Kayachikitsa is a specialty among eight branches of Ayurveda that deals with different systemic illnesses affecting the young and old. Clinical learning is aided by exposure to various clinical conditions. Academic activities are supported by conducting seminars, guest lectures, symposiums and interdepartmental activities.
Diseases pertaining to nervous system, musculoskeletal system, respiratory system, gastrointestinal system, endocrine system, urogenital system and skin are managed efficiently through different specialty clinics. Post- Graduation began in the year 2010. The 180 bedded strength of the department caters to impart the clinical knowledge to the scholars.

“Medicine to heal and health”
- Prepare the Graduates and specialists to cater to the health needs of the young and elderly
- Developing orientation of scholars to social responsibilities
- Training the scholars to teach Ayurveda medicine in academia
- Exploring the areas of research in Ayurveda medicine(dravya&adravya) of present need
Sl. No. | Name of the investigator | Guide | Title of research | Date of commencement of research | Date of completion of research |
1 | Dr. Radhakrishnan R | Dr. Girish K.J | A clinical study on the effect of amalakyadi yoga in the management of kshinashukra with spical reference to oligoasthenozoospermia | 2011 | 2013 |
2 | Dr. Surya Soumya M.S | Dr. Usha K.S | Clinical study on the effect of saptavimshatika gugglu in the management of sthula madhumeha (niddm) | 2011 | 2013 |
3 | Dr. Sambit Swarup jena | Dr. Muralidhar P. Pujar | The role of amalaki-nimba churna and marichadi taila in vicharchika | 2011 | 2013 |
4 | Dr. Daleep Kumar | Dr. Muralidhar P. Pujar | A clinical syudy on effect of sirisadi avaleha in tamaka shwasa (bronchlal asthma) | 2011 | 2013 |
5 | Dr. Sreedas elappila | Dr. Girish K.J | A clinical study on the management of grahani (irritable bowel syndrome) with pippalyasava and surana vataka | 2011 | 2013 |
6 | Dr. Manasi menon | Dr. Muralidhar P. Pujar | A clinical study on the effect of jatamamsi arka in the management of essential hypertension (uccha vyana bala) | 2011 | 2013 |
7 | Dr. Dipam K. Dubey | Dr. Lakshmi Prasad L. Jadhav | A comparative clinical study in the management of sheetapitta with agnimantha curna and haridra khanda | 2012 | 2014 |
8 | Dr. Rajeshwari R.V | Dr. Muralidhar P. Pujar | Comparative clinical study on the efficacy of shivagutika and gokshuradi guggulu in the management of madhumeha (type ii diabetes mellitus) | 2012 | 2014 |
9 | Dr. Mahesh Kumar | Dr. Muralidhar P. Pujar pujar | Comparative clinical study on bakuchi churna and somaraji taila in the management of switra with special reference to vitiligo | 2012 | 2014 |
10 | Dr. Sreedevi C.G | Dr. Girish K.J | A comparative clinical study of amlapitta on the basis of doshic predominace | 2012 | 2014 |
11 | Dr. Sreerag N.P | Dr. Lakshmi Prasad L. Jadhav | A comparative clinical study on pathyadi gutika & dhathri loha in the management of pandu w.s.r to iron deficiency anemia | 2012 | 2014 |
12 | Dr. Amit Kumar | Dr. Girish K.J | An observation study to assess the combined effect of lahsuna svarara nasya & oral medication in the management of tamaka shvasa w.s.r. to acute exacebation in bronchial asthma | 2012 | 2014 |
13 | Dr. Chintuja JP | Dr. Manjunatha Adiga | A clinical study on the efficacy of bharangimoola arka nebulization in the management of tamaka shvasa (acute exacerbation of bronchial asthma) | 2013 | 2015 |
14 | Dr. Komala a | Dr. Srinivasa | A clinical study on the role of dadimadi ghrita in the management of grahani dosha | 2013 | 2015 |
