, Pratibha Kulkarni. Critical understanding of mutrotpatti according to Ayurveda. IAMJ. September 2021:2063-2065.
E book
Author of the text book “Kriya capsule – An Pocketbook on Ayurvedic Physiology” published by, Kindle. ISBN:9798606525133-90000. by Dr. Nagaraj Kamath