15 | Dr. Deepak BSR | Dr. Lakshmi Prasad L. Jadhav | Efficacy of lekhaneeya mahakashaya ghanavati in dyslipidemia a randomized controlled trial | 2013 | 2015 |
16 | Dr. Sonal Singhal | Dr. Lakshmi Prasad L. Jadhav | A clinical study on the role of pathyadya vataka and darvyadi yamaka malahara in the management of ekakustha (psoriasis) | 2013 | 2015 |
17 | Dr. Devendra Kushik | Dr. Girish K.J | Role of laksha guggulu and muktashukti pishti in the management of janusandhiguta vata | 2013 | 2015 |
18 | Dr. Murali Krishna Pauvada | Dr. Diwakar P Joshi | A clinical study on the combined effect of vamana karma and gomutra haritaki in the management of hypothyroidism | 2013 | 2015 |
19 | Dr. Vikas Chauhan | Dr. Diwakar P Joshi | a comparative clinical study on ayurveda protocol and allopathic protocol in the management of pakshaghala(cerebrovascular accident due to thrombus) | 2014 | 2016 |
20 | Dr. Advait Prakas vaze | Dr. Girish K.J | A clinical study on the rasa in tamka shwasa (bronchial asthma) | 2014 | 2016 |
21 | Dr. Sumit Kapoor | Dr. Tottada Muttappa | a clinical study to evaluate the effect of raktamokshana in gridhrasi (sciatica) | 2014 | 2016 |
22 | Dr. Rakesh P Moosath | Dr. Manjunatha Adiga | Evaluation of the instant effect of bharangimoola arka nebulization in vegavasta of tamaka swasa (bronchial asthma) | 2014 | 2016 |
23 | Dr. Ravi Kumar K.M | Dr. Srinivas | clinicla study of vrishya basti and amrithaprasha gritha uttara basti in the management of klaibya (erectile dysfuntion ) | 2014 | 2016 |
24 | Dr. Ajay G S | Dr. Girish K.J | A clinical study on efficacy of chinnodhavadi syrup in the management of amlapitta | 2014 | 2016 |
25 | Dr. Richa Singh | Dr. Girish K.J | Clinical study on the effectiveness of pippali khanda in the management of urdhvaga amlapitta | 2015 | 2017 |
26 | Dr. Manjunath Kotihal | Dr. Tottada Muttappa | Clinical study on the effectiveness of vanari gutika in the management of klaibya (erectile dysfunction) | 2015 | 2017 |
27 | Dr. Sandrima K.S | Dr. Lakshmi Prasad L. Jadhav | comparative clinical study on the effect of bharangimoola arka as nebulization and oral intake swasa (acute bronchial asthma) | 2015 | 2017 |
28 | Dr. Yadu Narayanan Mooss E.T | Dr. Girish K.J | Clinical study on the effectiveness of nishothamadi ghanavati and bruhat dantapala taila | 2015 | 2017 |
29 | Dr. Sreelakshmi.P | Dr. Srinivas | Clinical study on the effectiveness of ayaskriti in the management of madhumeha (type 2 diabetes mellitus) | 2015 | 2017 |
30 | Dr. Nihar Sulthana | Dr. Lakshmi Prasad L. Jadhav | Clinical study to evaluate the effectiveness of vajigandhadi taila matra basti and vatari guggulu in gridhrasi | 2015 | 2017 |
31 | Dr. Anoop NS | Dr. Lakshmi Prasad L. Jadhav | An open label single arm clinical study on the combined effctiveness of chitrakadi vati & avipathi choornam in the management of hypothyroidism | 2016 | 2018 |
32 | Dr. Prateek Agarwal | Dr. Tottada Muttappa | An open label single arm clinical study on the combined effect of nayopayam kashaya & vasavaleha in the management of tamaka swasa | 2016 | 2018 |
33 | Dr. Rukmani Sharma | Dr. Girish K.J | An open label single arm clinical study on the comboined effectiveness of ayaskriti & navaka guggulu in the management of madhumeha (type ii diabetes mellitus) | 2016 | 2018 |
34 | Dr. Silpa A S | Dr. Girish K.J | an open label single arm clinical study on the effect of vasakhanda kooshmanda avaleha in amlapitta | 2016 | 2018 |
35 | Dr. Sruti Nair | Dr. Lakshmi Prasad L. Jadhav | Clinical study on the combined effectiveness of pippalyadi taila and vatari guggulu in the management of gridrasi | 2016 | 2018 |
36 | Dr. Rakesh H R | Dr. Vasantha B | An open label single arm clinical study on the combined effectiveness of manibhadra guda and siddharthaka snana churna lepa in the managament of dadru kushta( tinea corporis) | 2016 | 2018 |
37 | Dr. Neelam Bisht | Dr. Girish K.J | An open label single arm prospective clinical study on the combined effect of mamejava ghanavati and katakakhadiradi kashaya in madhumeha ( diabetes mellitus type ii) | 2017 | 2019 |
38 | Dr. Deepa Purani Kamath | Dr. Lakshmi Prasad L. Jadhav | An open label single arm prospective clinical study on the combined effect of saptasama gulika and nalpamaradi taila in ekakushta( psoriasis) | 2017 | 2019 |
39 | Dr. Mohd. Gulfam | Dr. Tottada Muttappa | An open label single arm prospective clinical study on vatagajankusha rasa with pippali churna and manjishta kwatha as anupana in vishwachi( cervical spondylosis) | 2017 | 2019 |
40 | Dr. Priyanshu Mehta | Dr. GirishK.J | An open label single arm clinical study on the combined effect of vidangadi choorna and karanjadi taila in the management of vicharchika ( eczema) | 2017 | 2019 |
41 | Dr. Yadu Gopan | Dr. Tottada Muttappa | An open label single arm prospective clinical study on vatagajankusha rasa with pippali churna and manjishta kwatha as anupana in pakshaghata( cva due to infarct ) | 2017 | 2019 |
42 | Dr. Vishnu M L | Dr. Vasantha B | An open label single arm prospective clinical study on vatagajankusha rasa with pippali churna and manjishta kwatha as anupana in gridrasi(sciatica) | 2017 | 2019 |
43 | Dr. Rachana | Dr. Girish K.J | An open label single arm clinical study on the combined effectiveness of sahacaradi kashaya and matra basti with prasarini taila in gridrasi ( sciatica ) | 2018 | 2020 |
44 | Dr. Vibhu Powar | Dr. Girish K.J | Clinical study on combined effectiveness of vatari guggulu and mahaushadhi kwatha in amavata ( rheumatoid arthritis) | 2018 | 2020 |
45 | Dr. K. Kiran | Dr. Vasantha B | Clinical study on the combined effectiveness of maharasnadi kashaya with shunti choorna and matrabasti with ksheerabala taila in the management of janusandhigata vata ( o.a knee) | 2018 | 2020 |
46 | Dr. Rohan m. Mohandas | Dr. Tottada Muttappa | An open label single arm prospective clinical study in the management of pakshaghata( cerebrovascular accident due to infarct) with maharasnadi kashaya and shunti choorna | 2018 | 2020 |
47 | Dr. Sreedevi | Dr. Lakshmi Prasad L. Jadhav | Clinical study on combined effectiveness of kulathadi choorna and talisapatradi choorna in tamaka shwasa( bronchial asthma) | 2018 | 2020 |
48 | Dr. Madhavi | Dr. Lakshmi Prasad L. Jadhav | Clinical study to evaluate the effectiveness of gavakshi moola( citrullus colocynthis) draava with ksheera in kamala( hepatocellular jaundice) | 2018 | 2020 |
49 | Dr. Joy Namasudra | Dr. Tottada Muttappa | A clinical study on the combined effectiveness of sephalika kwatha and astakatvara taila matra basti in gridhrasi (sciatica) | 2019 | 2021 |
50 | Dr. Meghana K A | Dr. Girish K.J | An open label, single arm, clinical study on effectiveness of vadavanala churna in hypothyroidism | 2019 | 2021 |
51 | Dr. Deevi Deepak Srivathsav | Dr. Girish K.J | An open label single arm clinical study on effectiveness of swayamguptadi churna in ksheenashukra (oligozoospermia) | 2019 | 2021 |
52 | Dr. Muzammil Kamatgi | Dr. Lakshmi Prasad L. Jadhav | Clinical study on the effectiveness of vatagajankusha rasa with pippali churna and manjishta kwatha as anupana in apabahuka (frozen shoulder) | 2019 | 2021 |
53 | Dr. Rekha R | Dr. Vasantha B | A clinical study on the combined effectiveness of shatyadi kalka with varshabhu kashaya as anupana and vaitarana basti in amavata (rheumatoid arthritis) | 2019 | 2021 |
54 | Dr. Sakshi Sharma | Dr. Lakshmi Prasad L. Jadhav | An open label single arm prospective clinical study on the effectiveness of bhudhatryadi yoga in madhumeha (diabetes mellitus type 2) | 2019 | 2021 |
55 | Dr. Rajouri Joshi | Dr. Lakshmi Prasad L. Jadhav | An open lable single arm clinicalstudy to evaluate the effectiveness of mashadi taila with nagara choorna anupana in management of vishwachi(cervical spondylosis) | 2020 | 2022 |
56 | Dr. Kalpana | Dr. Lakshmi Prasad L. Jadhav | An open lable single arm clinical study on combined effectiveness of panchanimbaka churna vati and pathyadi lepa in kitiba kushta (psoriasis) | 2020 | 2022 |
57 | Dr. Sunil Sabasanna Var Jinnappa | Dr. Girish K.J | An open lable single arm clinical study on the effectiveness of akarakarabha vati in the management of klaibya (erectile dysfunction) | 2020 | 2022 |
58 | Dr. Nehaa Srinivasan | Dr. Girish K.J | A clinical study on the combined effectiveness of pathyadi churna and kshara basti in the management of amavata (rheumatoid arthritis) |
2020 | 2022 |
59 | Dr. Pavitra | Dr. Vasantha B | An open lable single arm prospective clinical study on the effectiveness of pugaarimeda kashaya in madhumeha (diabetes mellitus type 2) |
2020 | 2022 |
60 | Dr. Nidhi Gusain | Dr. Tottada Muttappa | A clinical study on the combined effectiveness of mashasaptaka kwatha and marsha nasya with mashasaptaka taila in pakshagata (cerebrovascular accident- infarct) |
2020 | 2022 |
Research Project Completed
Sl. No. | Principal Investigator | Title | Funding Agency |
1 | Dr Manjunatha Adiga Associate Professor Dept. of Kayachikitsa |
A Single Blind Randomized Active Controlled Clinical Study On Bharangi Mula Arka and Salbutamol Nebulization in Acute Exacerbation of Bronchial Asthma | Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Bengaluru |
On-Going Research Projects
Sl. No. | Principal Investigator | Co- investigator | Title | Funding Agency |
1 | Dr Girish K J | Dr Vibhu Powar | Validation and Reliability Testing of Ayurvedic Diagnostic Tools | CCRAS, Govt. of India |
- Kulkarni R, Girish KJ, Kumar A. Nootropic herbs (Medhya Rasayana) in Ayurveda: An update. Pharmacognosy Review 2012; 6 : 147-153(0973-7847)
- Elappila Sreedas Girish K. J. Clinical Study On Pippalyasava And Suranavataka In Grahani Roga (Irritable Bowel Syndrome). International Ayurvedic Medical Journal 2013; 1(5). (2320 5091)
- Deepak B S R, Girish K J, Jadhav Lakshmiprasad. Effect of Papaya leaf juice on platelet and WBC count in Dengue fever- a case report.Journal of Ayurveda & Holistic Medicine 2013; 1(3). (2321-1563)
- Patil Vasant, Girish KJ. Standardization of Panchakarma procedures. (Editorial). Journal of Ayurveda and Holistic Medicine 2013; 1(6):1-3. 2321-1563
- Vasant Patil, Girish K.J. Journal Of Ayurveda And Holistic Medicine (JAHM): A Unique Platform For Researchers, Academicians, And Practitioners. Journal Of Ayurveda And Holistic Medicine 1(9) (2321-1563)
- Singh Gurdip. Editorial-First Issue. Journal of Ayurveda Physicians & Surgeons 2014; 1(1): 1.
- Singh Gurdip. Experimental Study on Immunity Potentiation Effect of Vachā (Acorus calamus). Journal of Ayurveda Physicians and Surgeons. 2014; 1(1) 2-10
- Rajeshwari RV Muralidhar P Pujar, Diwakar P Joshi. Kampa (Tandava Roga) As Upadrava In Madhumeha Wsr To Chorea As A Presenting Symptom In Diabetes Mellitus: A Case Report. Journal Of Ayurveda And Holistic Medicine 2014; 2(8): 24-26 (2321-1563)
- Singh Gurdip: Editorial, Journal of Ayurveda Physicians & Surgeons 2015:2 (1); 1. (eISSN 2394-6350)
- Singh Gurdip. Experimental study on Immunity Potentiation effect of Mandukaparni (Hydrocotyle asiatica). Journal of Ayurveda Physicians and Surgeons 2015:2(1); 2-8. (eISSN 2394-6350)
- Amit Kumar, Devendra Kaushik, Diwakar P Joshi, Girish KJ. Huntington’s Disease – A Case Study. J of Ayurveda and Hol Med (JAHM).2015; 3(3):53-57. (2321-1563)
- Chintuja J P, Remyasree P K, Issac Paul. Importance of kala. Int Ayur Med J August 2015; 3(8): 2478-82(ISSN- 2320 5091)
- Professor Gurdip Singh. Revisit to concept of Dhatu formation. Journal of Ayurveda Physicians & Surgeons 2015; 2(2): 47-51(eISSN 2394-6350
- Professor Gurdip Singh. Clinical study on the effects of Mandukaparni (Hydrocotyle asiatica) on Immunity and aged. Journal of Ayurveda Physicians & Surgeons 2015; 2(2): 29-32 (eISSN 2394-6350)
- Deepak BSR, Jadhav Lakshmiprasad Girish K J, Narayana Prakash. Randomized controlled, open labeled study of a herbal preparation, Lekhaneeya mahakashaya ghanavati in Dyslipidemia patients. J of Ayurveda and Hol Med 2015; 3(4): 1-23(2321-1563)
- Totad Muttappa, Vasantha B, Rakesh P Moosath, Vikas Chauhan, Sumit Vinod K. Management of Acute Cerebrovascular accident through Ayurveda – A case study. J of Ayurveda and Hol Med 2015; 3(4): 108-113(2321-1563)
- Komala.A, Srinivasa.S, Divya Nagari.N, Swarna Latha. Ghrita as Ajasrika rasayana. UJAHM2015; 03(04): 61-3(ISSN 2347-2375)
- Gurdip Singh. Editorial: Development of Speciality of Ayurveda Urology. Journal of Ayurveda Physicians & Surgeons 2015; 2(3): (eISSN 2394-6350)
- Kishorsinh Chudasama, Gurdip Singh. Efficacy of Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) on Immunity of Krisha (underweight). Journal of Ayurveda Physicians & Surgeons 2015; 2(3): (eISSN 2394-6350)
- Gurdip Singh, Mandip R G. Prameha represents 20 renal disorders with Polyuria. Journal of Ayurveda Physicians & Surgeons 2015; 2(3): (eISSN 2394-6350)
- Radhakrishnan R, Girish KJ, Amit Kumar, Devendra Kaushik. Clinical Trial on Efficacy of Amalakyadi Yoga on Oligoasthenoteratozoospermia (Kshina Shukra). Journal of Ayurveda Physicians & Surgeons 2016; 3(1): 2-5(EISSN 2394-6350)
- Totad Muttappa, Vasantha B, Advait Vaze, Rakesh PM, Ajay GS, Sumit Kapoor. Ayurvedic management of Acute Cerebrovascular Accident – A Case Study. J Ayurveda Integr Med Sci 2016;1(1):91-94.(ISSN- Applied)
- Totad Muttappa, Vasantha B, Advait Vaze, Rakesh PM, Ajay GS, Sumit Kapoor. Ayurvedic management of Acute Cerebrovascular Accident – A Case Study. J Ayurveda Integr Med Sci 2016; 1(1):91-94.(ISSN- Applied)
- Sanjaya P. Chhajed, Prof. Gurdip Singh and Dr B Ravishankar. Hepatic Protective Effect of Pippali (Piper longum) and Ashvagandha (Withania somnifera) in Hepatotoxicity induced by Anti-tubercular Drugs. Journal of Ayurveda Physicians & Surgeons 2016; 2(4): 102-8(EISSN 2394-6350)
- Gurdip Singh and G.N. Chaturvedi. Experimental Study on Anticoagulant and Fibrinolysis Activities of Garlic (Allium sativum). Journal of Ayurveda Physicians & Surgeons 2016; 2(4): 85-8 (EISSN 2394-6350)
- Gurdip Singh. Prospective of Clinical Research in Ayurveda Editorial).Journal of Ayurveda Physicians & Surgeons 2016; 3(1): 1(EISSN 2394-6350)
- Singh Gurdip (2016). Editorial; Development of clinical Pharmacology in Dravyaguna Speciality. JAPS 3(2):31
- Singh Gurdip and Chaturvedi G.N. (2016): Experimental Study on Anticoagulant and Fibrinolysis Activities of Single Clove Garlic (Allium ascalonicum). JAPS. Vo.3 (2):32-35
- Chhajed S. & Singh Gurdip (2016): Role of Ashvagandhā and Pippali as Adjuvant to AKT in Treatment of Tuberculosis. JAPS Volume 3 (2):41-45.
- Singh Gurdip (2016). Editorial. JAPS 3(3): 54(EISSN- 2394-6350)
- Gurdip & Chaturvedi (2016): Mode of Purgative Action of Kutaki (Picrorhiza kurroa)-A Chemical Assay. JAPS, Vol. 3 (3):55-56.(EISSN- 2394-6350)
- Manjunath Kotihal, Totad Muttappa, Vasantha B, Sandrima KS. Critical analysis of Jalodara (Ascites) – A Review. J Ayurveda Integr Med Sci 2017; 1:150-153.( ISSN: 2456-3110)
- Sreelakshmi P, Totad Muttappa, Vasantha B, Yadu N Mooss. Hypertension Vis-a-Vis Vatavyadhi – A Critical Analysis. J Ayurveda Integr Med Sci 2017;1:244-248.( ISSN: 2456-3110)
- Nithin Krishnan R, Advait Vaze, Ajay GS, Totad Muttappa. A Case Report on Pakshaghata With Reference To Takayasu’s Arteritis. International Ayurvedic Medical Journal April, 2017; 5 (4): 1345-52(ISSN: 2320 5091)
- Yadu Narayanan Mooss ET, Girish KJ, Rich Singh. Clinical Study on the Effectiveness of Nishothamadi Ghanavati and Bruhat Danatapala Taila in the Management of Ekakushta (Psoriasis). Journal of Ayurveda Physicians & Surgeons 2017;4(2):16-19 (EISSN 2394-6350)
- Richa Singh, Girish KJ, Yadu Narayan Mooss. Clinical Study on the Effectiveness of Pippali Khanda in the Management of Amlapitta. International Journal of Ayurvedic Medicine, 2017, 8(3), 128-133(ISSN: 0976-5921)
- Girish KJ. Clinical Study on Effectiveness of Shukra-Shodhana-Janana Granules and Erandmula Kvatha in Patients of Oligospermia Journal of Ayurveda Physicians & Surgeons (JAPS) 2017:4(3):35-38. EISSN 2394-635)
- Sreelakshmi P, Srinivasa S, Girish KJ, Richa Singh, Yadu Narayanan Mooss ET. An Open Label Single Arm Clinical Study on Ayaskriti in Madhumeha (Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus). Journal of Ayurveda Physicians and Surgeons. 2017 (July). Volume 4(3): 47-51. EISSN 2394-635)
- Anoop.A.S, Lakshmiprasad.L.Jadhav, Yadu Narayanan Mooss, Manjunath Adiga. Hypothyroidsm – an ayurvedic perspective. International Ayurvedic Medical Journal Nov 2017; 5(11) ISSN: 2320 5091)
- Singh Gurdip and Chaturvedi G.N. (2017): Experimental Study on Anticoagulant and Fibrinolysis Activities of Onion (Allium ceppa).Journal of Ayurveda Physicians& Surgeons 2017;4(1):2-5.
- Gurdip Singh, Tejal Shah. Role of Vachadi Nasya and Medhya Rasayana Vati in Management of Dementia. Journal of Ayurveda Physicians & Surgeons 2017;4(2): 24-26 (EISSN 2394-6350)
- Singh Gurdip. Editorial: Dravya vs Rasa and Guna; Journal of Ayurveda Physicians & Surgeons 2017:4(3):34. EISSN 2394-635)
- Dhruve S and Singh G. A Study on Role of Kapikacchu (Mucuna pruriens) in Management of Parkinson’s Disease. Journal of Ayurveda Physicians and Surgeons. 2017 (July) Volume 4(3) :42-46 EISSN 2394-635)
- Gaurang Lineswala, Gurdip Singh, Behera BS. Clinical Study on Efficacy of Vamana Karma on Hypothyroidism. Journal of Ayurveda Physicians and Surgeons. 2017 (July) Volume 4(3):39-41 EISSN 2394-635)
- Yadu Gopan, Vasantha B.,Totad Muttappa,3Vishnu ML. Critical analysis of Siravyadhana in pain management of Raktavrutavataja Gridhrasi – A Case Study. Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences Mar – Apr 2018; 3(2):105-8(2456-3110)
- Komala A, Srinivasa S. A case series study on the efficiacy of Dadimadi Ghrita in the management of Grahani Dosha. Unique journal of Ayurvedic & herbal medicine 2018; 6(2): 5-8 (ISSN- 2347-2375)
- Chauhan Vikas, Joshi D P, Singh Richa. A Comparative Clinical study on Ayurveda protocol and Allopathic Protocol in the management of Pakshaghata (Cerebrovascular Accident due to Thrombus). International Ayurvedic Medical Journal 2018; 6(7): 1351-7 (ISSN: 2320 5091)
- Vikas Chauhan, Richa Singh. A case study – Management of Pakshaghata (cva) through Ayurvedic sidhanta. International Ayurvedic Medical Journal 2018; 6(7): 1519- 22 (ISSN: 2320 5091)
- Anoop A., Lakshmiprasad L. Jadhav, Totad Muttappa, Vasantha B. Boon of Acharya Vagbhata – The Vata Pentad. J Ayurveda Integr Med Sci 2018; 3:100-107. (ISSN 2456-3110)
- Anoop A S, Lakshmiprasad L. Jadhav, Sruthy Nair, Rohan Mohandas. Ayurvedic understanding of Central Pontine Myelinolysis – A Case Report. J Ayurveda Integr Med Sci 2018;3:250-253. (ISSN 2456-3110)
- Madhavi, Jadhav LL, Anoop A S, Rakesh HR, Sreedevi Ayurvedic management of Bells Palsy – A Case Report. J Ayurveda Integr Med Sci 2018; 3:258-262. (ISSN 2456-3110)
- Powar Vibhu Sudhakar, Totad Muttappa, Vasantha B, Girish K J, Rachana M S. Ayurvedic management of Ankylosing spondylitis – A case report. Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences 2018 3(4): 201 – 205(ISSN 2456-3110)
- Anoop A S, Lakshmiprasad L Jadhav, Sreelakshmi.P. An Open Label Single Arm Clinical Study on the Combined Effectiveness of Chitrakadi Vati and Avipathi Churnam in the Management of Hypothyroidism. Int J Ayu Pharm Chem 2019; 10(1): 192-201(e ISSN 2350-0204)
- Anoop A S, Lakshmiprasad L Jadhav, Deepa Puranikamath, Madhavi, Sreedevi KS. Ayurvedic Understanding of Thromboangitis Obliterans (Buerger’s Disease). Int J Ayu Pharm Chem 2019;10(1): 310-7(e ISSN 2350-0204)
- Manjunatha Adiga, Prasanna N Rao, Priyanka B V, Mallika K J. Comparative clinical trial of Bharangimoola arka and Salbutamol nebulization in Tamaka shwasa (Acute exacerbation of bronchial asthma): A case series study. Int. J. Res. Ayurveda Pharm. 10 (1), 2019 (ISSN Online: 2229-3566)
- Shenoy, Girish KJ and Gurdipsingh (2018): A comparative study on efficacy of Chopachini (Smilax glabra) and Sariva (Hemidesmus indicus) on Erectile Dysfunction. JAPS 6 (1), 14-16.
- Neelam Bisht, Girish KJ, Vibhu Powar. Role of Panchavata in Diabetic Neuropathy– Conceptual Review. J Ayurveda Integr Med Sci 2019; 3: 51-54.
- Deepa Puranikamath, Lakshmiprasad L. Jadhav, T. B. Tripathy, Anoop A. S, Neelam Bisht. Eczema: Management through Ayurveda – A Case Report. J Ayurveda Integr Med Sci 2019; 5: 353-357. (ISSN- 2456-3110)
- Dhuri Kalpana, Gurdipsingh and Behera BS (2019): Efficacy of Gandhakadi Vati (Orally) and Nimba-Karanja Malahara on the Patients of Psoriasis (Ekakushtha). Journal of Ayurveda Physicians and Surgeons January, 2019 Volume 6(1): 11-13.
- Gurdipsingh: Editorial- Yukti-An Original concept of Charaka. Journal of Ayurveda Physicians & Surgeons, January, 2019, Vol. 6 (1):1.
- Vinod Rasala, Gurdipsingh and Ravishankar B (2019): Experimental Study to evaluate Protective Efficacy of Arjuna Kshira Paka on Induced Myocardial Infarction. Journal of Ayurveda Physicians and Surgeons, January 2019 Volume 6 (1):2-6.
- Moradia and Gurdipsingh and (2019): Role of Rasana Guggulu and Mahanimba (Melia azedarch) in Management of Gridhrasi (Sciatica). Journal of Ayurveda Physicians and Surgeons April, 2019 Volume 6 (2):34-36.
- Dhuri Kalpana, Gurdipsingh and Behera BS (2019): Efficacy of Gandhakadi Vati and Nimba-Karanja Malahara administered after Vamana and Virechana Karma on the Patients of Psoriasis (Ekakushtha). Journal of Ayurveda Physicians and Surgeons April, 2019 Volume 6 (2):31-33.
- Gurdipsingh (2019): Editorial-Promote Research in Ayurveda. Journal ofAyurveda Physicians & Surgeons. 2019 6(2):17
- Vinod Rasalaand Gurdipsingh (2019): Role of Ksira-Paka of Arjuna (Terminalia arjuna) in Management of Chronic Myocardial Infarction. Journal of Ayurveda Physicians and Surgeons, April 2019 Volume 6 (2): 18-20
- Meena Sakhara, Behera and Gurdip singh. (2019): Role of Guduchyadi Medhya Rasayana in the Management of Anxiety Neurosis. Journal of Ayurveda Physicians and Surgeons April, 2019 Volume 6 (2):25-27.
- Sharma ML, Gurdipsingh and Behera BS (2019): Role of Saptaparni (Alastonia scholaris) in the Management of Shitapitta (Urticaria). Journal of Ayurveda Physicians and Surgeons April 2019, Volume 6(2): 28-30.
- Yadu Gopan, Totad Muttappa, Vasantha B., Kiran K. An open label single arm prospective clinical study on Vatagajankusha Rasa with Pippali Churna and Manjishta Kwatha as Anupana in Pakshaghata (CVA due to Infarct). J Ayurveda Integr Med Sci 2019;4(6):19-25.(ISSN 2456-3110)
- Mohd. Gulfam, Totad Muttappa, Neelam Bisht, Vishnu M L, Yadu Gopan. An open label single arm prospective clinical study on Vatagajankusharasa with Pippali Churna and Manjishta Kwatha as Anupana in Viswachi (cervical spondylosis). J Ayurveda Integr Med Sci 2020; 1:73-80
- Sreeja Sreekumar, Ravi Varma Raja H. Understanding Undifferentiated Connective Tissue Disorder and an Ayurvedic Approach with Shamana Chikitsa – A Review. Int J Ayu Pharm Chem 2020; 12(3):135-141 (e-ISSN 2350-0204)
- Sreeja Sreekumar, Ravi Varma Raja H. A comprehensive Ayurvedic management of peripheral vascular disease – A case report. AYUSHDHARA May June 2020; 7(3): 2745-2748(ISSN: 2393-9583 (P)/ 2393-9591 (O))
- Madhavi, Lakshmiprasad L. Jadhav. Clinical study to evaluate the effectiveness of Gavakshi Moola (Citrullus colocynthhis) Draava with Ksheera in Kamala (hepatocellular jaundice). J Ayurveda Integr Med Sci 2020;4: 26-30.
- Kiran K, Vasantha B, Muttappa Totad. Combined effectiveness of Maharasnadi Kashaya with Shunti Churna and Matra Basti with Ksheerabala Taila in Janu Sandhigata Vata (Osteoarthritis Knee) : An open label, single arm clinical study. J Ayurveda Integr Med Sci 2020; 4: 62-67.
- Sreedevi KS, Lakshmiprasad L. Jadhav, Girish KJ, Vibhu Powar. Kulathadi Kwatha and Talisapatradi Churna In Tamaka Shwasa (Bronchial Asthma) : An Open Label, Single Arm Clinical Study. J Ayurveda Integr Med Sci 2020; 4:37-44
- Usha K S, Gurdip Singh. Maha panchagavya ghrita in Apasmara (Epilepsy)– A ketosis perspective. International Ayurvedic Medical Journal Sep 2020;8(9):4569-4672
- Rohan Mohandas, Muttappa Totad, Vasantha B, Sphoorthi Narasimhan. An open label single arm prospective clinical study in the management of Pakshaghata (CVA due to infarct) with maharasnadi Kashaya and Shunti Churna. J Ayurveda Integr Med Sci 2020; 5:59-64
- Usha K S & Gurdip Singh: Menopause (Rajo Nivrutti) And Obesity (Sthoulya) – A Critical Review. International Ayurvedic Medical Journal 2020;8(11): 5116-20
- Vibhu Powar, Girish K J, Muttappa Totad. Multi- modal approach in the management of Cerbro vascular accident. RGUHS Journal of AYUSH Sciences July 2018; 5(2):33-36(Published in 2020)
- Vibhu P, Suchitra N P, Girish K J, Devika B, Gazala H. Pharmaceutical processing and standardization of Mahaushadhikwatha: an ayurveda formulation. Intl Journal of Biology, Pharmacy & Allied Sciences, June, 2021, 10(6): 1877-1884